Research interests focus on the change of the physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials in size-dependent first order phase transformations. I investigate size-dependent energy-related issues of nanosized films and nanoparticles concerning their stability and performance, isobaric temperature-composition phase diagrams of multicomponent nanosystems, size-induced kinetics of colloidal solutions, nanosized phase growth kinetics and а binary diffusion couple, isolated nanoparticles, metastable alloys specifically targeting the influence of the characteristic size on the phase transformation, structure and diffusion activity of various materials during isothermal annealing.
Of special interest is highlighting the role of size effect in such phenomena as:
- melting and crystallization of continuous metal and alloy films (including multilayers),
- phase separation / decomposition in solutions and metallic systems,
- surface-induced size effects in nanomaterials;
- lattice parameter variation in metallic nanosystems,
- width of the thermal hysteresis cycle in a nanopowder during the first order phase transformation,
- microstructure and properties of metallic systems,
- property changes induced by changes of atom-atom interactions,
- diffusion and reactive diffusion in multicomponent systems.Projects
2014/2015 – Germany-Ukraine DAAD Project A/14/02389 “Nanophase diagrams and size-dependent properties of thin metallic films and multilayers”.
2009/2010 Germany-Ukraine joint BMBF-Project UKR 08/020 and Ukrainian Agreement № М/235-2009 “Stability of new phases in nanosystems under the influence of size-induced effects”.
2009/2010 Joint Russian-Ukrainian Project Ф.28.7/049 of the Fund for Fundamental Research of Ukraine and 09-08-90406 of Russian Fund for Fundamental Research.
2008/2009 – Germany-Ukraine DAAD Project A/08/01715 “Influence of size- and depletion-induced effects on formation and evolution of new phases in nanosystems”.
2004/2005 – INTAS Project of European Commission 03-55-1169 named “Nucleation and phase separation in nanosystems – thermodynamics and kinetics (effects of size, shape, chemical environment, external surface tension, interfacial tension, depletion, segregations, strains on physical properties, phase transformations, equilibrium diagrams, solubility)”.
2003/2004 – Personal Scientific Grant of Ukrainian Government (‘Cabinet of Ministers’ of Ukraine) for young gifted scientists.Publications
More than 80 peer-reviewed publications in international journals: Philosophical Magazine A, Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials, Acta Materialia, Nanotechnology, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Defect and Diffusion Forum…
Selected peer-reviewed publications:
1. Shirinyan, A. (2015): Two-phase equilibrium states in individual cu-ni nanoparticles: size, depletion and hysteresis effect / Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, Vol.6, 1811-1820. URL: Doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.185.
2. Shirinyan, A., Bilogorodskyy Yu. (2012): Atom-atom interactions in continuous metallic nanofilms. / Physics of Metals and Metallography, Vol.13, № 9, 823-830. URL: DOI:10.1134/S0031918X12090116.
3. Shirinyan, A. S. (2010): Reactive diffusion in a binary solid-state nanosystem. / Solid State Physics, 52, 1267-1275.
4. Shirinyan, A. S., Kudyn, M. P. (2008): The effect of selfsaturation in an alloy as the criterion of the beginning of the coalescence state. / Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 53, 50-60.
5. Shirinyan, A., Wautelet, M., Belogorodsky, Y. (2006): Solubility diagram of Cu-Ni nanosystem. / Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 18, 2537-2551. URL:
6. Shirinyan, A., Gusak, A., Wautelet, M. (2005): Phase diagram versus diagram of solubility: What is the difference for nanosystems? / Acta Materialia, 53, 5025-5032.
7. Shirinyan, A.S., Wautelet, M. (2004): Phase separation in nanoparticles. / Nanotechnology, 15, 1720-1731. URL:
8. Shirinyan, A. S., Gusak, A.M. (2004): Phase diagrams of decomposing nanoalloys. / Philosophical Magaine A, 84, 579-593.