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Alexei Onoprienko

Structure investigation of superhard and ceramic materials
Institute for Problems of Materials Science, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


1. Onoprienko A.A., Ivashchenko V.I., Dub S.N., Khyzhun O.Yu., Timofeeva I.I. Microstructure and mechanical properties of hard Ti-Si-C-N films deposited by dc magnetron sputtering of multicomponent Ti/C/Si target. Surface and Coatings Technology (2011) Article in Press.
2. Onoprienko A.A., Yanchuk I.B., Kossko, I.A. Relationship between structure and electrical resistivity in nano-structured copper-containing carbon films. Surface and Coatings Technology 204 (24), (2010) 4091-4094.
3. Onoprienko A.A., Danilenko N.I. Thermal stability of nanosized composite C-Cu films. Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 49 (1-2) (2010) 50-54.
4. Onoprienko A.A., Danilenko N.I. Structural evolution on annealing of layered C-Cu composite films. Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 48 (1-2) (2009) 93-99.
5. Onoprienko A.A., Danilenko N.I., Kossko I.A., Gorban V.F. Microstructural study of composite C-Cu films deposited by dc magnetron sputtering. Surface and Coatings Technology 202 (9) (2008) 1728-1732.
6. Onoprienko A.A., Danilenko N.I., Kossko I.A. Structure evolution on annealing of copper-doped carbon film. Thin Solid Films 515 (17) (2007) 6672-6675
7. Onoprienko A.A. Electrical resistivity and real structure of magnetron-sputtered carbon films. Topics in Applied Physics 100 (2006) 175-186.
8. Onoprienko A.A., Artamonov V.V., Yanchuk I.B. Effect of magnetron discharge power on the resistivity and microstructure of carbon films. Surface and Coatings Technology 200 (14-15) (2006) 4174-4178.
9. Onoprienko A.A., Yanchuk I.B. Temperature dependence of the mechanical properties of amorphous carbon films deposited by magnetron sputtering. Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 45 (3-4) (2006) 190-195.
10. Onoprienko A.A., Yanchuk I.B. Structural studies of materials: Effects of deposition conditions on carbon-film resistivity and microstructure. Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 44 (9-10) (2005) 499-504.
11. Onoprienko A.A., Artamonov V.V., Yanchuk I.B. Effect of deposition and anneal temperature on the resistivity of magnetron sputtered carbon films. Surface and Coatings Technology 172 (2-3) (2003) 189-193.
12. Novoselova I.A., Fedorishena Y.N., Onoprienko A.A., Panov E.V. Electrochemical behavior of boron-containing amorphous-carbon films. Ukrainskij Khimicheskij Zhurnal 68 (9-10) (2002) 32-36.
13. Shaginyan, L.R., Onoprienko, A.A., Britun, V.F., Smirnov, V.P. Microstructure and properties of a-C films deposited under ion bombardment conditions. Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 40 (5-6) (2001) 292-296.
14. Shaginyan L.R, Onoprienko A.A, Britun V.F, Smirnov V.P. Influence of different physical factors on microstructure and properties of magnetron sputtered amorphous carbon films. Thin Solid Films 397 (1-2) (2001) 288-295.
15. Jastrabik L., Soukup L., Shaginyan L.R., Onoprienko A.A. Deposition conditions and composition and structure relationships for nitride carbon films obtained by ECR plasma-assisted CVD and reactive rf magnetron sputtering. Surface and Coatings Technology 123 (2-3) (2000) 261-267.
16. Shaginyan L.R., Onoprienko A.A., Vereschaka V.M., Fendrych F., Vysotsky V.G. Role of ion bombardment in forming CNx and CNxHy films deposited by r.f.-magnetron reactive sputtering and ECR plasma-activated CVD methods. Surface and Coatings Technology 113 (1-2) (1999) 134-139.
17. Vereshchaka V.M., Onoprienko A.A., Shaginyan L.P. Analysis of the composition of Sr-Bi-Ca-Cu-Pb-O films obtained by magnetron sputtering. Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 35 (4-6) (1996) 241-243.
18. Onoprienko A.A., Shaginyan L.R. Role of microstructure in forming thin carbon film properties. Diamond and Related Materials 3 (8) (1994) 1132-1136.

Grade: Member

Member since June 20, 2011
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