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Alexander Kovarski

Research Center of Magnetic Spectroscopy
Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics


3 monographs, 28 reviews and book chapters, 6 high school text-books,
140 papers.
Recent publications:
A.L. Kovarski, A.V. Bychkova, O.N. Sorokina, V.V. Kasparov. Temperature Effects in the FMR Spectra of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Polymer Films and Viscous Fluid. Magnetic resonance in solids, v. 10 (2008) P. 25-30.
O.N.Sorokina, A.L.Kovarski. Pecularities of Electron Magnetic Resonance Spectra of the Linear Aggregates of Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles. In: Chemical and Biochemical Physics, Kinetic and Thermodynamics, Eds. P.E. Stott, G.E. Zaikov, V.F.Kablov. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA, N-Y, 2007, pp. 49-56.
Sorokina O.N., Bychkova A.V., Kovarski A.L. Application of Paramagnetic Sensor Technique for the Investigation of the System Containing Magnetic Particles. In Progress in Nanoparticles Research. Ed. C.T. Frisiras. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., USA, N-Y, 2008, p. 91 – 103.
A.A.Kuznetsov, V.I.Fillipov, T.A.Nikolskaya, A.P.Budko, A.L.Kovarskii, S.V.Zontov, B.Ya.Kogan, O.A.Kuznetsov. Biodestruction of doxorubicin and nanostructured ferrocarbon carrier particles in organism during magnetically controlled drug delivery // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2009, V.321, No. 10, pp.1575-1579.
A.V.Bychkova, O.N.Sorokina, A.B.Shapiro, A.P.Tikhonov, A.L.Kovarski. Spin Labels in the Investigation of Macromolecules Adsorption on Magnetic Nanoparticles. Open Colloid Science J.-2009, V.2, pp.15-19.
A.A.Kuznetsov, V.I.Fillipov, T.A.Nikolskaya, A.P.Budko, A.L.Kovarskii, S.V.Zontov, B.Ya.Kogan, O.A.Kuznetsov. Biodestruction of doxorubicin and nanostructured ferrocarbon carrier particles in organism during magnetically controlled drug delivery // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2009, V.321, No. 10, pp.1575-1579.

Grade: Member

Member since June 27, 2011
Contact Details
Address: 119334, Kosygin str., 4
Phone: +7(495)9156872
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