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Andrey Varfolomeev

Institute of molecular physics
National Research Center Kurchatov Institute


1. Varfolomeev A.E., Volkov A.V., Godovsky D.Yu., Malov Yu.A., Moskvina M.A., Zaretsky D.F., Optical properties of CdS nanocrystals in polymer films, Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures, 10/11, (1995) p.71-76

2. Balandin A., Bandyopadhyay S., Snyder P.G., Stefanovich S., Varfolomeev A., Zaretsky D., Banerjee G., Miller A.E., Intrinsic Optical Non-linearity and Second Harmonic Generation in Electrochemically Self-Assembled CdS Quantum Dots, Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures, 11/12 (1997) p.155-162

3. Aronzon B., Varfolomeev A., Likalter A., Rylkov V., Sarychev A., Sedova M., Studies of magnetoresistance and Hall effect in insulating Fe/SiO2 granular films, Physica Status Solidi, 205(1) (1998), p.151-155

4. A. Varfolomeev, A.Volkov, D. Godovsky, G. Kapustin, M. Moskvina, Giant negative magnetoresistance in a composite system based on Fe3O4 nanocrystals in a polymer matrix, JETP Lett., v.67(1) (1998), p.39-42

5. Kouklin N., Bandyopadhyay S., Varfolomeev A., Tereshin S., Zaretsky D., Electronic bistability and non-volatile memory effect in electrochemically self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots, Applied Physics Letters, v.76(4) (2000) p.460-462

6. D.Y. Godovsky, A. E. Varfolomeev, D.F. Zaretsky, R.L.Nayana Chandrakanthi, A. Kundig, C. Weder, W. Caseri, Preparation of nanocomposites of polyaniline and inorganic semiconductors, J. Mater. Chem. 11(2001), p.2465-2469.

7. A. Varfolomeev, M. Sedova, Large Positive Magnetoresistance Effect in Metal–Insulator Nanocomposites in Weak Magnetic Fields, Physics of the Solid State, v 45(3) (2003), p. 529–533.

8. A. Varfolomeev, A.Volkov, D. Zaretsky, M. Moskvina, V. Mordkovich, Polymer-based nanocomposites for bolometric applications, Technical Physics Letters, v.30(8) (2004) p.663-665

9. Pokalyakin V., Tereshin S., Varfolomeev A., Zaretsky D., Baranov A., Banerjee A., Wang Y., Ramanathan S., Bandyopadhyay S., Proposed model for bistability in nanowire nonvolatile memory, Journal of Applied Physics 97, 124306 (2005)

10. A. Varfolomeev, V. Pokalyakin, S. Tereshin, D. Zaretsky, S. Bandyopadhyay, Switching time of nanowire memory, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 5 (2005), p.753-758

11. A. Varfolomeev, V. Pokalyakin, S. Tereshin, D. Zaretsky, S. Pramanik, S. Bandyopadhyay, Admittance of CdS nanowires embedded in porous alumina template, Applied Physics Letters, 88, 113114 (2006).

12. A. Varfolomeev, S. Patibandla, S. Bandyopadhyay, Self-Assembled Nanowire Arrays of Metal–Insulator–Semiconductor Diodes Exhibiting S-Type Nonlinearity, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, v.7, Issue 6, Nov. (2008) p.800 – 805
Grade: Member

Member since June 23, 2011
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Address: 123182 moscow, kurchatov sq.1
Phone: 499-1967086
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