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PhD Studentship - Experimental Studies on Quench of HTS High Field Magnets


Supervisory Team: Yifeng Yang

Project description

Applications are invited for a fully-funded Industrial CASE (iCASE) PhD studentship at the Institute of Cryogenics at the University of Southampton, a member of the Russell Group and ranked in the world’s top 100 Universities. The project is sponsored by Oxford Instruments Nanoscience, the first industrial spin-out company from Oxford University more than 50 year ago and a world leader in superconducting magnet systems. The project provides an excellent opportunity to work in the technology development team of a leading manufacturer of high technology research systems, and contribute to development of highly innovative products. The Institute of Cryogenics was founded in the 70s and has an established track record as a leading UK group in applied superconductivity with extensive collaborations with international academic and industrial organisations.

Next-generation high-temperature superconductors (HTS) have the potential to revolutionise superconducting research magnets, which are currently based on conventional low temperature superconductors (LTS). This project will involve hybrid superconducting magnets which combine HTS with LTS: the successful candidate will explore quench behaviour of HTS coils in such magnets, the limited understanding of which restricts the present ability to guard HTS coils from damage during quench.

The candidate will study a range of superconducting magnet coils to confirm the optimum construction and electrical protection for HTS coils during quench. The key aim of the project is to measure quench dynamics in hybrid LTS/HTS magnets and explore their response to quench management techniques. The project will also involve creation of computational models for parametric quench studies to aid the interpretation of experimental results and optimisation of coil design. The successful candidate will be required to spend a period of time working on coil fabrication at Oxford Instruments' Oxfordshire site. Testing will be carried out using a dedicated experimental setup at Southampton

Entry Requirements

A very good undergraduate degree (at least a UK 2:1 honours degree, or its international equivalent).

The funding available is competitive and will only be awarded to an outstanding applicant. As part of the selection process, the strength of the whole application is taken into account, including academic qualifications, personal statement, CV and references. Applicants should have a good first degree in applied physics or a relevant engineering subject. Ideally the candidate should have some experience in experimental physics, material-science, or mechanical/electrical engineering, but it is not necessary to have experience in superconductivity to apply. The study is planned to start no later than 31 Oct 2021

Closing date: applications should be received no later than 31 August 2021 for standard admissions, but later applications may be considered depending on the funds remaining in place.

Funding: The iCASE studentship covers the tuition fees for UK students and a stipend of £22,992 tax-free per annum for up to 3.5 years

How To Apply

Applications should be made online. Select programme type (Research), 2021/22, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering, next page select “PhD Engineering & Environment (Full time)”. In Section 2 of the application form you should insert the name of the supervisor Yifeng Yang

Applications should include:

Curriculum Vitae

Two reference letters

Degree Transcripts to date

Apply online:

For further information please contact: [email protected]

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