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Leonid Lutsev

Laboratory of Optics of Semiconductors
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute


1. L. V. Lutsev, S. V. Yakovlev, and V. I. Siklitskii, Electron Transport in the Carbon–Copper Nanocluster Structure, Physics of the Solid State, 2000, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 1139-1146.

2. L. V. Lutsev, T. K. Zvonareva, and V. M. Lebedev, Electron Transport in the Granular Amorphous Carbon Films with Cobalt Nanoparticles, Technical Physics Letters, 2001, Vol. 27, Issue 8, pp. 659-661;

3. L. V. Lutsev, Spin Excitations in Granular Structures with Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles, Physics of the Solid State, 2002, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 102-110;

4. V. I. Siklitskii, L. V. Lutsev, and M. V. Baidakova, The Structure of Granular Amorphous Carbon Films with Cobalt Nanoparticles, Technical Physics Letters, 2002, Vol. 28, Issue 4, pp. 283-285;

5. L. V. Lutsev, Yu. E. Kalinin, A. V. Sitnikov, and O. V. Stognei, Electron Transport in Granular Amorphous Silicon Dioxide Films with Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles Placed in a Magnetic Field, Physics of the Solid State, 2002, Vol. 44, No. 10, pp. 1889-1897;

6. L. V. Lutsev, N. E. Kazantseva, I. A. Tchmutin, N. G. Ryvkina, Yu. E. Kalinin, and A. V. Sitnikoff, Dielectric and magnetic losses of microwave electromagnetic radiation in granular structures with ferromagnetic nanoparticles, J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, 2003, Vol. 15, No. 22, pp. 3665–3681;

7. L. V. Lutsev, A. I. Stognij, and N. N. Novitskii, Giant Injection Magnetoresistance in Gallium Arsenide/Granulated Film Heterostructures with Nanosize Cobalt Inclusions, JETP Letters, 2005, Vol. 81, No. 10, pp. 514–518.

8. L.V. Lutsev, S.V. Yakovlev, T. K. Zvonareva, A.G.Alexeyev, A.P.Starostin, S.V. Kozyrev, Microwave Properties of Granular Amorphous Carbon Films with Cobalt Nanoparticles, Journal of Applied Physics, 2005, Vol. 97, No. 10, 104327;

9. L. V. Lutsev, M.N. Kopytin, A. V. Sitnikov, and O. V. Stognei, Properties of nanogranular metal-dielectric composites in strong electric fields and cluster electronic states, Physics of the Solid State, 2005, Vol. 47, No. 11, pp. 2169-2179;

10. L.V. Lutsev, Landau–Lifshitz equations and relaxation of spin wave modes in the Heisenberg model with dipole–exchange interaction, J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, 2005, Vol. 17, No. 38, pp. 6057-6080;

11. L.V. Lutsev, A.I. Stognij, N.N. Novitskii, and A.A. Stashkevich, Giant injection magnetoresistance in the heterostructure gallium arsenide / granular film with cobalt nanoparticles, JMMM, 2006, Vol. 300, Issue 1, pp. e12-e15.

12. L.V. Lutsev, Potential barrier for spin polarized electrons induced by the exchange interaction at the interface in the ferromagnet / semiconductor heterostructure, J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, 2006, Vol. 18, No. 26, pp. 5881-5894.

13. Leonid Lutsev, Sergey Yakovlev, and Christian Brosseau, Spin wave spectroscopy and microwave losses in granular two-phase magnetic nanocomposites, Journal of Applied Physics, 2007, Vol. 101, No. 3, 034320.

14. L.V. Lutsev, Diagram technique for models with internal Lie-group dynamics, J. Phys. A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2007, Vol. 40, No. 39, pp. 11791-11814.

15. M. Khodzitskiy, L. Lutsev, S. Tarapov, A. Zamkovoj, A. Stognij, and N. Novitskii, Electron spin resonance properties of semiconductor/granular film heterostructures with cobalt nanoparticles in millimeter waveband, JMMM, 2008, Vol. 320, No. 5, pp. L7-L11.

16. A. A. Stashkevich, Y. Roussigné, P. Djemia, D. Billet, A. I. Stognij, N. N. Novitskii, G. A. Wurtz, A. V. Zayats, G. Viau, G. Chaboussant, F. Ott, S. Gautrot, M. P. Kostylev, L. V. Lutsev, and V. Belotelov, Brillouin light scattering observation of the transition from the superparamagnetic to the superferromagnetic state in nanogranular (SiO2)Co films, Journal of Applied Physics, 2008, Vol. 104, No. 9, 093912.

17. L.V. Lutsev, Diagram technique for quantum models with internal Lie-group dynamics, in: Mathematical Physics Research Developments, Editor: Morris B. Levy, (Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2009), pp. 141-188.

18. E.A. Dyadkina, N.A. Grigoryeva, A.A. Vorobiev, S.V. Grigoriev, L.V. Lutsev, K.Zhernenkov, M. Wolff, D. Lott, A.I. Stognij, N.N. Novitskii, B.P. Toperverg, Polarized neutron reflectometry from the interface of the heterostructures SiO2(Co)/Si and SiO2(Co)/GaAs, Physica B, 2009, Vol. 404, Issue 17, pp. 2547-2549.

19. L.V. Lutsev, A.I. Stognij, and N.N. Novitskii, Giant magnetoresistance in semiconductor / granular film heterostructures with cobalt nanoparticles, Physical Review B, 2009, Vol. 80, Issue 18, 184423.

20. L. Lutsev, S. Yakovlev, V. Castel and C. Brosseau, Spin wave dynamics in magnetoelectric Ni/BaTiO3 nanocomposites, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2010, Vol. 43, Issue 32, 325302.

21. N. A. Grigor’evaa, A. A. Vorob’ev, V. A. Ukleev, E. A. Dyad’kina, L. V. Lutsev, A.I. Stognij, N. N. Novitskii, and S. V. Grigor’ev, Investigation of the SiO2(Co)/GaAs Heterostructures Using the Surface Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation, JETP Letters, 2010, Vol. 92, No. 11, pp. 767–773.

22. L.V. Lutsev, Spin-Wave Spectroscopy and Application of Its Methods to Heterostructures of Silicon Dioxide with Co Nanoparticles on a GaAs Substrate, Physics of the Solid State, 2011, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 1078–1091.

23. L.V. Lutsev, A.I. Stognij, N.N. Novitskii and A.S. Shulenkov, Giant Magnetoresistance in Magnetic Nanostructures and Spintronic Devices, Solid State Phenomena, 2011, Vols. 168-169, pp. 23-26.

Grade: Member

Member since June 23, 2011
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