Publications List (2004-2011)
Articles, Thesis and Books
Calvimontes, A. (2004) „Schmutzabweisende Eigenschaften von Textil- und Polymermaterialien durch Imprägnierung mit Soil-Release-Polymeren“, Master Degree Thesis, Textile and Clothing Engineering, Technischen Universität Dresden, Fakultät Maschinenwesen, Institut für Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik, Dresden, Germany.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V., Breitzke, B., Offermann, P. and Voit, B. (2005) “Soiling Degree and Cleanability of Differently Treated Polyester Textile Materials”, Tenside Surfactants Detergents 42: 17-22.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V., Koch, H. and Voit, B. (2005) “New Detergency Aspects through Visualisation of Soil Release Polymer Films on Textile Surfaces”, Tenside Surfactants Detergents 42: 210-216.
Calvimontes, A., Synytska, A. and Dutschk, V. (2006) “Einfluss der Struktur von Polyestergewebe auf ihre Benetzbarkeit“, Melliand Textilberichte 1(2): S. 64-67, Melliand English 1(2): E16-E18.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V., Cherif, C. and Heinrich, G. (2007) “Ein neues Konzept zum besseren Verständnis der Penetration von Flüssigkeiten in textilien Oberflächenstrukturen”,
In Beshichtung und Modifizierung von Kunststoffoberflächen, NDVaK, 15. Neues Dresdner Vakuumtechnisches Kolloquium, Dredner Transferstelle für Vakuumtechnik e.V: 48-52,
ISBN 978-3-00-022604-5
Hasan, M.M.B., Calvimontes, A., Synytska, A. and Dutschk, V. (2008) “Effects of topographic structure on wettability of differently woven fabrics”, Textile Research Journal 78(11): 996-1003.
Hasan, M.M.B., Dutschk, V., Calvimontes, A., Hoffmann, G., Heinrich, G. and Cherif, C. (2008) “Influence of the cross-sectional geometry on wettability and cleanability of polyester woven fabrics”, Tenside Surf. Det. 45(5): 274-279.
Hasan, M.M.B., Calvimontes, A. and Dutschk, V. (2009) “Correlation between wettability and cleanability of polyester fabrics modified by soil release polymer and their topographic structure”, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, DOI 10.1007/s11743-009-1130x.
Calvimontes, A., Grundke, K. and Müller,A. (2009) “Advances for the topographic characterisation of Sheet Moulding Compounds”, Materials 2009, 2, 1084-1103; doi:10.3390/ma2031084
Calvimontes, A., Grundke, K. and Müller, A. (2009) “Volumetrical characterisation of Sheet Moulding Compounds topography”, Materials 2010, 3, 5083-5096; DOI 10.3390/ma3125083.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V. and Stamm, M. (2009) “Advances in Topographic Characterization of Textile Materials”. Tex Res J 80(11): 1004-1015. DOI 10.1177/0040517509348331
Calvimontes. A., Stamm, M. and Dutschk, V. (2009) “Effect of Cellulase Enzyme on Cellulose Nano-topography. Tenside Surf Det 46(6): 368-372)
Calvimontes, A. (2009) “Topographic characterisation of polymer materials at different length scales and the mechanistic understanding of wetting phenomena”. PhD Thesis Technische Universität Dresden, Germany.
Calvimontes, A., Badrul, M.M.B. and Dutschk, V. (2010) “Chapter 4: Effects of Topographic Structure on Wettability of Woven Fabrics, Woven Fabric Engineering edited by Prof. Dr. Polona Dobnik Dubrovski, Sciyo, Croatia, ISBN 978-953-307-194-7
Calvimontes, A., Lant, N. and Dutschk, V., (2010) “Cooperative action of cellulase enzyme and carboxymethyl cellulose on cotton fabric cleanability from a topographical standpoint”, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, DOI: 10.1007/s11743 011 1248 5
Calvimontes, A. (2011) „Topography and the mechanistic understanding of wetting“, Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, Saarbrücken-Germany ISBN 978 3 8381 2318 9
Calvimontes A., Mauersberger, P., Dutschk, V., Nitschke M. and Simon F. (2011) „Effects of oxigen plasma on cellulose surface, Cellulose (Springer), EDOI: 10.1007/s10570-011-9511-5
Lukesch, M., Calvimontes, A., Grundke, K. (2011) „Vergleich zwischen zwei modernen optischen Messmethoden zur Bestimmung der Topographie“, Technisches Messen, under review.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V. and Saha, R. (2011) “Effects of O2- and NH3-Plasma Treatment on Topography and Wettability of Woven Plain Polyester Fabric”, Tex Res J, under review.
Calvimontes, A., Lant, N. and Dutschk, V., (2011), “Cleanability improvement of cotton fabrics through their topographical changes due to the conditioning with cellulase enzyme”, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, under review.
Oral Contributions
Calvimontes, A. and Dutschk, V. (October 2007) “Benetzungsdynamik an Polymerwerkstoffoberflächen”, GDCH-Kurs, Polymeroberflächen und –grenzflächen: Charakterisierung, Funktionalisierung, Anwendungen, Dresden, Germany.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V., Cherif, C. and Heinrich, G. (October 2007) “Ein neues Konzept zum besseren Verständnis der Penetration von Flüssigkeiten in textilien Oberflächenstrukturen”, 15. Neues Dresdner Vakuumtechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, Germany.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V., Cherif, C. and Heinrich, G. (November 2007) “A new concept to understand the liquid penetration into polyester fabrics”, Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference, Aachen, Germany.
Calvimontes, A. (April 2008) “Fractal dimension as parameter for the surface characterization: theory, examples, applications”, Seminar “Computational Polymer Materials Science 2008, Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.
Calvimontes, A., Grundke, K., Bellmann, C., Schäfer, N., Riske, T., Eichhorn, J-K. and Müller, A. (June 2008) “Modern non-destructive analytical methods for the surface characterization of Sheet Moulding Compounds (SMC)”, The 29th FATIPEC CONGRESS, Ghent – Belgium.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V., Cherif, C., Stamm, M. and Heinrich, G. (December 2008) “Modelling of Fabric Topography by Fourier Synthesis Techniques”, Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference, Dresden.
Calvimontes, A. (April 2009) “Surface Roughness Analysis, Case Study”, COST D43 SCHOOL “Interfacial engineering in nanothechnology”, Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.
Calvimontes, A., Stamm, M. and Dutschk, V. (May 2009) “Effect of cellulose enzyme on cellulose nano-topography”, 44th International Wfk Detergency Conference, Düsseldorf.
Calvimontes, A., Grundke, K. and Müller, A. (October 2009) “New advances for the topographic characterisation of Sheet Moulding Compounds”, V International Conference on Science and Technology of Composite Materials, COMATCOMP 2009, San Sebastian, Spain.
Calvimontes, A., Mauermann, M., and Bellmann, C. (September 2010) “Correlation between Topography and Wetting of Morphologically Different Ground and Electropolished Stainless Steel Surfaces”, „24th International Conference on SURFACE MODIFICATION TECHNOLOGIES“, Dresden, Germany, September 7th-9th 2010.
Calvimontes, A., Mauermann, M., and Bellmann, C. (February 2011) “How stainless steel surface morphology influences the kinetics of starch removal”, „Easy-to-clean/ Self-cleaning coatings III“, European Coatings CONFERENCE, Berlin, Germany, February 8th-9th.
Conference Proceedings
Petong, N., Calvimontes, A., Breitzke, B. and Dutschk, B. (2005) “Surface properties of differently modified human hair”, XVIIth European Chemistry at Interfaces Conference (ECIC-XVII), Loughborough.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V., Cherif, C. and Heinrich, G. (2007) “A new concept to understand the liquid penetration into polyester fabrics”, Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference, Aachen: 137
Calvimontes, A., Grundke, K., Bellmann, C., Schäfer, N., Riske, T., Eichhorn, J-K. and Müller, A. (2008) “Modern non-destructive analytical methods for the surface characterization of Sheet Moulding Compounds (SMC)”, The 29th FATIPEC CONGRESS.- Ghent – Belgium.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V., Cherif, C., Stamm, M. and Heinrich, G. (2008) “Modelling of Fabric Topography by Fourier Synthesis Techniques”, Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference, Dresden.
Dutschk, V., Hasan, M.M.B, Calvimontes, A., Cherif, C., Hoffmann, G. and Heinrich, G. (2008) “Manufacturing and characterising polyester yarns having different cross-sectional shaped filaments for woven fabric design”, Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference, Dresden.
Calvimontes, A., Grundke, K. and Müller, A. (2009), “New advances for the topographic characterisation of Sheet Moulding Compounds”, V International Conference on Science and Technology of Composite Materials, COMATCOMP 2009, San Sebastian, Spain.
Calvimontes, A., Stamm, M. and Dutschk, V. (2009) “Effect of cellulose enzyme on cellulose nano-topography”, 44th International wfk Detergency Conference, Düsseldorf.
Salem, T.S., Uhlmann, S., Nitschke, M., Calvimontes, A., Hund, R.-D. and Simon, F. (2010) “PET Surface Properties Affected by Low Temperature Plasma Modification, Workshop "Oberflächentechnologie mit Plasma- und Ionenstrahlprozessen", Leipzig.
Calvimontes, A., Mauermann, M. and Bellmann, C. (2010) “Correlation between Topography and Wetting of Morphologically Different Ground and Electropolished Stainless Steel Surfaces”, „24th International Conference on SURFACE MODIFICATION TECHNOLOGIES“, Dresden, Germany, September 7th-9th.
Bellmann, C., Calvimontes, A., Caspari, A., Mauermann M. and Eschenhagen, U. (2010) „Neue Schichten für die Verringerung des Reinigungsaufwandes in der Lebensmittelindustrie“, 18. Neues Dresdner Vakuumtechniches Kolloquium, Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung e.V., Dresden, September 21th-22th.
Bellmann, C., Calvimontes, A., Caspari, A., Mauermann, M. and Eschenhagen, U. (2010) „New Coatings for Food Industry“,XXX FATIPEC Congress, Genoa, Italy, November 9th-11th.
Salem, T., Uhlmann, S., Nitschke, M., Calvimontes, A., Hund, R.D. and Simon, F. (2010) “Modification of plasma pre-treated PET fabrics with poly-DADMAC and its surface activity towards acid dyes”, XXX FATIPEC Congress, Genoa, Italy, November 9th-11th.
Calvimontes, A., Mauermann, M., and Bellmann, C. (2010) “How stainless steel surface morphology influences the kinetics of starch removal”, „Easy-to-clean/ Self-cleaning coatings III“, European Coatings CONFERENCE, Berlin, Germany, February 8th-9th.
Dutschk, V., Mauersberger, P., Nitschke, M. and Calvimontes, A. (2011) “Effects of low-pressure plasma and subsequent enzymatic treatment on cellulose”, 7th International Conference on Polymer and Textile Biotechnology, Mailand, Italy.
Mauermann, M., Köhler, H., Eschenhagen, U., Bellmann, C., Calvimontes, A. and Majschak, J.P. (2011) „Influencing parameters in spray cleaning of food processing equipment”, 11th International Congress of Engineering and Food, Athens, Greece, May 22th-26th.
Glampedaki, P., Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V. and Warmoeskerken, M. (2011) “Characterization of microgel-functionalized stimuli-responsive textiles by means of surface analysis”, IUPAC International Congress of Analytical Sciences, Kyoto, Japan, May 22th-26th.
Mauermann, M., Calvimontes, A., Fuchs, E., Gottwald, A., Schöler, M. and Majschak, J.P. (2011) „Modifications in hygienic properties of stainless steel surfaces due to repeated soiling and cleaning”, Heat Exchanger, Fouling and Cleaning Conference, Crete Island, Greece, June 5th-10th.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V., Breitzke, B., Offermann, P. and Voit, B. (2004) “Estimation of soiling degree and cleanability of differently treated polyester materials”, Dresdner Textiltagung, Institut für Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik (ITB) an der TU Dresden.- Dresden, Germany.
Petong, N., Calvimontes, A., Breitzke, B. and Dutschk, V. (2005) “Influence of oil in a shampoo formulation on wettability of differently modified hair”, XVIIth European Chemistry at Interfaces Conference (ECIC-XVII), Loughborough, England..
Dutschk, V., Calvimontes, A., Haessler, R. and Breitzke, B. (2006) “The effect of microemulsions and conditioning agents on wettability of human hair”, EUFOAM 2006 (6th European Conference on Foams, Emulsions and Applications).- Postdam, Germany.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V., Breitzke, B. and Cherif, C. (2007) “A novel wicking model for polyester fabrics applied to detergent technology”, SEPAWA Congress, Würzburg, Germany.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V., Breitzke, B., Cherif, C. and Heinrich, G. (2007) “Penetrationsverhalten von Flüssigkeiten an Polyestertextilien aus der Sicht der Washmitteltechnolgie”, 15. Neues Dresdner Vakuumtechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, Germany.
Dutschk, V., Calvimontes, A., Horst, T., Cherif, C., Stamm, M. and Heinrich, G. (2007) “Nutzung neuer naturwissenschaftlicher Konzepte zur Oberflächencharakterisierung für innovative Anwendungen in der Polymerwerkstofftechnologie”, Dresdner Innovationsforum, Dresden, Germany.
Salem, T.S., Uhlmann, S., Nitschke, M., Calvimontes, A., Hund, R.-D. and Simon, F. (2007) “Surface modification of PET fabrics to improve their printing behaviour”, Dresdner Innovationsforum, Dresden, Germany.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V., Cherif, C. and Heinrich, G. (2007) “A new concept to understand the liquid penetration into polyester fabrics”, Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference, Aachen, Germany.
Calvimontes, A. and Dutschk (2008), “Influence of impregnation of Soil Release Polymers on topography and cleanability of polyester fabrics”, 17th International Symposium on Surfactants in Solution; Berlin, Germany.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V., Breitzke, B. and Stamm, M. (2008) “Influence of changes in Topography of Textile Materials Caused by Different Modifications on their Cleanability: A New Concept”, Poster contribution, 17th International Conference “Surfactants in Solution”, Berlin, Germany.
Calvimontes, A., Dutschk, V., Cherif, C., Stamm, M. and Heinrich, G. (2008) “Modelling of Fabric Topography by Fourier Synthesis Techniques”, Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference, Dresden, Germany.
Dutschk, V., Hasan, M.M.B., Calvimontes, A., Cherif, C., Hoffmann, G. and Heinrich, G. (2008) “Manufacturing and characterising polyester yarns having different cross-sectional shaped filaments for woven fabric design”, Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference, Dresden, Germany.
Salem, T.S., Uhlmann, S., Nitschke, M., Calvimontes, A., Hund, R.-D. and Simon, F. (2009) “PET Surface Properties Affected by Low Temperature Plasma Modification”, Workshop "Oberflächentechnologie mit Plasma- und Ionenstrahlprozessen", Leipzig, Germany.
Calvimontes, A., Stamm, M. and Dutschk, V. (2009) “Simulating surface modification of polyester fabrics by thermofixing and its effect on soiling and soil release”, European Detergents Conference (EDC), Würzburg, Germany.