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Ahmad Jabbarzadeh

School of Aerospace Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
The University of Sydney


Chapter in Books:

1. *A. Jabbarzadeh "Nanotribology and lubrication at nanoscale: Molecular dynamics simulation studies", in NanoTech 2012 (Ed. M Laudon and B. Romanowicz),Taylor & Francis (CRC Press), Vol. 2, 2012, pp. 657-660.

2. * L. Ramin and A. Jabbarzadeh, "Odd-Even Effect in Self Assembly and Phase Transition of Alkanethiols Monolayers (SAMs) on Au (111) Surfaces ", in NanoTech 2011 (Ed. M Laudon and B. Romanowicz),Taylor & Francis (CRC Press), Vol. 1, 476-479 (2011). ISBN: 978-143987142-3.

3. *A. Jabbarzadeh "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Flow over a Nano-cylinder in a Rectangular Nano-channel", in NanoTech 2010 (Ed. M Laudon and B. Romanowicz),Taylor & Francis (CRC Press), Vol. 2, 733-736 (2010) ISBN: 978-143983402-2.

4. *A. Jabbarzadeh and R. I. Tanner, “Molecular dynamics simulation and its application in nano-rheology” Rheology Reviews, (Ed. D. M. Binding and K. Walters) 165-216 (2006).

5. *A. Jabbarzadeh, P. Harrowell and R. I. Tanner, “The effect of surface structure on properties of lubricant in molecular dynamics simulation of thin lubricant films” in Transient Processes in Tribology (Tribology Series), (ed. G. Dalmaz, AA Lubrecht , D. Dowson, M. Priest), Elsevier, 75-83 (2004).

6. *A Jabbarzadeh, J. D. Atkinson and R. I. Tanner, “Lubrication Process Near Wall Asperities: a Molecular Dynamics Study” in Tribology Research: From Model Experiment to Industrial Problem (ed G. Dalmaz et al ), Proc. of 27th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Elsevier, 779-785 (2001).

7. *A Jabbarzadeh, J. D. Atkinson and R. I. Tanner, “Effect of Branching on the Lubricant Properties: a Molecular Dynamics Study” in Boundary and Mixed Lubrication: Science and Applications (ed D. Dowson et al ), Proc. of 28th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Elsevier 231-240 (2002).

Refereed Journal Papers:

8. * L. Ramin and A. Jabbarzadeh, “Frictional Properties of Two Alkanethiol Self Assembled Monolayers in Sliding Contact: Odd-Even Effects”, Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, 174706 (2012).

9. * L. Ramin and A. Jabbarzadeh, “Effect of Load on Structural and Frictional Properties of Alkanethiol Self Assembled Monolayers on Gold: Some Odd-Even Effects”, Langmuir 28 ,4102–4112 (2012).

10. *L. Ramin and A. Jabbarzadeh, “Effect of compression on self assembled monolayers: a molecular dynamics study”, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 20 085010 (2012).

11. * L. Ramin and A. Jabbarzadeh, “Odd-even effects on the structure, stability, and phase transition of alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers”, Langmuir 27 (16), pp. 9748-9759 (2011).

12. *P Kittipoomwong, A. Jabbarzadeh. “Effect of fibre curvature on the rheology of particulate suspensions” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 166 (23-24) , pp. 1347-1355 (2011).

13. *A. Jabbarzadeh; R. Tanner; “Thin Lubricant films Confined between Crystalline Surfaces: Gold Versus Mica", Tribology International, 44 711–719 (2011).

14. *A. Jabbarzadeh and R.I. Tanner, “Flow Induced Crystallization: Unravelling the Effects of Shear Rate and Strain”, Macromolecules, 43, 8136–8142 (2010).

15. *A. Jabbarzadeh and R. I. Tanner, “Crystallization of Alkanes under Quiescent and Shearing Conditions” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 160, 11-21 (2009).

16. * R. I. Tanner and A. Jabbarzadeh, “Thin-film lubrication nano-rheology via molecular dynamics”, Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering (AJME), 5, 43-50 (2008).

17. *A. Jabbarzadeh, P. Harrowell, R. I. Tanner, “Crystal bridges, tetratic order, and elusive equilibria: The role of structure in lubrication films”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111, 11354-11365 (2007).

18. *A. Jabbarzadeh, P. Harrowell, R. I. Tanner, “The structural origin of the complex rheology in thin dodecane films: Three routes to low friction” Tribology International, 40 1574-1586 (2007).

19. *A. Jabbarzadeh, P. Harrowell and R.I. Tanner,” Crystal bridge formation marks the transition to rigidity in a thin lubrication film” Physical Review Letters, 96, 206102 (2006).

20. *A. Jabbarzadeh, P. Harrowell and R.I. Tanner, “Low friction lubrication between amorphous walls: unravelling the contributions of surface roughness and in-plane disorder”, Journal of Chemical Physics, 125, 034703 (2006).

21. *A. Jabbarzadeh, P. Harrowell and R. I. Tanner, “The very low friction state of a dodecane film confined between mica surfaces” Physical Review Letters, 94, 126103 (2005).

22. *A Jabbarzadeh, J. D. Atkinson and R. I. Tanner, “A Parallel Algorithm for Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Branched Molecules” Comput. Phys.Commun., 150 (2003) 65-84.

23. *A Jabbarzadeh, J. D. Atkinson and R. I. Tanner, “The Effect of Molecular Shape on Rheological Properties in Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Star, H, Comb and Linear Shape Polymer Melts” Macromolecules, 36 (2003) 5020-5031.

24. *A. Jabbarzadeh, J. D. Atkinson and R. I. Tanner,”The Effect of Branching on Slip and Rheological Properties of Lubricants in Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Couette Shear Flow” Tribology International 35 (2002) 35–46.
25. *A. Jabbarzadeh, J. D. Atkinson and R. I. Tanner, “The Effect of the Wall Roughness on Slip and Rheological Properties of Hexadecane in Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Couette Shear Flow between Two Sinusoidal Walls” Physical Review E 61 (2000)690-699.
26. *A. Jabbarzadeh, J. D. Atkinson and R. I. Tanner, “Wall Slip in the Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Thin Films of Hexadecane,” J. Chemical Physics, 110 (1999) 2612-2620.
27. *A. Jabbarzadeh, J. D. Atkinson and R. I. Tanner, “Nanorheology of Molecularly Thin Films of n-Hexadecane in Couette Shear Flow by Molecular Dynamics Simulation,” J. of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 77(1998) 53-78.

28. *A. Jabbarzadeh, J. D. Atkinson and R. I. Tanner, “Rheological Properties of Thin Liquid Films by Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” J. of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 69/2-3(1997) 169-193.

29. *A. Jabbarzadeh, J. D. Atkinson and R. I. Tanner, “Parallel Simulation of Shear Flow of Polymers Between Structured Walls By Molecular Dynamics Simulation on PVM,” Journal of Computational Physics Communication, 107 (1997) 123-136.

Refereed Conference Papers/Presentations
30. *A. Jabbarzadeh, “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Flow in nano-Channels”, 3rd Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2013), 18-20 September, in Stuttgart, Germany (2013) (Invited Talk, 8 Feb, 2013).

31. *A. Jabbarzadeh,"Friction force anisotropy in molecularly thin films", World Tribology Congress, Torino, Italy, (2013). (Accepted 9 Feb, 2013 for oral presentation)

32. *A. Jabbarzadeh and R.I. Tanner, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation Studies Of Polymer Crystallization”, XVIth International Congress on Rheology, 5-10 Aug 2012 Lisbon, Portugal (Oral presentation, book of abstracts).

33. *A. Jabbarzadeh, “Detecting Local Molecular Order and Stresses in Flow Induced Polymer Crystallization”, in Proceedings of 7th International Symposium Molecular Mobility and Order in Polymer Systems, St. Petersburg, pp70. (2011).

34. *Ramin, L, A. Jabbarzadeh, 2011, Odd-Even effects on tribology of self assembled monolayers, Proceedings of the ASME/STLE 2011 International Joint Tribology Conference, October 24-26, 2011, Los Angeles, California, USA, IJTC2011-61150/1-3 (2011).

35. *L. Ramin and A. Jabbarzadeh, “Effect Of Loading And Shear Rate On Tribological Behaviour Of Dodecanethiol Self Assembled Monolayer On Au(111): A Molecular Dynamic Simulation Study.”, Proceedings of the STLE/ASME 2010 International Joint Tribology Conference, USA, 2010, NIJT C2010-41095/1-4.

36. *A. Jabbarzadeh and L. Ramin, “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Alkanethiol Self assembled monolayers on Au(111): Effects of Loading and Chain Size on Tribology and Film Structure”, Proc. International Tribology Congress ASIATRIB 2010 Perth, Australia, 2010, 1126-1.

37. *A. Jabbarzadeh and R.I. Tanner, "Separating the effects of shear rate and strain on flow induced crystallization of polymers by large scale molecular simulations", Proceeding of International Soft Mater Conference 2010, in Ed. R. Hidalgo-Alvarez& F Martinez-Lopez, p. 73 (2010). (ISBN 978-84-338-5131-4 )

38. P. Kittipoomwong, A. Jabbarzadeh; See, Howard , Dynamic simulation of fiber suspensions, The Society of Rheology 82nd Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, pp 67 (2010). (Oral presentation, book of abstracts)

39. P. Kittipoomwong, A Jabbarzadeh and H See, Dissipative particle dynamics simulation of particulate suspensions, Proc. Society of Rheology 81st Annual Meeting, Madison Wisconsin, 18-22 Oct. 2009. (Poster presentation, book of abstracts).

40. *A. Jabbarzadeh, F. Qi, and R.I. Tanner, “Thin Lubricant Films between Gold Surfaces: A Molecular Dynamics Study”, Advances in Boundary Lubrication and Boundary Surface Films, Seville, Spain, March 29 - April 3, 2009. (Oral presentation, book of abstracts).

41. *L. Ramin, A. Jabbarzadeh, “Study of Rheological Properties of Dodecanethiol Self Assembled Monolayers on Gold Using Molecular Dynamic Simulation”, Proc. 5th Australian-Korean Rheology Conference,1-4 November 2009, Sydney, Australia, pp 37(Oral presentation, book of abstracts).

42. *A. Jabbarzadeh and R.I. Tanner, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polymer Crystallization, Proc. 5th Australian-Korean Rheology Conference,1-4 November 2009, Sydney, Australia, pp 36. (Oral presentation, book of abstracts).

43. *P Kittipoomwong, H. See and A Jabbarzadeh, Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation of Particulate Suspensions, Proc. 5th Australian-Korean Rheology Conference, Sydney Australia, 1-4 Nov. 2009, pp 12. (Oral presentation, book of abstracts).

44. *A. Jabbarzadeh and R.I. Tanner, “Complex rheology of molecularly thin films and the role of surface and structure”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1027 (2008), XVth International Congress on Rheology, pp. 1063-1065.

45. *A. Jabbarzadeh, and R.I. Tanner, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Crystallization under Quiescent and Shearing Conditions”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 963 (2007), Computation in Modern Science and Engineering, vol. 2, Part B, 1236-1239.

46. *A. Jabbarzadeh, J. D. Atkinson and R. I. Tanner, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Linear, Star, H and Comb Shaped Molecules” Proc. XIVth Int. Congress on Rheology, Seoul, Korea, 2004, NA19-pp.1-3.

47. *A. Jabbarzadeh, P. Harrowell and R. I. Tanner, “Nano-rheology: Study of lubrication at the frontier”, Australian-Korean Joint Rheology Conference, Cairns, July 17-20, 2005. (Oral presentation, book of abstracts).

48. *A. Jabbarzadeh, P. Harrowell and R. I. Tanner, “molecular dynamics simulation of thin lubricant films: The effect of surface structure on the response of confined films of dodecane to shear” Fourth International Conference on Tribology of Information Storage Devices, (TISD 2003), Monterey, California USA 2003. (Oral presentation, book of abstracts).

49. *R. I. Tanner, A. Jabbarzadeh and S. C. Xue,” Computations at Sharp Corners” Proceeding of XIII international Congress of Rheology, Cambridge, UK 2000, V.2 181-183.

50. *A. Jabbarzadeh, J. D. Atkinson and R. I. Tanner “ Couette Shear Flow Between Sinusoidal Walls a Molecular Dynamics Study” Proceeding of XIII international Congress of Rheology, Cambridge, UK 2000, V.2, 20-23.

51. *A. Jabbarzadeh, P. Harrowell and R. I. Tanner, “molecular dynamics simulation of thin lubricant films: The effect of surface structure on the response of confined films of dodecane to shear” Fourth International Conference on Tribology of Information Storage Devices, (TISD 2003), Monterey, California USA 2003.

52. A. Jabbarzadeh, J. D. Atkinson and R. I. Tanner, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Linear, Star, H and Comb Shaped Molecules” Proc. XIVth Int. Congress on Rheology, Seoul, Korea, 2004.
Grade: Member

Member since June 22, 2011
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Address: The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
Phone: +61293512344
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