1. John Peter A and K .Navaneethakrishnan, SEMICONDUCTOR – METAL TRANSITIONIN MANY VALLEY SEMICONDUCTORS, Phys. Stat. Sol 220 (2000) 897.
2. John Peter A and K .Navaneethakrishnan, SEMICONDUCTOR – METAL TRANSITION QUASI TWO DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS, Solid State Commun. 120 (2001) 393.
3. John Peter A and K.Navaneethakrishnan, SEMICONDUCTOR – METAL TRANSITION IN A SQUARE QUANTUM WIRE SYSTEM, Physica E15 (2002) 153.
4. John Peter A and K .Navaneethakrishnan, SEMICONDUCTOR – METAL TRANSITION QUANTUM WELL SYSTEM, Solid State Commun. 122 (2002) 655.
5. John Peter A and K .Navaneethakrishnan, SEMICONDUCTOR – METAL TRANSITION QUANTUM WELL SYSTEM II, Physica E 16 (2003) 223.
12. A.John Peter, Behaviour of well width of a quantum two dimensional metal insulator transition, Physica E 25 (2005) 569.
13. A.John Peter, The effect of hydrostatic pressure in metal insulator transition in two dimensional semiconductor systems II, International Journal of Nanoscience 4 (2005) 1.
14. A.John Peter, The effect of hydrostatic pressure on binding energy of impurity states in spherical quantum dots, Physica E 28/3(2005) 225.
15. A. John Peter and K .Navaneethakrishnan, Metal insulator transition in a quantum well under the influence of electric field, Physica B 366 (2005) 146.
16. A. John Peter, K.Gnasekaran and K.Navaneethakrishnan, Biniding energy of impurity states in a parabolic quantum dot in a strong magnetic field, Physica Status Solidi 242 (2005) 2480.
17. A.John Peter, Metal –insulator transition in a Quantum well under the influence of magnetic field , Physica E, 31(2006) 125.
18. A.John Peter, Non Achievability of Metal Insulator transition in 2D systems, Chinese Physics Letters 4 (2006) 3.
19. A.John Peter, Binding energy of acceptors in semimagnetic quantum dots, International Journal of Nanoscience 5 (2006) 173
20. A.John Peter, The effect of quantum confinement on the binding energy of hydrogenic impurities in a spherical quanutm dot, International J.Modern Physics Letters B 20/17 (2006) 1127.
21. A.John Peter, Polarizabilities of shallow donor in a spherical quantum dot with parabolic confinement, Physics Letters A 355 (2006) 59.
22. A.John Peter, Bound Polaron in a quantum well in the influence of an electric field, International J.Modern Physics B 20 (2006) 21.
23. A. John Peter, K.Gnasekaran and K.Navaneethakrishnan,The combined effects of electric and magnetic fields on confined donor states in a parabolic semimagnetic quantum dot, Euro.Physics Journal B, 53 (2006) 283.
24. A. John Peter and K.Navaneethakrishnan, Metal Insulator transition in a semimagnetic parabolic quantum well, Physica E 36 (2007) 45
25. A. John Peter, Hydrogenic impurities in cylindrical GaAs /GaAlAs quantum well wires in a strong magnetic field, Physica E 35 (2007) 115
26. A.John Peter, Effect of Magnetic fields on binding energy of impurity states in a semimagnetic parabolic quantum dot, International J.Modern Physics B 21(No.17) (2007) 3035.
27. A. John Peter and K.Navaneethakrishnan, Simultaneous effects of pressure and temperature in a on donors in a GaAlAs/GaAs qua num well, Supperlattices and Nanostructures 43 (2007) 63-71.
28. A.John Peter, Binding energy of ground and excited states of shallow donors in semimagnetic quantum dots, Journal of Computational and Theoretical NanoScience 5 (2007) 1-6
29. A. John Peter and K .Navaneethakrishnan, Effects of position dependent effective mass and dielectric function of a hydrogenic donor in a quantum dot, Physica E 40/8 (2008) 2747.
30. A. John Peter, Polarizabilities of shallow donors in finite Barrier quantum dots, Superlattices and Microstructures 44 (2008) 106.
31. A.John Peter, Simultanous effects of pressure and magnetic field on donors in a parabolic quantum dot, Solid State. Communication 296 (2008)300
32. A.John Peter and Vemuri Lakshminarayana,Effets of efectric field on the electronic ststes in a GaAs/GaAlAs quantum dot with different confinements, Chinese Physics Letters 25/8 (2008) 2007.
33. A.John Peter, Electron-spin polarization on a non-magnetic heterostructure, Physics Letters A 372 (2008) 5242
34. A.John Peter and L.Caroline Sugirtham,Magnetic studies of metal insulator transition in a quantum well system, International Journal of Nanoscience 7(4&5) (2008) 207
35. A.John Peter and S.Saravanakumar, Two interacting electron in low lying states in a spherical quantum dot, Physica E 41 (2008) 138.
36. A.John Peter (Invited Review), Impurity states of donors in a diluted magnetic quantum dot, J. Computation and Theoretical Nanoscience 5 (2008) 1.
37. A.John Peter and K.Navaneethakrishnan, Simultaneous Effects Of Pressure And Temperature on Donors In A GaAlAs/GaAs Quantum Well, Supperlattices and Nanostructures 43 (2008) 63.
38. A.John Peter , Binding Energy Of Ground And Excited States Of Shallow, Donors In Semimagnetic Quantum Dots ,Journal of Computational and Theoretical NanoScience 5 (2008)1-6.
39. A.John peter & K.Navaneethakrishnan, Effects of Position Dependent Effective Mass and Dielectric Function of a Hydrogenic Donor in a Quantum Dot , Physica E 40/8 (2008) 2747.
40. A.John Peter and K.Lilly Mary Eucharista, Optically induced magnetization in a diluted magnetic quantum dot, J.Magnetism and Magnetic materials 321 (2009) 402.
41. A.John Peter and L.Caroline Sugirtham ,Spatial dependent effective mass for donor binding energies in a quantum well in the influence of an electric field, J. Computation and Theoretical Nanoscience 6 (2009) 157.
42. A.John Peter and M.Santhi, Electric field and intense radiation effects on the hydrogenic donor impurities of a cylindrical nano-wire, J. Computation and Theoretical Nanoscience 6/3 (2009) 533-536
43. A.John Peter and S.Saravanakumar, Effects of electron-electron interactions in a parabolic quantum dot under the influence of magnetic field, J. Computation and Theoretical Nanoscience 6 (2009)1-5.
44. A.John Peter and K.Lilly Mary Eucharista, Effects of concentration on magnetization in a diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dot, Solid State Communication 142 (2009)406.
45. A.John Peter and J.Ebenezar, Diamagnetic susceptibility of a confined in a quantum dot with different confinements, J. Scientific. Research 1(2) (2009) 200.
46. A.John Peter and K .Navaneethakrishnan, Hydrogenic donor in a spherical quantum dot with different confinements, Chinese Physics Letters 4 (2009) 038709.
47. A.John Peter, Shallow donor impurity binding energy in a V-shaped quantum well under intense laser field, J. Computation and Theoretical Nanoscience 6 (2009)1-4.
48. N.Radhakrishnan and A.John Peter, Polaronic effects on in low dimensional semiconductor systems, J. Scientific Research 1(3) (2009)422.
49. A.Vanitha and A.John Peter, The effect of non-parabolicity on binding energy of ground and excited states in a corrugated quantum well, Superlattices and Microstructures 46 (2009) 679.
50. A.John Peter and K.Lilly Mary Eucharista, Spin polarization and exchange interaction in a diluted magnetic semiconductor, Advances in Condensed matter Physics 2009 (2009) DOI:10.1155/2009/561201)
51. M.Santhi and A.John Peter, Intense field effects on shallow donor impurities in a quantum wire, Euro.J.Physics B 71 (2009) 225.
52. A.John Peter, The effect of position dependent effective mass of hydrogenic impurities in parabolic GaAs/GaAlAs quantum dots in a strong magnetic field , Int.J.Modern Physics B 23 (2009) 5109.
53. N.Radhakrishnan and A.John Peter, Polaronic effect on laser dressed donor impurities in a quantum well, Physica E 41 (2009)1841.
54. A.John Peter, Metal insulator transition due to shallow donors in a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well, Physica E 42/2 (2009) 91-94.
55. M.Santhi and A.John Peter, Laser and electric field dependence on donor impurity in a quantum wire, J.Opto.Elect.Adv.Mat. 11/5 (2009) 565-570.
56. N.Radhakrishnan and A.John Peter, Polaronic Effect In Low Dimensional Semiconductor Systems (In Press, J. SCI. RES.1(3),422,2009.
57. A.John Peter and K. Lily Mary Eucharista, Spin Polarization And Exchange Interaction In A Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor (Advances In Condensed Matter Physics 2009, Article Id 561201, DOI:10.1155/2009/561201)
58. N.Angayarkanni And A.John Peter, Polaronic Excitons in a GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs Double Quantum Well Semiconductor Heterostructure (Superlattices And Microstructures 47 (2010) 762.
59. A.John Peter and J.Ebenezar, Diamagnetic Susceptibility Of A Confined Donor In A Quantum Dot With Differents, J. Sci. Res. 1 (2) (2009) 200-208.
60. M.Santhi and A.John Peter, Energy of excitons in a cylindrical quantum wire under the influence of laser field intensity,Physica E, 42/ 5 (20110)1643-1647.
61. A.John Peter, Diamagnetic susceptibility of a laser dresses donor in a quantum well, Superlattices and Microstructures 47/3, (2010) 442-451.
62. A.Vanitha and A.John Peter, Effects of applied magnetic field on the infrared transition between hydrogenic states in a corrugated quantum well, Euro.J.Physics B 73 (2010) 547
63. S.Mahalaksmi and A. John Peter. The effect of nonparabolicity and a dielectric function on a laser dressed donor impurity in an inverse quantum well, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 7 (2010) 1187-1193
64. M.Pattammal and A.John Peter, Hydrogenic impurity states in a zinc blende ingan quantum well, Applied Surface Science 256 (2010) 6748–6752.
65. N.Angayarkanni and A.John Peter , Polaronic excitons in a GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs double-quantum-well semiconductor heterostructure, Superlattices and microstructures 47 (2010)762-771.
66. K.Mathan Kumar and A.John Peter, Exciton Binding Energy in ZnSe Wide Bandgap Quantum Wells, Superlattices and Microstructure, 48 (2010), pp. 401-407.
67. A.John Peter And Jin-Liang Zheng, Spin Polaron in a Diluted Parabolic Magnetic Quantum Well Commun. Theor. Phys. 53 (2010) 782
68. M.Revathi and A.John Peter, Donor Bound Excitons Confined in a GaN/Ga1-xAlxN Quantum dot, Solid State Communications 150 (2010) 816-819.
69. A.John peter And Jin-Liang Zheng, Spin Polaron In A Diluted Parabolic Magnetic Quantum Well, Chinese Theoretical Physics, 53/ 4 (2010)782.
70. A.John Peter, The Effect Of Laser Field Intensity On Polarizability In A Quanutm Well, phys. Lett. A 374 (2010) 2170–2174.
71. J. Ebenezar, N.Radhakrishnan and A. John Peter, Polaronic Excitons In An Unstrained GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wire, Physica B, 405 (2010)3350.
72. M. Santhi and A.John Peter, The Binding Energy Of Excitons In A Cylindrical Quantum Wire Under The Influence Of Laser Field Intensity (Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems And Nanostructures 42/5 (2010) 1643-1647.
73. J.Joseph Sharkey, Changkyoo Yoo And A.John Peter, Magnetic Field Induced Diamagnetic Susceptibility Of A Hydrogenic Donor In A GaN/AlGaN Quantum Dot (Superlattices and Microstructure 48/2 (2010) 248-25.
74. J. Ebenezar, N.Radhakrishnan And A. John Peter, Acceptor Binding Energies in a GaMnAs Quantum Well, J.comp.Theo.Nano Sci. 7 ( 2010) 1–5.
75. M.Revathi, ChangKyoo Yoo and A.John Peter, Magneto-Exciton in a GaN/Ga1-xAlxN Quantum dot, Physica E 43 (2010) 322–326.
76. A.John Peter, Effects of Weak Magnetic Field on Rashba Spin Orbit Interaction in Spin Dependent Resonant Transmission in A ZnSe/Zn1-XMnx Se Heterostructure, (Int. J. Nanoparticles, Vol. 3/2,138-148, 2010).
77. N.Arunachalam and A.John Peter, Positive and Negative Donor impurity in InAs/AlAs Quantum Wire, ( J.Sci.Research, 2/3, 433(2010).
78. A.John peter, Spontaneous spin polarization of electrons in SiGe/Si heterostructure, Int.J.Nanosci.9/5, 503-509(2010).
79. Changkyoo Yoo and A.John Peter, Quantum Size Effects on Excitons in InAs/InP Quantum Dots (Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, Volume 405, Issue 22, p. 4638-4642, 2010).
80. A.Vanitha and A.John Peter, Rashba spin-orbit splitting energy of a pressure induced hydrogenic donor impurity in a corrugated quantum well (Physics Letters A, 375 (2010) 208–213.
81. N.Angayarkanni, Changkoo Yoo and A.John Peter, Positively and negatively charged donor in GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs double quantum wells in the influence of magnetic field ( EPJB, 78,489-496, 2010).
82. A.Vanitha, Changkyoo Yoo and A.John Peter, Simultaneous Effects Of Magnetic Field And Electric Field Induced Donor Binding Energies Of A Hydrogenic Impurity In A Corrugated Quantum Well, J. Computation Theoretical Nanoscience 8 (2010) 1–6.
83. N.Arunachalam, ChangKyoo Yoo and A.John Peter, Magnetic Field Induced Donor Exciton Binding Energy In Strained InAs/InP Quantum Wires, (Superlattices and Microstruct., 49 (2011) 43–51.
84. N.Radhakrishnan and A.John Peter, Laser Effects In Excitons In A Quantum Wire, J of Quantum Chemistry, 111 (2011) 661-668.
85. *J. Joseph Sharkey, V. Dhanasekaran and A.John Peter, Optical characterization of cadmium sulphide films, Chemical Physics Letters 503 (2011) 86–90.
86. P.Nalini and A.John Peter, Energy Gap Dependence on Mn Content in a Quantum Well, Chinese Physics Letters, 28 (2011) 047501-047504.
87. Chang Woo Lee and A.John Peter, Radiative life time of an exciton confined in a strained GaN/Ga1-xAlxN cylindrical quantum dot: the built-in electric field effects Chinese Physics B, 20, No.7 (2011).
88. *C.Vijayan, M. Pandiaraman, N. Soundararajan, R. Chandramohan, V. Dhanasekaran K. Sundaram, T. Mahalingam and A. John Peter, Structural and optical properties of Ag2SeTe nano thin films synthesized by thermal evaporation, J.Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 22(2011)545-550.
89. N.Radhakrishnan and A.John Peter, Effect of magnetic field of diamagnetic susceptibility of two interacting electrons in a quantum dot, Int. J of Quant. Chem.111(5) (2011) 1101-1107.
National Publications:
90. A.John Peter and M. Santhi, Laser dressed donor impurity in quantum wires in the influence of electric field, Solid State Physics 53 (2008) 1055
91. A.John Peter and K.Lilly Mary Eucharista, Laser dressed donor impurity in quantum wires in the influence of electric field, Solid State Physics 53 (2008) 1055.
92. K.Ramya and A.John Peter, Polaronic Effects on the Binding Energy of a Hydrogenic Impurity in a Quantum Dot, Solid state Physics , 54,(2009) 683
93. M.Santhi and A. John Peter, Wannier-Mott Exciton in a Cylindrical Quantum Wire, Solid State Physics 54 (2009) 273.
94. N.Radhakrishnan and A. John Peter, Acceptor Bound Spin Polaron in a GaMnAs Quantum Well, Solid State Physics 54 (2009) 975.
95. * J.Joseph sharkey and A.John Peter, Photosensitivity of undoped ZnO and Cd doped ZnO Films) no. PEFM-A-058, DAE-BRNS (To be published in AIP Proceedings.
96. *V. Dhanasekaran, A. John Peter, R. Chandramohan, T. Mahalingam,C. Vijayan and N. Soundararajan, Preparation, Structural And Optical Properties Of Ag2SeTe Nano Thin Films Synthesized By Thermal Evaporation, PEFM-A-095 (To be published in AIP Proceedings).
International Research Papers in Press:
97. A.John Peter, Infrared Photoconductivity of GaAs Quantum Dot Heterostructures, in Press, International Journal of Modern Physics B
98. A.John Peter, Electron tunneling in an asymmetry heterostructure in the influence of both Dresselhaus and Rashba spin–orbit terms (In Press, Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences, on 22.08.2010).
99. A.John Peter and V.Annamalai, Excitons and charged excitons confined in a strained CdTe/CdMgTe quantum dot (In Press, Global J.Physics Express, 01.01.2011).
100. A.John Peter, Effect of Conduction Band Non-Parabolicity on the Donor States In Zinc-Blende GaN/AlGaN quantum dot (In Press, I.J.Nano Particles, 05.12.10)
101. N.Angayarkanni, Chang Woo Lee, and A.John Peter, Magneto-photoionization of charged exciton in a double quantum well heterostructure in the influence of electric field ( Press, J.Comp.Theo.NanoScience, 22.02.11).
102. P.Poothathan and A.John Peter, Quantum Size Effect on Excitons in GaxIn1-xP/GaAs Quantum Well (In Press, Physica E, 25.02.2011).
103. M.Pattammal and A.John Peter and ChangKoo Lee, Radiative life time of confined excitons in InxGa1-xN/GaN quantum wire (In Press, Superlattices and Microstructures 20.05.11).
104. N.Angayarkanni and A.John Peter, Laser field induced intersubband absorption in a strained GaAs/GaAlAs double quantum well system ( In Press, Sol.Stat.Commun. 10.1016/j.ssc.2011.06.011).
Communicated :
105. N.Radhakrishnan and A. John Peter, Magnetic Field Dependence of the Binding Energy of Hydrogenic Impurities in a Zinc-Blende InGaN Quantum Dot (Communicated To Physica B, 30.06.09).
106. A.John Peter, Spontaneous Spin Polarization of Electrons By Diluted Magnetic Heterostructures ( Revised J.Modern Physics, USA, 03.09.10).
107. A. John Peter, Magnetic Field Dependence of The Binding Energy Of Hydrogenic Impurities in a Zinc-Blende InGaN Quantum dot (communicated to Physica B, 30.06.09).
108. S.Saravanakumar and A.John Peter, Diamagnetic Susceptibility of two electrons in a GaAs/GaAlAs quantum dot (Communicated to Physica E, 20.03.11).
109. A.John Peter, Pressure induced electron-spin polarization in a non-magnetic heterostructure (Applied Physics Letter, 14.04.11)
110. *J.Joseph Sharkey and A.John Peter, Preparation and Characterization of CdS Nanodots ( J. of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 30.08.10).
111. *ChangKyoo Yoo and A.John Peter, Numerical model and experimental verification of energy gap dependence on Cd content in a ZnO/ CdxZn1-xO quantum dot ( Communicated to J. Material Science, 15.04.11).
112. *J.Joseph Sharkey and A.John Peter Numerical model and experimental verification of interband emission energy in a synthesized CdxZn1-xO/ZnO nanocrystal Quantum well (Communicated to Applied Physics A, 29.05.11).
113. *J.Joseph Sharkey, ChangKyoo Yoo and A.John Peter, Synthesis, morphological, optical characterization and size quantization effect of CdS films and powders (Communicated to Current Applied Phys, 15.04.11)
114. R. Chandramohan, A.John Peter, V. Dhanasekaran, T.A. Vijayan, R. Arumugam, H. B. Ramalingam and T. Mahalingam, Optical properties of Al doped ZnO nanorod thin films (communicated to Thin Solid Films, 04.09.10).
115. *Thanikaikarasan, T. Mahalingam, V. Dhanasekaran, and A. John Peter, Structural and magnetic properties of larger moment electroplated CuO thin films (communicated to J.Material Science, 20.07.2010)
116. *K. Sundaram, T. Mahalingam, V. Dhanasekaran, and A. John Peter, Structural and magnetic properties of larger moment electroplated CoNiFe thin films (communicated to JACP., 21.07.2010).
117. *V. Dhanasekaran, T. Mahalingam, A. John Peter and K.Sundaram, Effect of deposition potential of microstructural properties on ZnSe thin films (communicated to Thin solid Films, 24.06.10).
118. *V. Dhanasekaran, T. Mahalingam, A. John Peter and K.Sundaram, Optical properties of electrodeposited ZnSe thin films (Communicated to Optical communications, 27.06.10).
119. A.Balakumari and A.John Peter, Quantum size effects in type II quantum wells (Communicated to Physics Letters A, 08.01.11)
120. S.Sasi kumar, K.Sundarama, A.John Petera,J.J.Sharkey and Chang Woo Lee
Electronic and optical properties of synthesised CdS/CdZnS nanocrsytals: numerical and experimental verification (Communicated to J.Appl.Physics D, 21.05.11).
121. A.Vanitha and A.John Peter, Photoionization of donor impurity in a corrugated quantum well ( Communicated to J. optics communication, 28.03.2011).
122. J.Joseph Sharkey and A.John Peter, Photosensitivity of undoped ZnO And Cd Doped ZnO Films ( Communicated to J. of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 30.12.10).
123. N.Angayarkanni and A.John Peter Effects of hydrostatic pressure on intrawell and interwell excitons in a GaAs/GaAlAs double quantum well system ( Communicated to Physica B 17.01.11).
124. J.J.Sharkey,A.John Peter and CW Lee, Interband Absorption coefficients of the electronic states calculated for CdZnS nanocrystals grown by Sol-gel method, (Communicated to IEEE, quantum electronics. 10.05.2011).
125. J.Joseph Sharkey ,Chang Kyoo Yoo and A.John Peter Optical bandgap of aluminium doped nanostructured zinc oxide crystal- experimental and numerical verification ( Communicated to Appl.Surf.Sci.25.04.2011)
126. A.John Peter* and Chang Woo Lee Intraband absorption coefficients in a stained CdS/CdZnS quantum dot ( communicated to CAP, 06.06.2011).
127. A.John Peter* and Chang Woo Lee, Interband absorption coefficients in a stained CdO/CdZnO quantum dot ( communicated to Physcia B, 24.05.2011).
128. K.Mathan Kumar, A.John Peter* and Chang Woo Lee, Optical absorption coefficients in a polar quantum dot nanostructure, (J.Comp.theo.Nanoscience, 04.06.2011).
129. K.Mathan Kumar, A.John Peter* and Chang Woo Lee, Optical absorption coefficients of a bound polaron in a polar quantum dot nanostructure (Superlattices and Microstructures, 06.06.2011).
130. K.Mathan Kumar, A.John Peter* and Chang Woo Lee, Optical absorption and refraction index change of a confined exciton in a polar quantum dot nanostructure (Communicated to EBJB, 08.06.2011).