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Dan Lupu

Applied Physics
National Institute for R&D of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies



1. R. RIPAN, C. MIREL, D. LUPU, “Visible and ultraviolet absorption spectra of Nickel-dietyl dithiophasphate”, Rev. Roumaine de Chimie, 11, 701. (1966).
2. D. LUPU, “Magnetismul şi combinaţiile complexe”, Studii şi Cercetări de chimie, 15, 395, (1967).
3. R. RIPAN,C. MIREL, D. LUPU,”Adducts of Nickel-diethyldithiophosphate with n-butylamine,pyridine and piperidine”, Rev. Roumaine de Chimie, 13, 303, (1968)
4. C. MIREL, D. LUPU, I. LUKACS, C. STRUSIEVICI, C. LITEANU, “Sur les vanadates XV.La susceptibilite magnetique des composes NaxV(IV)xV(V)2-xO5”, Rev. Roumaine de Chimie, 13, 1035 (1968)
5. I. LUKACS, C. STRUSIEVICI, D. LUPU, C. MIREL, C. LITEANU, “Sur les vanadates XVII. La susceptibilite magnetique des composes “,KxV(IV)xV(V)2-xO5”, Rev. Roumaine de Chimie, 14, 1125 (1969)
6. D. LUPU, “Magnetic exchange in a heterogeneous trinuclear system”, Rev. Roumaine de Chimie, 15, 417 (1970)
7. D. LUPU, R. RIPAN, “Synthesis and magnetic properties of a mixed-valence trinuclear iron (II, III, III) complex”, Rev. Roumaine de Chimie, 16, 43 (1971)
8. R. GRECU, D. LUPU, “Infrared spectra of some trinuclear mixed-valence iron (II, III, III) acetates”, Rev. Roumaine de Chimie, 16, 1811 (1971)
9. D. LUPU, D. BARB, G. FILOTI, M. MORARIU, D. TARINA, “Mössbauer spectra and thermal electron transfer in mixed valence iron compounds”, Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 34, 2803 (1972)
10. R. SEMENIUC, C. GH. MACAROVICI, D. LUPU, “Combinaisons complexes avec derives diaminobiphemtiques XXVII”, Rev. Roumaine de Chimie, 17, 993 (1972)
11. A. FARCAS, D. LUPU, “The carbonylation of pentacyanocobaltate (II) and octacyanoddicobaltatee (II)”, J. Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 37, 837 (1975)
12. A. BIRIS, R. V. BUCUR, P. GHETE, E. INDREA and D.LUPU, “ The solubility
of Deuterium in LaNi5”, “Hydrogen in Metals” 5-6 January 1976, Birmingham, Journal of the Less Common Metals 49, 477, (1976).
13. D. LUPU, R. V. BUCUR, “Properties suggesting H3+ type clusters in some metallic hydrides”, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 38, 387 (1977)
14. D. LUPU, R, V, BUCUR, “Possible anionic clusters and Mixed-Valence effects in transition metal chalcogenides and oxides”, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 39, 285 (1978)
15. M. BOGDAN, A. NICULA, D. LUPU, “Spin-Lattice relaxation time and quadrupole coupling of deuterium in PdD0.70”, Physica Status Solidi (a), 52, 615 (1979)
16. D. LUPU, P. MAXIM, M. BOGDAN, “H3+ a basis for clustering in Metallic Hydrides” în “Crystalline Electric Field and Structural Effects in f-electron Systems” p. 181-185, T. Mihalisin, J. Crow ed., Plenum Press 1980
17. A. BIRIS, D. LUPU, R. V. BUCUR, E. INDREA, Gh. BORODI and M. BOGDAN, “The Influence of Al on the Properties of Mg2Cu-H¬2 Systems”, Symp. “Hydrogen in Metals” 6- 9 March 1979, Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 7, 89, (1982).
18. R. V. BUCUR, D. LUPU, “Correlation between band structure and hydride formation in dilute palladium alloys” J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 43, 697 (1982)
19. A. NICULA, M. BOGDAN, D. LUPU and A. BIRIS “Proton Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time in Mg2NiH3.15” Proc.of “Joint Ismal-Ampere International Conference on Magnetic Resonance” 25-29 august 1980, Olanda.
20. R. V. BUCUR, D. LUPU, “Hydride stability and band structure of the components in the Pd1-xMx and LaNi5-xMx systems” J. Less-Common Metals, 90, 203 (1983)
21. D. LUPU, A. BIRIS and E. INDREA “Hydrogen Absorption in Beryllium Substituted in Mg2Ni” Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 7,783, (1982)
22. D. LUPU, A. BIRIS, R. V. BUCUR, E. INDREA, Gh. BORODI and M. BOGDAN, “Hydrogen Absorbtion in Al-Mg-Ti Alloys” Proc. of “Miami International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems” 13-15 aprilie 1981, SUA.
23. A. BIRIS, D. LUPU, E INDREA and R.V. BUCUR “Effects of Aluminium Additions on the Hydrogenation of Mg2Ni” Proc. of “Troisieme congres international hydrogene et materiaux”, 7-11 iunie 1982, Paris.
24. D. LUPU, A. BIRIS, E. INDREA, and R. V. BUCUR“Effects of Ca Additions on Some Mg-Alloy Hydrides”, Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 8, 701, (1983)
25. D. LUPU, A. BIRIS, E. INDREA, N. ALDEA, R.V. BUCUR, and M. MORARIU “Hydrogen Absorbtion in Mg-Ni-Fe Alloys”, Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 8, 797, (1983).
26. I. URSU, M. BOGDAN, D. E. DEMCO, D. LUPU and A. BIRIS “Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Proton in Zirconium Uranium Hydride” Rev. Roum. Phys. 31, 3, (1986).
27. E.INDREA, N. ALDEA, D. LUPU, A. BIRIS, T. O. BIRIS and Gh. BORODI “EXAFS Studies on the Local Structure of Mg2Ni and Mg2NiH4” Proc. of “International Symposium on the Properties and Application of Metal Hydrides V”, 25-30 mai 1986, Maubuisson, Franta.
28. P. GHETE, R. SARBU, RODICA LUPU, D. LUPU, A. BIRIS and C. BRATU “Water Pump with Metallic Hydrides”, Proc. of “6th World Hydrogen Energy Conference” 20-24 iulie 1986, Viena, Austria.
29. D. LUPU, R. SARBU and A. BIRIS “Semiconductig Properties of Mg2NiH4”, Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 12, 425, (1987)
30. D.LUPU, R. SARBU, R. LUPU, A. BIRIS, Gh. CHIRIAC, A. NEDA “The behaviour of Ti1.2Cr1.9Mn0.1 at hydrogen absorbtion-desorbtion cycling” Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 13, 239, (1988).
31. D. LUPU, A. BIRIS, Gh. MIHAILESCU, R. SARBU and D. VONICA, “Isotopic effects and dehydriding kinetics in the Mg2Ni-H2(D2) systems” Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 13, 685, (1988).
32. D. LUPU, “Hydrogen diffusion and radiationless electron transfer in metal hydrides, Physica Status Solidi (b) 155, 65 (1989)
33. D. LUPU,M. CHIRTOC, D. DADARLAT, R. CANDEA, I. BRATU, V. MECEA, “Optical Absorption by Small Polarons in Palladium Hydride” Physica Status Solidi(b) 163, 519 (1991).
34. D. LUPU, R. GRECU, S.I. FARCAS, “Optical Properties of Mg2NiH4 and Hydrogen Diffusion” Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie(Frankfurt) 181 S, 143 (1993).
35. R.M. CANDEA, D. LUPU, M. CHIRTOC, D. DADARLAT, A. FRANDES “Pyroelectric Spectroscopy of the Hydrogen Uranyl Phosphate” Spectroscopy Letters, 26 (5), 923 (1993).
36. D. LUPU, R. GRECU and A. BIRIS, “Polaron Effects in the Protonic Conductor Hydrogen Uranyl Phosphate” Phys.Status Solidi (b), 178, 281, (1993).
37. D. LUPU, A. BIRIS, “Cobalt-molybdenum alloy electrodeposits and charge-discharge cycling in alcaline batteries”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 233, 192-196, (1996).
38. D.LUPU, P. MARGINEANU and A. R. BIRIS, “Hydrogen in Some Synergetic Electrocatalysts” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 245, 146-152, (1999).
39. D. CHICEA, D. LUPU, I. CHEREJI, “Experimental evidence of neutron emission from TiDx samples”, Hadronic Journal, 21, 567-582 (1998)
40. R. NICULA, A. JIANU, A. R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, R. MANAILA, A. DEVENYI, B.KUMPF, E. BURKEL, “Hydrogen storage in icosaedral and related phases of rapidly solidified Ti-Zr-Ni alloys”, The European Physical Journal B, 3(1998) 1-5.
41. D. LUPU, P. MARGINEANU and A. R. BIRIS, “Surface roughening of ZrV0.5Ni1.5 hydride compacted wich metal powders”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 282, 220-224, (1999).
42. D. CHICEA, D. LUPU, “About the random neutron emission from TiDx samples”, Romanian Reports in Physics, No 1-2, (1999)
43. D. LUPU, A. R. BIRIS, E. INDREA, A. S. BIRIS, G. BELE, L. SCHLAPBACH, ZÜTTEL, “Hydrogen absorption and hydride electrode behaviour of the Laves phase ZrV1.5-xCrxNi1.5”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 291, 289-294, (1999).
44. D. LUPU, A.S. BIRIS, A.R. BIRIS, I. MISAN, E. INDREA, “Hydrogen absorption and electrode properties of Zr1-xTixV1.2Cr0.3Ni1.5 Laves phase”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 312, 302-306, (2000).
45. D. CHICEA , D. LUPU, “Low-Intensity Neutron Emission from TiDx Samples Under
Nonequilibrium Conditions”, Fusion Technology, 39, 108-113, (2001).
lanthanide oxides on the catalytic activity of nickel”, Applied Catalysis A: General 232
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SCHLAPBACH, “Cobalt-free over-stoichiometric Laves phase alloys for Ni-MH
batteries, Journal of Alloys andCompounds, 350, 319-323, (2003).
LUPSA “Growth of nanoscale carbon structures and their corresponding hydrogen
uptake properties” Particulate Science and Technology Journal, 20, 223-234 (2002).
49. D. LUPU, A.R. BIRIS, I. MISAN, A. JIANU, G. HOLZHUTER, E. BURKEL, “Hydrogen uptake by carbon nanofibers catalysed by palladium” ,Int. Journal Hydrogen Energy 29, 97-102,
50. D. LUPU, A.R. BIRIS, A. JIANU, C. BUNESCU, E. BURKEL, E. INDREA, G.MIHAILESCU, S. PRUNEANU, L. OLENIC, I. MISAN, “Carbon nanostructures produced by CCVD with induction heating”, Carbon, 42 (2004),503-507.
51. A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, I. MISAN, E INDREA, A.S. BIRIS, “Structural characterization and hydrogen absorbtion properties of over-stoichiometric laves phase metallic powders for Ni-MH batteries”, Particulate Science and Technology Journal, 22, 75-83 (2004).
52. D. A. BUZATU, A.S. BIRIS, A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, J.A. DARSEY, M.K. MAZUMDER, “Electronic Properties of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes and Their Dependence on Synthetic Methods” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 40(5) (2004), 1215-1219.
53. M. BAIA, C. POPA, T. ILIESCU, D. LUPU, A.R. BIRIS, A. WEINDENKAFF, C. DIECKER, W. KIEFER, “Raman characterization of carbon nanostructures obtained by CCVD method” Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Physica, XLIX, 3(2004) 245-250.
54. L. OLENIC, G. MIHAILESCU, S. PRUNEANU, I. BRATU, A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, G. SIGARTAU, L.B. TUDORAN, “Nanoparticles from a Gold Complex with Sulfite Ion as Ligand: Preparation and Characterisation”, Particulate Science and Technology Journal, 23(1), (2005), 79-83.
55. R. TURCU, O. PANA, Al. DARABONT, D. LUPU, A.R. BIRIS, N. ALDEA, N. JUMATE, M.L. SORAN, “Carbon nanotubes-polypyrrole nanocomposites: synthesis and characterization”, Workshop NANOFAN-POLY “Functional & Nanostructured Materials from Chemistry- Nanostructured Polymers from Processing”, January 28-29, 2005, Dresden, Germany.
56. D. LUPU, A.R. BIRIS, I. MISAN, “Hydrogen storage in complex hydrides”, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Physica, L, 3(2005)235-240
57. A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, I. BALTOG, M. BAIBARAC, S. LEFRANT, G. FILOTI, M. VALEANU, D. MACOVEI, V. KUNCSER, L. MIHUT, T. VELULA, D. PREDOI, I. MISAN, “Induction heating CCVD syntheses of carbon nanotubes”, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Physica, L, 3(2005) 426-430.
58. T.C. SCHMITT, A.S. BIRIS, D.W. MILLER, A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, S. TRIGWELL, Z.U. RAHMAN, “Analysis of effluent gases during CCVD growth of multi wall carbon nanotubes” Carbon 44 (2006)2032-2038.
59. S. PRUNEANU, Z. ALI, G. WATSON, S-Q. HU, D. LUPU, A.R. BIRIS, L. OLENIC, G. MIHAILESCU “Investigation of electrochemical properties of carbon nanofibers prepared by CCVD method” Particulate Science and Technology Journal, 24(3) (2006) 311-320.
60. A.R. BIRIS, A.S. BIRIS, D. LUPU, S. TRIGWELL, E. DERVISHI, Z. RAHMAN, P. MARGINEAN “Catalyst excitation by radiofrequency for improved carbon nanotube synthesis” , Chemical Physics Letters 429(2006)204-208.
61. M. BAIA, D. LUPU, A.R. BIRIS, “Surface-enhanced and Raman spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes obtained by CCVD method”, Asian Journal of Physics, 15(2), (2006) 215-220.
62. E. DERVISHI, Z. LI, A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, S. TRIGWELL, A.S. BIRIS, “Morphology of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Affected by the Thermal Stability of the Catalyst System”, Chem. Mater. 19(2007) 179-184.
63. Z. LI, H.R. KANDEL, E. DERVISHI, V. SAINI, A.S. BIRIS, A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, “Does the wall number of carbon nanotubes matter as conductive transparent material”, Applied Physics Letters 91(2007) 053115.
64. BIRIS A.S., SCHMITT T.C., LITTLE R.B., LI Z., XU Y., BIRIS A.R., LUPU D., DERVISHI E., TRIGWELL S., MILLER D.W., RAHMAN Z. “Influence of the RF excitation of the catalyst system on the morphology of multiwalled carbon nanotubes” Journal of Physical chemistry C 111 (48) (2007) 17970-17975
65. Z. LI, A.S. BIRIS, E. DERVISHI, V. SAINI, Y. XU, A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, “Influence of impurities on the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectra of single-wall carbon nanotubes”, The Journal of Chemical Physics 127(2007)154713.
66. REGINALD B. LITTLE, A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, Y. XU, Z. LI, ENKELEDA DERVISHI, A.S. BIRIS, “On the dynamical ferromagnetic, quantum Hall and relativistic effects on the carbon nanotubes nucleation and growth mechanism”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320(2008)540-547.
67. Z. LI, Y. XU, X. MA, E. DERVISHI, V. SAINI, A. R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, A. S. BIRIS, “CO2 Enhanced carbon nanotube synthesis from pyrolysis of Hydrocarbons”, Chem. Commun., 2008, 3260-3262.
68. A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, A. GRUNEIS, P. AYALA, M.H. RUMMELI, T. PICHLER, Z. LI, Y. XU, I. MISAN, E. DERVISHI, A.S. BIRIS, “High-quality double-walled carbon nanotubes grown by a cold-walled radiofrequency chemical vapor deposition method”, Chem. Mater., 20(10) (2008)3466-3472.
69. A.R. BIRIS, Z. LI, E. DERVISHI, D. LUPU, Y. XU, V. SAINI, F. WATANABE, A.S. BIRIS, “Effect of hydrogen on the growth morphology of single wall carbon nanotubes synthesized on a Fe-Mo/MgO catalytic system” , Physics Letters A 372 (2008) 3051-3057.
70. A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, I. MISAN, E. DERVISHI, Z. LI, Y. XU, S. TRIGWELL, A.S. BIRIS, “High crystallinity multi wall carbon nanotubes synthesized by inductive heating CCVD”, J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 10(9) (2008) 2311-2315.
71. Y. XU, M. MAHMOOD, Z. LI, E. DERVISHI, S. TRIGWELL, V. P. ZHAROV, N. ALI, V. SAINI, A. R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, D. BOLDOR and A. S. BIRIS, “Cobalt nanoparticles coated with graphitic shells as localized radio frequency absorbers for cancer therapy”, Nanotechnology 19 (43)(2008)435102.
72. G. FILOTI, P. PALADE, D. LUPU, F. STROMBERG, G. SCHINTEIE, O. ARDELEAN, V. KUNCSER, “Iron containing 3d-4f compounds: Effect of alternative processing on local interactions and storage properties”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 480 (1) (2009) 157-160
73. Z. LI, H.R. Kandel, E. DERVISHI, V. SAINI, Y. XU, A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, G.J. SALAMO, A.S. BIRIS “Comparative study of different carbon nanotubes materials in terms of transparent conductive coatings” , Langmuir 24 (6) (2008) 2655-2662
74. L. OLENIC, G. MIHAILESCU, S. PRUNEANU, D. LUPU, A.R. BIRIS, P. MARGINEANU, S. GARABAGIU, A.S. BIRIS “Investigation of carbon nanofibers as support for bioactive substances” J. Mater. Sci: Mater. Med. 20(2009) 177-183
75. D. LUPU, A.R. BIRIŞ, I. BALTOG, M. BAIBARAC, V.KUNCSER, G. SCHINTEIE, M. VALEANU, S. LEFRANT, A.S. BIRIS, I. MIŞAN AND G. FILOTI “Carbon nanotubes from ethanol on Fe-Co/MgO catalysts and related interface phenomena” Journal of Optoelectronic and Advanced Materials,11(2009) 338-347
76. D. LUPU, GABRIELA BLANITA, I. MISAN, O. ARDELEAN, I. COLDEA, G. POPENECIU, A.R. BIRIS „Hydrogen desorption from NaAlH4 catalyzed by ball-milling with carbon nanofibers” Journal of Physics C: Conference Series, vol. 182, 2009, nr. 012050
77. D. LUPU, A. R. BIRIS, F. WATANABE, Z. LI, E. DERVISHI, V. SAINI, Y. XU, A. S. BIRIS, M. BAIBARAC, I. BALTOG “Synthesis of Narrow Diameter Distribution Carbon Nanotubes on ZnO Supported Catalysts”, Chemical Physics Letters 473 (2009) 299-304.
78. BIRIS A.R., LUPU D., DERVISHI E., LI Z., SAINI V., SAINI D., TRIGWELL S., MAZUMDER M.K., SHARMA R., BIRIS A.S. “Hydrogen storage in carbon-based nanostructured materials” Particulate Science and Technology, 26(4), (2008) pp. 297-305
79. DERVISHI E., LI Z.R., XU Y., SAINI V., BIRIS A.R., LUPU D., BIRIS A.S. “Carbon nanotubes: Synthesis, Properties and Applications” Particulate Science and Technology, 27(2), (2009) pp. 107-125
80. ALEXANDRU RADU BIRIS, ENKELEDA DERVISHI, STEFANIA SIMON, DAN LUPU, IOAN MISAN, CORNEL IANCU, SIMONA VALERIA CLICHICI, YANG XU, FUMIA WATANABE AND ALEXANDRU SORIN BIRIS. “Analytic studies of high quality singlewall carbon nanotubes synthesized on a novel Fe:Mo:MgO catalyst” Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 43(1) (2010) 552-558
81. DAN LUPU, OVIDIU ARDELEAN, GABRIELA BLANITA, GHEORGHE BORODI, MIHAELA D. LAZAR, ALEXANDRU R. BIRIS, COLDEA IOAN, MARIA MIHET, IOAN MISAN, GABRIEL POPENECIU “Synthesis and hydrogen adsorption properties of a new iron based porous metal-organic framework” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 36 (2011) 3586-3592


1. M. BOGDAN, V. SIMPLACEANU, D. LUPU, “Spin-lattice relaxation time of deuterium in palladium deuteride” XX-th Congress AMPERE, Talin (1978)
2. D. LUPU, R. GRECU, S. I. FARCAS, “ Optical properties of Mg2NiH4 and hydrogen diffusion” Int. Symposium Metal Hydrogen Systems, Uppsala, 8-12 june, 1992 Sweden
3. R. NICULA, A. JIANU, R. MANAILA, A. DEVENYI, R. POPESCU, A. R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, C. KUMPF, E. BURKEL, “Hydrogenated Ti-Zr-Ni icosahedral phases”, 6-th International Conference on Quasicristals, Tokyo, 26-30 may, 1997.
4. A. R. BIRIS, D, LUPU, A. JIANU, G. BALANICA, C. KUMPF, E. BURKEL,“Hydrogen storage in rapidly solidified Ti-Zr-Ni icosaedral alloys”, 3rd General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, (september 1997).
5. D. CHICEA, D. LUPU, E. INDREA, “Experimental investigation of Ti samples highly loaded with deuterium” Materials Physics near the 45th Parallel Meeting, 23-24 oct. 1998, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
6. R. NICULA, A. JIANU, A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, E. BURKEL, “Hydrogen storage in icosahedral phases of Ti-Zr-Ni”, Simp.“Jornées d’Automne 1998” , Paris, 27-29 oct. 1998.
7. A. R. BIRIS, A. S. BIRIS, I. MISAN, D. LUPU, “Zr bases alloys as hydride electrodes in Ni-MH batteries”, Conference on Isotopic and Molecular Processes, september 23-25, 1999, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
8. P. MARGINEAN, D. LUPU, A. R. BIRIS “The catalysis H2-HDO isotopic exchange on hydrogen absorbing alloys” Conference on Isotopic and Molecular Processes, september 23-25, 1999, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
9. E. INDREA, D. LUPU, A. S. BIRIS, A. R. BIRIS, GABRIELA BELE, “Rietveld Structural Characterization and Hydrogen Absorption in Laves phase ZrV1.5-xCrxNi1.5” Proc. “National Romanian Conference on Physics” Mamaia, Romania, September 16-18 2000.
16 A.R. Biriş, I. Mişan, E. Indrea, D. Lupu, “The effects of ball-milling on the properties of AB3: AB5 alloy mixtures”, Conference on Isotopic and Molecular Processes, september 27-29, 2001, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
17 D.A. Buzatu, A.S. Biris, J.A. Darsey, A.R. Biriş, D. Lupu, M.K. Mazumder, “Work Function and Ionization Potential Calculations for Carbon Nanotubes and their Relation to Fabrication Methods” Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting ESA-IEEE/IAS, Little Rock, Arkansas, Proceedings page 580-587, June 2003.
18 D. Lupu, A.R. Biriş, I. Mişan, G. Mihăilescu, L. Olenic, S. Pruneanu, A. Jianu, C. Bunescu, A. Weidenkaff, C. Diecker, “Syntesis of carbon nanostructures by induction heating assisted CCVD method”, Conference on Isotopic and Molecular Processes, september 25-27, 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
19 S. Pruneanu, L. Olenic, G. Mihăilescu, D. Lupu, A.R. Biriş, L. Radu-Tudoran, “Syntesis of metallic and semiconducting nanostructures”, Conference on Isotopic and Molecular Processes, september 25-27, 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
20 D. LUPU , “Hydrogen Storage Materials at INCDTIM Cluj” prezentata la JRC-IE training
Workshop on “Mapping European knowledge on Hydrogen Storage” 28-29 Octombrie 2004, Joint European Research Centre, Petten, Netherlands : http://www.jrc.
21 A.S. Biriş, A.R. Biriş, D. Lupu, S. Trigwell, D.A. Buzatu, D.W. Miller, J.A. Darsey, J.G. Wilkes, “Hydrogen Interaction with Carbon Nanofibers”, Proc. to the International Congress of Nanotechnology, November 7-10, 2004, San Francisco.
22 D. LUPU, A.R. BIRIS, I. MISAN, “Hydrogen storage materials at INCDTIM Cluj Napoca: Achievements and outlook” 1st Meeting of Romanian “Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Platform” Calimaneşti, 13 Oct. 2005
23 ANA MARIA BONDAR, A. BARA, C. BANCIU, R. MIREA, I. STAMATIN, D. LUPU, A. BIRIS, “Nanocompozite mezofaza carbonica/nanotuburi de carbon-faza functionala pentru paste conductive”, Seminarul National de Nanostiinta si Nanotehnologie, Bucuresti 18 Ianuarie 2005
24 D. LUPU, A.R. BIRIŞ, I. MIŞAN, “Hydrogen storage materials at INCDTIM Cluj Napoca: Achievements and outlook” 1st Meeting of Romanian “Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Platform” Calimaneşti, 13 Oct. 2005.
25 E. DERVISHI, A.S. BIRIS, A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, S. TRIGWELL, D.W. MILLER, T. SCHMITH, D.A. BUZATU, J.G. WILKES, “Transparent and Electrically Conductive Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposite Materials for Electrostatic Charge Dissipation”, Proc. ESA/IEJ/IEEE-IAS/SFE Joint Conference on Electrostatics 2006,636-645.
26 A.S. BIRIS, E. DERVISHI, S. TRIGWELL, A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, D. SAIMI, R. SHARMA, J. TEBBETS, M.K. MAZUMDER, “Surface and Bulk Resistivity Control for Thin Films af Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composite Materials, Annual Meeting of SFE, Grenoble, August 30-31, 2006, France.
27 Y. SONEDA, H. HATORI, L. DUCLAUX, D. LUPU, A.R. BIRIS, I. MISAN, “Synthesis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by CCVD – a comparison between outer furnace and induction heating”, poster SA-160, “The International Carbon Conference” 16th-21st July 2006, Aberdeen, Scotland UK.
28 A.R. BIRIS, D. LUPU, A. GRUNEIS, P. AYALA, M.H. RUMMELI, T. PICHLER, Z. LI, Y. XU, I. MISAN, E. DERVISHI, A.S. BIRIS “High quality double wall carbon nanotubes grown by a cold-wall radio frequency chemical vapour deposition process”: 235th American Chemical Society National Meeting, April 6-10, 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA; Section D, Poster 40
29 G. FILOTI , P. PALADE , D. LUPU, O.ARDELEAN, G. SCHINTEIE, H.WENDE, F. STROMBERG, V. KUNCSER. “Iron containing 3d-4f alloys: effect of alternative processing on local interactions and H2 storage” Dresden Conference 2008


1. Romanian patent Nr. 91.104 /10. 12. 1986
Title: “Water pump with metal hydrides”
2. Romanian patent Nr. 144132/12. 02. 1990
Authors: R. SARBU, D. LUPU si A. BIRIS.
Title: “Metal/ceramic bonds using metal hydrides”
3. Romanian patent Nr.11927B1
Title: “Binder for metal hydride electrodes of Ni/MH batteries”.
Silver medals at EUREKA 2004, Bruxelles – Belgium and Géneve 2005
4. Prepatent USA
Authors: A.R. Biris, D. Lupu, A.S. Biris, J.G. Wilkes, D.A. Buzatu, D.W. Miller, J.A. Darsey
Title: Apparatus and Methods of High Throughput Generation of Nanostructures by induction heating and improvements increasing productivity while maintaining quality and purity.
5. Prepatent USA
Authors: J.G. Wilkes, D.A. Buzatu, D.W. Miller, A.S. Biris, A.R. Biris, D.M. Lupu, J.A. Darsey
Title: Production of nanostructures by curie point induction heating
6. Prepatent SUA
Authors: Alexandru S. Biris, Dan A. Buzatu, Alexandru R. Biris, Dan M. Lupu, Jon G. Wilkers, Dwight W. Miller, Jerry A. Darsey
Title: Apparatus and Methods for Synthesis of Large Size Batches of Carbon Nanostructures
7. Prepatent SUA
Authors: Alexandru R. Biris, Dan Lupu, Alexandru S. Biris, Jerry A. Darsey, Dwight W. Miller, Dan A. Buzatu, Jon Wilkes
Title: Apparatus And Methods of Making Nanostructures By Inductive Heating

Grade: Member

Member since May 16, 2011
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Phone: +40-264-584037
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