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Vyacheslav Mali

Siberian Division Russian Academy of Sciences
Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics


1. Godunov S.K., Deribas A.A., Zakharenko, and Mali V.I. Investigation of the Viscosity of Metals in High-Velosity Collisions. Combustion, explosion and shock waves, 1971. V.7, №1. 114.
2. Mali V.I. Flow of Metals with Hemispherical Indentation under the Action of Shock Waves. Combustion, explosion and shock waves, 1973.V.9, №2. 241.
3. Godunov S.K., Deribas A.A., Mali V.I. Influence of Material Viscosity on the Jet Formation Process during Collisions of Metal Plates. Combustion, explosion and shock waves, 1975. V.11, №1. P.1.
4. Bondar’M.P., Deribas A.A., Mali V.I., and Simonov V.A. Effect of the Grain Size on the Start of the Process of Wave Formation with Explosion Welding. Combustion, explosion and shock waves, 1976. V.12, №5. P.709.
5. G.A.Shvetsov V.I.Maly  A.V.Solovov A.G.Anisimov S.V.Stankevich T.S.Teslenko. ”Erosion of explosively compacted Mo-Cu electrodes in high current arc discharges”, IEEE Trans. on Magnetics 1997. V. 33 №1. P. 410-412.
6. V.I.Mali T.S.Teslenko.”Deformational structure and properties of Cu-Mo explosive compacts”, J. Phys. IV France 2000. V.10. Pr9-113Pr9-117.
7. Mali V.I., Sergeev S.A., Kalinin A.N. Heat conduction of copper - molibdenum explosive compacts. Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves. 2003. Т. 39. № 1. С. 108-111.
8. .-S.Kim, Y.-S.Kwon, D.V.Dudina, O.I.Lomovsky, M.A.Korchagin, V.I.Mali Nanocomposites TiB2-Cu: consolidation and erosion behavior // J. Mater. Sci. 40 (2005). 3491–3495.
9. Y.-S.Kwon, J.-S.Kim, D.V.Dudina, O.I.Lomovsky, M.A.Korchagin, V.I.Mali. Electric erosion behavior of nanocomposites // J. Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials, v.24-25, 2005. P.727-730.
10. Kim J.-S., Kwon Y.-S., Lomovsky O.I., Korchagin M.A., Mali V.I., Dudina D.V. A synthetic route for metal-ceramic interpenetrating phase composites // Mater. Letters 60 (2006). P. 3723-3726.
11. O.I.Lomovsky, V.I.Mali, D.V.Dudina, M.A.Korchagin, D.-H.Kwon, J.-S.Kim, Y.-S.Kwon. Shock-wave synthesis of titanium diboride in copper matrix and compaction of TiB2-Cu nanocomposites // Mater. Sci. Forum Vols 534-536 (2007) P.921-924.
12. . S.D.Gilev and V.I.Mali. Studying the chemical reaction in a powder mixture under shock compression by the method of electrical conductivity // Pr. of “New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials,” 10th International Seminar, 25-27 April, 2007, Pardubice, Czech Republic. P.221-229 (
13. Dudina D.V., Mali V.I., Anisimov A.G., Lomovsky O.I. Shock compression of Ti-B-Cu powder mixtures: microstructural aspects // Materials Science and Engineering A. 503 (2009) 41-44.
14. Lomovsky O.I., Golubkova G.V., Dovlitova L.S., Zaikovskii V.I., Maly V.I. Mechanochemical synthesis of amorphous and crystalline magnesium diboride. Inorganic Materials. 2010. Т. 46. № 1. С. 22-27.
15. V.I. Mali, I.A. Bataev, A.A. Bataev, M.A. Esikov. Nanostructure of laminated composite materials produced by explosive welding//Abs. of the Third nanotechnology International Forum. “Rusnanotech.” 1-3 November 2010, Moskow. 2. Poster Presentations.
16. Kiselev S.P., Kiselev V.P., Mali V.I. Effect of the metal structure on the loss of stability of a thin plate separating a powder compressed by a shock wave. Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves. 2010. Т. 46. № 1. С. 96-102.
17. Anisimov A.G., Mali V.I. Possibility of electric-pulse sintering of powder nanostructural composites.Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves. 2010. Т. 46. № 2. С. 237-241.
18. Peculiarities of weld seams and adjacent zones structures formed in process of explosive welding of sheet steel plates / И. А. Батаев, А. А. Батаев, В. И. Мали, М. А. Есиков, В. А. Батаев // Materials Science Forum. - 2011. - Vol.673. - P. 95-100.
19. Crystallization of Ti33Cu67 metallic glass under high current density electrical pulses / D.V. Dudina, V.I. Mali, A.G. Anisimov, O.I. Lomovsky, M.A. Korchagin, N.V. Bulina , M.A. Neklyudova, K Georgarakis, A.R. Yavari // EMN:Villa Conference on Interactions Among Nanostructures, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 21-25, 2011. pp 124-125

Grade: Member

Member since June 18, 2011
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Phone: 7383 3332453
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