8 USSR/Russia Patents, 7 US Patents.
More than 120 publications, in Russian and International journals and conference proceedings, see some selected titles, published in the last 15 years:
Vasilyev V. Yu. Low-Temperature Thermally-Activated Pulsed Chemical Vapor Deposition of Ruthenium Thin Films Using Carbonyl-Diene Precursor / In “Ruthenium: Properties, Production and Applications”, Ed. David B. Watson // Nova Science Publishers Inc., 2011, p.p.2-85. ISBN: 978-1-61761-550-4.
Vasilyev V. Yu., Mogilnikov K. P., Song Y. W. Properties of thermally annealed ruthenium thin films grown on seed layers in low temperature selective deposition region // Current Applied Physics, 2009, v.9, е148-е151.
Vasilyev V. Yu., Mogilnikov K. P., Song Y. W. Surface selective growth of ruthenium films under low temperature pulsed CVD conditions // Electrochem. & Solid State Letters, 2008, v.11, N12, D89-D93.
Vasilyev V. Yu., Mogilnikov K. P., Song Y. W. Nucleation and growth of pulsed CVD Ruthenium films from tricarbonyl[eta4-cyclohexa-1,3-diene]ruthenium // J. Electrochem. Soc., 2008, v.115, N12, p.p. D763-D770.
Vasilyev V. Yu., Chung S.-H., Song Y. W. Quantifying ALD technology for High Aspect Ratio Structures // Solid State Technology, 2007, V.50, N8, p.p.53, 54, 56.
Vasilev V. Yu., and Repinsky S. M. Thin film CVD Dielectrics. // Uspekhi Khimii (Russian Chem. Reviews), 2005, V. 74, N 5, p.p.413-441.
Vasilev V. Y. Borophosphosilicate Glass Films in Silicon Microelectronics, Part 1: Chemical Vapor Deposition, Composition, and Properties // Russian Microelectronics, 2004, V.33, N5, 2004, P.334-351.
Vasilev V. Y. Borophosphosilicate Glass Films in Silicon Microelectronics, Part 2: Film Structure and Applications // Russian Microelectronics, 2005, V.35, N1, p.p.83-97.
Vasilev V. Yu. Relationships between gas-phase film deposition, properties and structures of thin SiO2 and BPSG films // J. Electrochem. Soc., 2003, V.150, N12, p.p.F211-F218.
Vasil’ev V. Yu. Interrelation between the Parameters of Vapor Deposition, Properties and Structure of Borophosphosilicate Glass Films Used in the Technology of Silicon Integrated Circuits // Glass Phys. Chem., 2003, V.29, N5, p.p.461-470.
Vasilev V. Yu. Investigation of borophosphosilicate glass film flow properties for integrated circuit technology applications. Part 1. Film flow at furnace isothermal and rapid thermal anneal conditions // Russian Microelectronics, 2003, V.32, N3, p.p.213-226.
Vasilev V. Yu. Investigation of borophosphosilicate glass film flow properties for integrated circuit technology applications. Part 2. Consolidated parameters for film flow characterization in ultra large scale integrated circuits // Russian Microelectronics, 2003, V.32, N4, p.p.276-277.
Vasilev V. Yu. ULSI Gap Filling with a Thin CVD SiO2-Based Insulator: A Review // Russian Microelectronics, 2002, V.31, N4, p.p.224-230.
Vassiliev V. Yu., Sudijono J. L., and Cuthbertson A. Trends in Void-Free Pre-Metal CVD Dielectrics // Solid State Technology, 2001, V.44, N3, p.p.129-136.
Vassiliev V. Yu. Evolution of borophosphosilicate glass film defects // Intern. J. of Dielectrics for ULSI Multilevel Interconnection, 2000, V.1, N1, p.p.17-31.
Vassiliev V. Yu., Lin C., Fung D., Hsieh J., and Sudijono J. L. Properties and gap-fill capability of high-density plasma chemically vapor deposited phosphosilicate glass films for subquarter micrometer ULSI device technology // Electrochem. and Solid State Letters, 2000, V.3, N2, p.p.80-83.
Vassiliev V. Yu. Void-free pre-metal gap-fill capability of CVD films for subquater micron ULSI (Invited presentation/paper) // Proc. of 6th Int. Dielectric for ULSI Multilevel Interconnection Conf. (DUMIC), Santa Clara, USA, February 2000, p.p.121-132.
Vassiliev V. Yu. Trends in CVD Technology and Equipment for Obtaining Thin Insulating SiO2-Based Films in Microelectronics. Part 1: Materials, Deposition Methods, and Equipment // Russian Microelectronics, 1999, v.28, N3, pp.175-182.
Vassiliev V. Yu. Trends in CVD Technology and Equipment for Obtaining Thin Insulating SiO2-Based Films in Microelectronics. Part 2: Narrow Gap Fill // Russian Microelectronics, 1999, v.28, N3, pp.183-192.
Vassiliev V. Yu., Zheng J. Z., Tang S. K., Lu W., Hua J., and Lin Y. S. Growth kinetics and deposition-related properties of subatmospheric-pressure chemically vapor deposited borophosphosilicate glass films // J. Electrochem. Soc., 1999, V. 146, N 8, p.p.3039-3051.
Tang S. K., Vassiliev V. Yu., Mridha S., Chan L. Investigation of borophosphosilicate glass roughness and planarization with the atomic force microscope technique // Thin Solid Films, 1999, V.352, N1-2, pp.77-84.
Vassiliev V. Yu. Modern BPSG film technology (Invited lecture) // Visual booklet of tutorial course on the 4th Int. Dielectric for ULSI Multilevel Interconnection Conf., Santa Clara, USA, February 18, 1998, p.p.111-192.