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Alexander Rogachev

Laboratory for Dynamics of Micro-heterogeneous Processes
Institute of structural macrokinetics and materials science Russian Academy of Sciences


1. Rogachev A.S., Mukasyan A.S. Combustion of heterogeneous nanostructured systems. Combust. Explos. Shock Waves, 2010, v.46 (3).
2. Rogachev A.S. Exothermal chemical waves in multilayer nano-foils. Russian Chem. Rev., 2008, v. 77(1), p. 22-38.
3. A.S.Rogachev, F.Baras Dynamical and statistical properties of high-temperature self- propagating fronts: An experimental study. Phys. Rev. E, 2009, v. 79, Issue 2, 026214.
4. Mukasyan A.S., Rogachev A.S. Discrete reaction waves: gasless combustion of solid powder mixtures. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2008, v.34 (3), p.377-416
5. Emília Illeková, Jean-Claude Gachon, Alex Rogachev, Hamazasp Grigoryan, Julius Clemens Schuster, Anton Nosyrev, Petr Tsygankov. Kinetics of intermetallic phase formation in the Ti/Al multilayers. Thermochimica Acta, 2008, v. 469(1-2), pp. 77-85.
6. Rogachev A.S., Baras F., Models of SHS (overview). International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (2007), v. 16(3), p. 141-153
7. O.K.Kamynina, S.G.Vadchenko, A.E.Sytschev, A.S.Rogachev, L.M.Umarov, N.V.Sachkova. High-porosity TiAl foam by volume combustion synthesis. International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (2007), v. 16(3), p. 137-140
8. Rogachev A.S., Baras F. Macrokinetics of combustion in heterogeneous media : Comparative analysis of homogeneous, layered and cellular models. Chapter 2 in the book “Combustion of heterogeneous systems: fundamentals and applications for materials synthesis” (A.S. Mukasyan and K.S.Martirosyan, eds.). Transworld Research network, India, 2007, p.41-65. ISBN: 81-7895-269-6.
9. Kurbatkina, V. V.; Levashov, E. A.; Rogachev, A. S. Mechanoactivation of SHS. Chapter 5 in the book “Combustion of heterogeneous systems: fundamentals and applications for materials synthesis” (A.S. Mukasyan and K.S.Martirosyan, eds.). Transworld Research network, India, 2007, p.131-141. ISBN: 81-7895-269-6.
10. A.S.Rogachev, J.-C.Gachon, H.E.Grigoryan, E.Illeková, N.F.Kochetov, F.N.Nosyrev, N.V.Sachkova, J.C.Schuster, M.R.Sharafutdinov, N.F.Shkodich, B.P.Tolochko, P.A.Tsygankov, I.Y.Yagubova Diffraction of synchrotron radiation for in situ study of the heterogeneous reactions mechanisms in lamellar composites, obtained by mechanical activation and magnetron sputtering. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Volume 575, 2007, p. 126-129
11. Levashov E.A., Kurbatkina V.V., Rogachev A.S., Kochetov N.A. Mechanoactivation of SHS systems and processes. International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (2007), v. 16(1), p. 46-50.
12. Rogachev A.S. Structure and phase formation in SHS-FGM. Advances in science and technology, vol.45 (2006), pp.1067-1074. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland
13. Gachon J.-C., Rogachev A.S., Grigoryan H.E., Illarionova E.V., Kuntz J.-J., Kovalev D.Yu. Nosyrev A.N, Sachkova N.V., Tsygankov P.A. On the mechanism of heterogeneous reaction and phase formation in the Ti/Al multilayer nanofilms. Acta Materialia, v. 53 (2005), p.1225-1231
14. Rogachev A.S., Gachon J.-C., Grigoryan H.E., Nosyrev A.N, Tsygankov P.A., Schuster J.C., Vrel D. Phase evolution during gasless combustion of the micro- and nano-heterogeneous systems: time-resolved study by synchrotron radiation diffraction analysis. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 543 (2005) p. 175-179.
15. Alexander S. Mukasyan, Alexander S. Rogachev, Michael Mercedes, Arvind Varma, Microstructural correlations between reaction medium and combustion wave propagation in heterogeneous systems. Chemical Engineering science, v.59 (2004), p.5099-5105.
16. Rogachev A.S., Gachon J.-C., Grigoryan H.E., Vrel D., Schuster J.C., Sachkova N.V. Phase evolution in the Ti-Al-B and Ti-Al-C systems during combustion synthesis: time resolved study by synchrotron radiation diffraction analysis. Journal of Materials Science, v. 40 (2005) p.2689-2691.
17. Rogachev A.S., Grigoryan H.E., Illarionova E.V., Kanel I.G., Merzhanov A.G., Nosyrev A.N., Sachkova N.V., Khvesyuk V.I., P.A.Tsygankov Gasless combustion of bimetal multilayer nono-foils Ti/Al. Combustion, explosion and shock waves (Fizika gorenia i vzryva), 2004, v.40, No.2, pp.45-51
18. Rogachev A.S. On micro-heterogeneous mechanism of gasless combustion. Fizika Gorenia Vzryva (translated to Combustion Explosion Shock Waves) 2003, v.39, №2, p.38-47.
19. Sharafutdinov Marat, Alexandrov Vladimir, Evdokov Oleg, Naumov Dmitry, Pirogov Boris, Pismenskaya Elena, Rogachev Alexander, Tolochko Boris. The study of Ni + Al self-propagating high-temperature synthesis using synchrotron radiation and a two-dimensional DED-5 detector. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2003, v.10, No.5, p. 384-386.
20. Merzhanov Alexander G., Rogachev Alexander S., Phase and structure transformations during self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS). Advances in Science and Technology (Faenza, Italy), 2003, v.31, p. 271-282.
21. Rogachev A.S. Dynamics of structure formation in SHS products. In the book: Self-Propagating High-temperature Synthesis of Materials (Anatoli A. Borisov, Luigi de Luca, and A. Merzhanov, editors). Combustion Science and Technology Series, v.5. Taylor & Francis. 2002. p.55-76.
22. Merzhanov A.G., Rogachev A.S. Discrete heat waves in active heterogeneous media: basic principles and introduction to the theory. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, v.74, Suppl.1, 2000, pp. S20-S27.
23. Varma A., Rogachev A.S., Mukasyan A.S., Hwang S., Complex behavior of self-propagating reaction waves in heterogeneous media. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA, 1998, v.95, p.11053-11058.
24. Grigoryan H.E., Rogachev A.S., Ponomarev V.I., Levashov E.A., Product structure formation at gasless combustion in Ti-Si-C system. International Journal of SHS, 1998, v.7, № 4, p.507-516.
25. Rogachev A.S. Characteristic features of the ceramic-metal materials produced by SHS: microstructural aspects. Proceedings of the 1st Russian-Japanese Workshop "Just before the jump into a New Millenium", 1998, Karlovy Vary, Check republic, p.10-13.
26. Hwang S., Mukasyan A.S., Rogachev A.S. and Varma A., Combustion wave microstructure in gas-solid reaction systems: experiment and theory. Combustion Science and Technology, 1997, v.123, pp.165-184.
27. Rogachev A.S., Macrokinetics of gasless combustion: the old problems and new approaches. International journal of SHS, 1997, v.6, № 2, pp.215-242.
28. Kachelmyer C.R., Khomenko I.O., Rogachev A.S., and Varma A., A time-resolved X-ray diffraction study of Ti5Si3 formation during combustion synthesis. J.Mater.Res., 1997, v.12, № 12, pp.3230-3240.
29. Grigoryan H.E., Pismenskaya E.B., Rogachev A.S. and Sytschev A.E., Particular features of combustion, structure and phase formation during SHS. In: Modern problems of combustion and its applications, Proceedings of the II International school-seminar, Minsk, 1997, pp.45-49.
30. Grigoryan H.E., Rogachev A.S. and Sytschev A.E., Gasless combustion in the Ti-Si-C system. International Journal of SHS, v.6, 1997, № 1, pp.29-39.
31. Mukasyan A., Pelech A., Varma A., Rogachev A. and Jenkins A., Effect of gravity on combustion synthesis in heterogeneous gasless systems. Journal of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA Journal), 1997, v. 35, № 12, pp.1821-1828.
32. Mukasyan A.S., Hwang S., Sytschev A.E., Rogachev A.S., Merzhanov A.G. and Varma A., Combustion wave microstructure in heterogeneous gasless systems. Combustion Science and Technology, 1996, v.115, pp.335-356.
33. Varma A., Kachelmyer C.R., and Rogachev A.S., Mechanistic studies in the combustion synthesis of aluminides and silicides. International Journal of SHS, 1996, v.5, № 1, pp.1-25.
34. Yi Hu-Chun, Varma A., Rogachev A.S. and McGinn P.J., Gravity-induced microstructural nonuniformities during combustion synthesis of intermetallic-ceramic composite materials. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,1996, v.35, № 9, p.2982-2985.
35. Merzhanov A.G., Borovinskaya I.P., Khomenko I.O., Mukasyan A.S., Ponomarev V.I., Rogachev A.S., Shkiro V.M. Dynamics of phase formation during SHS processes. Annales de Chimie Fr., 1995, v.20, pp.123-138.
36. Rogachev A.S., Varma A., Shugaev V.A., Khomenko I.O. and Kachelmeyer C.R. On the mechanism of structure formation during combustion synthesis of titanium silicides. Combustion Science and Technology, 1995, v.109, pp.53-70.
37. Kachelmyer C.R., Rogachev A.S. and Varma A., Mechanistic and processisng studies in combustion synthesis of niobium aluminides. Journal of Materials Research, 1995, v.10, № 9, p.2260-2270.
38. Merzhanov A.G. and Rogachev A.S. Structural macrokinetics of SHS processes. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 1992, v.64, No.7, pp.941-953.
Grade: Member

Member since June 30, 2011
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