1. Impurity defects in ZnO phosphors.
V. W. Kulkarni , Ganabahadur, Patvardhan , and R. S. Khairnar,
J. Sci. Res. (India ) 4,1 (1982 )
2. Effect of electrolytes on cataphoretically coated LaB6 cathods .
R. S. Khairnar, D.S. Joag, S.K. Kulkarni, A.S. Nigavekar and P.L. Kanitkar
Rev. Sci. Instrum. (USA), 55, 1505(1984).
3. Processing and characterization of LaB6 coated hairpin cathodes.
R.S.Khairnar , P.W. Mahajan , D.S. Joag, A.S. Nigvevakar and P.L. Kanitkar .
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. (USA), A3 (2), 398(1985).
4. Surface oxidation of Fe40Ni40B20 metallic glass.
R.S. Khairnar, P.P. Karve, S.K. Kulkarni and A.S. Nigavekar.
J. Mat. Sci. Lett. (UK), 4,1282(1985).
5. Metallic glass as a field electron emitter.
R.S. Khairnar , and D.S. Joag.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. (GB)22, 547(1989).
6. A study of dc, Pulsed and T-F emission from LaB6/W field emitter,
R.S. Khairnar ,C.V. Dharmadhikari , P.L. Kanitkar, D.S. Joag and A.S. Nigaveker .
J. Vac. Sci. Techol. (USA), A7(4), 2730(1989).
7. Pencil lead tips : A field ion and field electron emission microscopic study,
R.S. Khairnar , C.V. Dharmadhikari and D.S. Jaog.
J. Appl. Phys. (USA), 65(12), 4735(1989).
8. Pencil lead field emitter.
R.S. Khairnar and Dilip S. Joag . Physique (France), Suppl. 11, tome 50, C8-85(1989).
9. Noise in field induced electron emission from graphite composite: Spectral density and auto correlation investigation.
C.V. Dharmadhikari , R.S. Khairnar and D.S.Joag.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. (GB),24, 1842(1991).
10. Characterization of Type- M dispencer cathodes.
R.S. Khairnar, A.K. Chopra, A.K. Sharma, and Roy Mathew
J. IETE (India) 9(1), 91 (1992)
11. Emission performance evaluation of dispenser cathodes.
A K Chopra, R S Khairnar, A K Sharma ans Roy Mathew.
J. IETE (India), 9(1), 91 (1992)
12. Work function measurement of dispenser cathodes by means of retarding potential method.
R. S. Khairnar and A.K.Chopra
Rev. Sci. Instrum. (USA), 63, 5483(1992)
13. Fabrication and characterization of Type-M dispenser cathodes for microwave tubes.
R S Khairnar, A K Sharma, R Mathew, M S Tyagi, M Kumar, R Naik and A K Chopra
IETE Tech. Rev. (India), Special issue mm and microwave devices, Vol.10, 365(1993)
14. Fabrication and characterization of dispenser electron emitters for high power microwave tubes.
R S Khairnar
Vision (India), SRTM University, Vol. I(2), p.1-7, (1999)
15. Field emission studies on LaB6 adsorbed W-surfaces.
R S Khairnar
Vision (India), SRTM University, Vol.II (1), p.1-8, (2000)
16. Chemical bath deposition for preparation of CdS thin films.
Munde S. G. and R S Khairnar
J. Instrumentation, Instrum. Soc. India, Vol.30 no.3, p.25-27 (2000)
17. Fabrication of silicon based glass fibers for optical communication.
Vivek P Kude and R S Khairnar
Bull. Mater. Sci. Vol.27, no.1, p.73-77, Feb.(2004).
18. Synthesis, characterization and gas sensing property of hydroxyapatite ceramic.
M P Mahabole, R C Aiyer, C V Ramakrishna, B Sreedhar, and R S Khairnar
Bull. Mater. Sci., Vol.28 no.6, p. 101-111, Oct.(2005)
19. The characterization of step index single mode silica fiber for long haul signal communication
Vivek P Kude and R S Khairnar
Mater. Res.(USA), p.257-259, (2005)
20. Influence of high energy ion irradiation on the field emission characteristics of CVD diamond films.
P M Koinkar, R S Khairnar, S A Khan, R P Gupta, D K Awasthi, and M A More.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B, NIM(B), Vol.244, p.217-220, (2006).
21. Fabrication and Numerical Evaluation of the tapered single mode optical fiber: Detection of change in refractive index.
V P Kude and R S Khairnar,
Indian J. Pure and Applied Physics, Vol.46, p.23-29, Jan., 2008,
22. Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on the physical properties of CuIn(S0.4Se0.6)2 alloy thin films prepared by solution growth technique.
S D Chavan, N G Deshpande, Y G Gudage, A Ghose, R R Ahire, S V Borse, R S Khairnar, K M Jadhav, F Singh, Ramphal Sharma.
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol.77, 794-798, (2008).
23. Study of Nano-biomaterial Hydroxyapatite in Simulated Body Fluid: Formation and Growth of Apatite.
Pradnya. N. Chavan*, Manjushri. M. Bahir, Ravindra. U. Mene, Megha. P. Mahabole, and Rajendra. S. Khairnar*
Materials Science and Engineering B,vol.168, p.224-230, (2010)
24. Hydroxyapatite Nanoceramic Thick Films: An Efficient CO2 Gas Sensor
R U Mene, M P Mahabole, R C Aiyer, and R S Khairnar
The Open applied Physics Journal, Bentham Publ. USA Online Open Access Journal 2010 Vol 3, (2010), 10-16.
25. Surface modified hydroxyapatite thick films for CO2 gas sensing applications: Effect of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation,
R U Mene, M.P. Mahabole, and R S Khairnar,
Radiation Physics & Chemistry, Vol;. 80, p682-7, 2011
26. Enhancement in CO gas sensing properties of hydroxyapatite thick films: Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation
R U Mene, M.P. Mahabole, and R S Khairnar, Vacuum(GB) In Press, Accepted for Publication
1. Title of the Invetion: A Composite of Yittria Stabilized Zirconia and Hydroxyapatite for Gas Sensors and a method of fabricating the same
Patent application number 1412/MUM/2010
Research Reports/ Publications/ Books etc. :-
1. Research Report on “Step index single mode Optical Fibers: Synthesis and Characterization”, SRTMUN.
2. Research Report on “Calcium Hydroxyapatite Biomaterial Nano-Ceramics:
Synthesis, Characterization and Gas sensing properties”, SRTMUN.
1. La6B/W field emitter – A study of dc , pulsed and T-F emitter : presented at the 33rd International Field Emission Symposium, held at Fritz Haber Institute der MPG., Berlin (W. Germany), 7-12 July (1986).
2. Pencil lead field emitter , presented at the 36th International field Emission Symposium held at Department of Material and Engineering , University Oxford, Oxford(UK), 31 July-6 August (1989).
3. International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories ( CMT-XX), held at Department of Physics , University of Pune , Pune, India, 9-13 December 1996.
4. International Conference on “Electrochemical Power System, ICEPS-2000”, Hotel Trident, Chennai, 9-10 Nov.,2000. : Participation
5. International Conference on “Biomaterial Engineering -2001”, Center for Medical Electronics, Anna University , Chennai , 24-26 Jan., 2001; :Paper presentation.
6. International Conference on “Advances in Materials, Product Design and Manufacturing Systems, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, (TN), 14-16 Dec., 2005 : Paper presentation
7. The 2nd International meeting on Microsensor and Microsystems,
National Chengkong University, Taiwan, Taiwan ROC., 15-18 Jan 2006
(paper presented by co-author).
8. 10th International Conference on Advancement Materials (ICAM), IUMRS-
ICAM 2007, Banglore, India, 8-13, October 2007, Participation.
9. International Conference on Nano Science and Technology (ICONSAT 2008),
Chennai, TN, India, 27-29 February, 2008., oraganised by Indira Gandhi
Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, TN.
10. 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials ANM-2008,
22nd-25th June, 2008, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal,
1. A dc and TF emission from La6B / W field emitter , presented in poster session at National DAE Symposium, Pantnagar, Dec. 1986.
2. Characterization of Type–M dispenser emitters, presented in oral session symposium on “Microwave power tubes and their application”, 21-23 Sept. 1990, CEERI, Pilani.
3. Work function measurement of dispenser emitters by retarding field potential method , presented in oral session in symposium on “Microwave power tubes and their applications”, 21-23 Sept. 1990, CEERI, Pilani.
4. Colloquia given on the topic “Field Electron Emitters”, CEERI, Pilani, March. 1990.
5. Attended “Winter School in Surface and Interfaces” held at Dept. of Physics, University of Pune, during 2-11 Jan., 1991.
6. Participated in “International Workshop on surface EXAFS” held at Dept. of Physics ,University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Aug. 18-20, 1992.
7. “Mixed metal thin film deposition” presented in National Symposium of Indian Vacuum , society (IVSNS-93) held at National Physical Lab., N. Delhi, 6-8 )ct., 1993.
8. “Residual Gas Analyzers”, Invited Lecture ,in Workshop/Course on Vacuum, Science and Technology (CVST).organized by Indian Vacuum Society, B.A.R.C. Mumbai , during 27-30 Aug, 1993, at CEERI, Pilani.
9. Attended symposium on “Microwave and Millimeter waves –Recent Trends”, held at DEAL, Dehradun, 8-9 April,1996.
10. Attended discussion meeting “Frontier Lectures in Condensed matter Science” organized by Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, held at Department of Physics, University of Pune, Pune,18-20 April,1996.
11. Attended Programme on “Fiber Optics Sensors and Applications”, Institute of Armament Technology, Pune, August, 1998.
12. 11th Annual General Body Meeting Materials Research Society of India, held at M.S. University, Baroda, 3-5 Feb., 2000; Paper presentation.
13. Seminar on “Technical Education in the New Millennium” University of Osmania , 12-13 March., 2000.
14. National Conference on “Computational Material Science- NCCMS2000”, Bhabha Atomic Research Center , Trombay, Mumbai, 27-29 July, 2000.
15. National Symposium on “Fundamental Aspects of Crystal Growth”, Crystal Growth Center ,Anna University, Chennai, 6-7 Nov. 2000; Paper presentation.
16. UNESCO Regional Training Course in “Fiber Optics”, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 12-24 Feb., 2001.
17. National Symposium on Vacuum, Science, Technology and Vacuum Metallurgy IVSNS-03, Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC), Trombay, 15-17 Oct.,2003
18. National Conference on Lasers & their Applications, NCOLA-04, Amravati University, Amravati,28-30 Jan.,2004
19. Awareness of Patents, One day workshop, SRTM University, Nanded, 25 Feb.,2004
20. National Conference on Microwaves and Optoelectronics, Dr. B A M University, Aurangabad, 29-30 June, 2004.
21. National Seminar on Science & Technology of Thin Films NSSTTF-2004, Rajarshi Shahu College, Latur, 16 Oct., 2004
22. Seminar on Recent Trends in Modern Physics, SSRTMP, Invited Talk on “Optical Fibers and its Applications, Vasantrao Naik Mahavidyalaya, Aurangabad, 26-27 Aug., 2008.
23. State Level Conference on “Optical Fiber Communications and Sensor Applications - 2008”, Invited talk on Optical Fiber Sensors, Dept. Electronic Sciences, AJMVP Samaj’s New Arts, Commerce,& Sciences College, Ahmednagar – 414001, 22 -24 December, 2008.