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Philippe Sciau



- Reverse Engineering the ancient ceramic technology based on X-ray fluorescence spectromicroscopy. Ph. Sciau, Y. Leon, Ph. Goudeau, S.C. Sirine, S. Webb, A. Mehta (2011). J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 26 (5), 969-976 (one line, DOI:10.1039/C0JA00212G).
- The nature of marbled Terra Sigillata Slips: a combined μXRF and μXRD investigation. Y. Leon, Ph. Sciau, Ph. Goudeau, N. Tamura, S. Webb, A. Mehta (2010). Apply Phys. A 99, 419-425 (one line, DOI:10.1007/s00339-010-5628-x).
- Double nanoparticle layer in a 12th century lustreware decoration: Accident or technological mastery? Ph. Sciau, C. Mirguet, C. Roucau, D. Chabanne, M. Schvoerer (2009). Journal of Nano Research 8, 133-139 (on line, DOI:10.4028/
- Transmission electron microscopy a powerful means to investigate the glazed coating of ancient ceramics. C. Mirguet, C. Roucau, Ph. Sciau (2009). Journal of Nano Research 8, 141-146 (on line, DOI:10.4028/
- Origin of the self-organization of Cu°/Ag° nanoparticles in ancient lustre pottery. A TEM study. C. Mirguet, P. Fredrickx, Ph. Sciau, Ph. Colomban (2008). Phase transition, 81, 253-266 (on line, DOI: 10.1080/01411590701514433).
Grade: Member

Member since June 22, 2011
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