1. Onyango, M.S., H.Matsuda and T. Ogada. Sorption Kinetics of Arsenic onto Iron-Conditioned Zeolite. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 36 (2003) 477-485.
2. Okumura, S., N. Mihara, K. Kamiya, S. Ozawa, M.S. Onyango, Y. Kojima, H. Matsuda, K. Kyaw, Y. Goto, T. Iwashita. Recovery of CaO by Reductive Decomposition of Spent Gypsum in a CO-CO2-N2 Atmosphere. Journal of Industrial Engineering Chemistry and Research. 42 (2003) 6046-6052.
3. Onyango, M.S., Y.Kojima, O. Aoyi, and H.Matsuda. Adsorption Kinetics of Arsenic Removal from Groundwater by Iron- Modified Zeolite. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 36 (2003) 1516-1522.
4. Kumar, A.,O. Aoyi and M.S. Onyango. Engineering Education in African Universities: A Case for Internationalization. Journal of Studies in International Education.8 (2004) 377-389.
5. Onyango, M.S., Y.Kojima, O. Aoyi, E.C.Bernado and H.Matsuda. Adsorption Equilibrium Modeling and Solution Chemistry Dependence of Fluoride Removal from Water by Trivalent-Cation-Exchanged Zeolite. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 279(2004) 341-350.
6. Kanda, S., Y. Kojima, M.S.Onyango, H. Matsuda, K. Ushiroebisu and Z. Yamada. Decomposition of Trichloroethylene by a TiO2/ Silica Gel Photocatalyst under Ultraviolet Light Irradiation. Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan. 11 (2004) 354-361 (in Japanese).
7. Y. Kojima, T.Fukuta, T.Yamada, M.S. Onyango, E.C.Bernado, H.Matsuda and K. Yagishita. Catalytic Wet Oxidation of o-Chlorophenol at Mild Temperatures under Alkaline Conditions. Journal of Water Research. 39 (2005) 29-36.
8. Onyango, M.S., Y. Kojima, D. Kuchar, S. O. Osembo and H.Matsuda. Diffusion Kinetic Modeling of Fluoride Removal from Aqueous Solution by Charge-Reversed Zeolite Particles. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan. 38(2005) 701-710
9. Onyango M.S., Y.Kojima, A. Kumar, D. Kuchar, K. Mitsuhiro and H.Matsuda . Uptake of Fluoride by Al3+-Pretreated Low-Silica Synthetic Zeolites: Adsorption Equilibria and Rate Studies. Journal of Separation Science and Technology. 41(2006) 683-704.
10. Kuchar, D., Y. Kojima, M.S. Onyango and H.Matsuda. Conversion of Heavy Metals Involved in Incineration Fly Ashes to Complex Metal Sulfides by Sulfidation Treatment. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan. 39(2006) 241-246.
11. Kuchar, D., V. Bednarik, M. Vondruska, Y. Kojima, M.S. Onyango and H. Matsuda. Long-Term Prevention of Organics Dissolution from Wastewater Sludge Treated with Coal Fly Ash. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 5 (2006) 429-436.
12. Kuchar, D., T. Fukuta, M.S.Onyango and H. Hitoki. Sulfidation Characteristics of Zinc Compounds in Plating Sludge Towards Zinc Resource Recovery. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 137 (2006) 185-191.
13. Kuchar, D., T. Fukuta, M.S.Onyango and H. Hitoki. Sulfidation of Zinc Plating Sludge with Na2S for Zinc Resource Recovery. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 136 (2006) 86-94.
14. Kuchar, D., T. Fukuta, M.S.Onyango and H. Hitoki. Sulfidation Treatment of Metal Compounds Involved in Plating Sludges. Journal of Desalination, 211 (2007) 144-155.
15. Onyango, M.S., D. Kuchar, K Mitsuhiro, and H.Matsuda. Adsorptive Removal of Phosphate Ions from Aqueous Solution Using Synthetic Zeolite. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 46(2007) 895-900.
16. Kuchar, D., T. Fikuta, M.S. Onyango and H. Matsuda. Sulfidation Treatment of Molten Incineration Fly Ashes with Na2S for Zinc, Lead and Copper for Resource Recovery. Chemosphere, 67(2007) 1518-1525.
17. Akbar Eskandarpour, M. S. Onyango, Yoshiyuki Bando, Masazumi Okido and Kazuhiko Iwai. A Novel Designation of Fixed-bed Column Using a High Gradient Magnetic Field. Journal of Chemistry Letters, 36 (2007)1392-1393.
18. Kawano, T., M. Kubota, M.S. Onyango, F. Watanabe and H. Matsuda. Preparation of Activated Carbon from Petroleum Coke by KOH Chemical Activation for Adsorption Heat Pump. Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering, 28(2008) 865-871.
19. Aoyi, O., M.S. Onyango, P. Musonge, Anil Kumar, Kirimi Kiriamiti. Mixing in a Tank Stirred by a Rushton Turbine at a Low Clearance. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Processing, 47(2008) 842-851.
20. Georgalli, G.A., J.J. Eksteen, Max Pelser, L. Lorenzen, M.S. Onyango and C. Aldrich. Fluoride based Control of Ca and Mg Concentrations in High Ionic Strength Base Metal Sulphate Solutions in Hydrometallurgical Circuits. Minerals Engineering, 21(2008) 200-212.
21. Aoyi, O and M.S. Onyango. Drag Models and Solids Concentration Distribution in a Stirred Tank. Powder Technology, 181(2008) 1-8.
22. Eskandarpour, A., M. S. Onyango, M. Tanahashi, A. Ochieng, Y. Bando, K. Iwai, M. Okido and S. Asai. Magnetic Fixed-bed Column for Cr(VI) Removal from Aqueous Solution Using Schwertmannite. ISIJ International, 48 (2008) 240-244.
23. Eskandarpour, A., M. S. Onyango, A. Ochieng and S. Asai. Removal of Fluoride Ions from Aqueous Solution at Low pH Using Schwertmannite. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 152( 2008) 571-579.
24. Fukuta, T., S. Agari, D.Kuchar, M. Kubota, M.S. Onyango, H. Matsuda, L. Huang and K. Yagishita. Decomposition Characteristics of Copper and Zinc Cyanide Complexes by Wet Oxidation at Low Temperatures. Global NEST Journal, 10(2008) 24-30.
25. Aoyi, O. and M.S. Onyango Homogenization Energy in a Stirred Tank. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 47(2008) 1853-1860.
26. Eksteen, J.J., M. Pelser, M.S. Onyango, L. Lorenzen, C. Aldrich and G.A. Georgalli. Effects of Residence Time and Mixing Regimes on the Precipitation Characteristics of CaF2 and MgF2 from High Ionic Strength Sulphate Solutions. Hydrometallurgy, 91(2008)104-112.
27. Ogenga, D.O., Z. O. Siagi, M.S.Onyango and M. Mbarawa . An Overview of the Use of Ca(OH)2/Fly Ash in Flue Gas Desulphurization. R&D Journal 2008, 24 (3) of the South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering.
28. Onyango, M S., T. Y. Leswifi, Aoyi, O., D. Kuchar, F.A.O. Otieno and H. Matsuda. Breakthrough Analysis for Water Defluoridation Using Surface-Tailored Zeolite Fixed-Bed Column. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 48 (2009) 931-939
29. Ogenga, D.O., Z. O. Siagi, M.S.Onyango and M. Mbarawa, Influence of Hydration Variables on the Properties of South African Calcium/Siliceous-Based Material, Journal of Frontiers of Chemical Engineering in China 3 (2009) 44-51.
30. Aoyi, O., M.S. Onyango, Kiriamiti, K.H. Experimental Measurement and CFD Simulation of Mixing in a Stirred Tank: A review. South African Journal of Science (2009) 421-426.
31. TY Leswifi, MS Onyango, O Aoyi, F Otieno. The Dynamic Adsorption Behaviour of Fluoride onto Surface-Tailored Zeolite. Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice. 6 ( 2) (2009)
32. Ojijo, V.O., M.S. Onyango, O. Aoyi and FAO Otieno. Decolourization of Melanoidin Containing Wastewater Using South African Coal Fly Ash. International Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering 2(1) (2010) 17-23.
33. Aoyi, O., M.S. Onyango, Kiriamiti, K.H. CFD Simulation and Experimental Measurement of Nickel Solids Concentration Distribution in a Stirred Tank. SAIMM Journal 110 (2010), 1-6
34. Kumar Anil ,Valoyi Redeem, Ochieng Aoyi , Onyango Maurice. Acid-Base Transesterification of Oil with High Free Fatty Acid Content. Journal of Biofuels 1(2010),
35. Onyango, M.S., M. Masukume, O. Aoyi and Fred Otieno. Functionalized Natural Zeolite and Its Potential for Treating Drinking Water Containing Excess Amount of Nitrate. Water SA Journal 36(5) (2010) 655-662.
36. Murutu, C, M.S. Onyango, O. Aoyi and Fred Otieno. Adsorption of Fluoride on Limestone Derived Apatite. The International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development 1(3) (2010) 13-22.
37. Aoyi, O., M.S. Onyango. CFD Simulation of the Hydrodynamics and Mixing Time in a Stirred Tank. Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly 16(4) (2010) 374-379.
38. Evans T. Musapatika, Maurice S. Onyango, Aoyi Ochieng, Co(II) removal from synthetic wastewater by adsorption on South African coal fly ash, South African Journal of Science 106(9/10) (2010), Art. #167, 7 pages.
39. Aoyi Ochieng, M. S. Onyango CFD simulation of solids suspension in stirred tanks: Review. Journal Hemijska industrija (Chemical Industry) 64(5) (2010) 365-374
40. Bhaumak, M., T.Y. Leswifi, A. Maity, V.V. Srinivasu and M. S. Onyango. Removal of Fluoride from Aqueous Solution by Polypyrrole/Fe3O4 Magnetic Nanocomposite. Journal Hazardous Materials, 186(1) (2011)150-159.
41. Krishnie Moodley, Ruella Singh, Evans T. Musapatika, Maurice S. Onyango, Aoyi Ochieng, Removal of nickel using an agricultural adsorbent, Water SA Journal 37(1) (2011) 41-46.
42. M. Masukume, A. Eskandarpour, M.S. Onyango, O. Aoyi and Fred Otieno. Treating High Nitrate Groundwater Using Surfactant Modified Zeolite In Fixed Bed Column, Separation Science and Technology 46 (2011) 1131-1137.
43. Madhumita Bhaumik, Arjun Maity, V. V. Srinivasu, Maurice S. Onyango. Enhanced removal of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solution Using Polypyrrole/Fe3O4 Magnetic Nanocomposite. Journal Hazardous Materials, 190(1) (2011) 381-390.
44. Maurice S. Onyango, Jacob Kittinya, Nomcebo Hadebe, Vincent O.Ojijo, Ochieng Aoyi. Sorption of Melanoidin onto Surfactant Modified Zeolite. Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly Journal : doi: 10.2298/CICEQ110125025O
Book Chapters
45. Onyango, M.S. and H. Matsuda. Fluoride Removal from Water Using Adsorption Technique. In: A. Tressaud, Editor, Fluoride and Environment: Agrochemical, Archaeology, Green Chemistry and Water (Advances in Fluorine Science, Volume 2), Elsevier B.V., The Netherlands, (2006), pp. 1-48. ISBN: 97804444526724.
46. Kojima, Y., S. Kanda, M. S. Onyango, H. Matsuda, K. Ushiroebisu, and Z. Yamada. Gas-phase Photocatalytic Decomposition of Trichloroethylene Adsorbed on TiO2/Silica Gel Beads in an O2 Gas Atmosphere. In: H. Itoh, Editor, Waste Management in Japan, WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, UK (2004), pp. 79-88. ISBN: 1-84564-000-4.
47. Kumar, A., R. Valoyi, A. Ochieng, M. S. Onyango. Acid-Base Transesterification of Oil with High Free Fatty Acid Content. In: New Frontiers in Biofuels. Scitech Publications, Chennai (India) . pp. 42-50. ISBN: 9788183713085