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Anita Patlolla

Biology/Environmental Science
Jackson State University


PATLOLLA ANITA, BERRY ASHLEY AND TCHOUNWOU PAUL. Study of hepatotoxicity and oxidative stress in male Swiss-Webster mice exposed to functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Mol Cell Biochem. (DOI 10.1007/s11010-011-0934-y) 2011 Jul 3. [Epub ahead of print]

PATLOLLA ANITA, MCGINNIS BRITTNEY AND TCHOUNWOU PAUL. Biochemical and histopathological evaluation of functionalized single-walled carbon nanotube in Swiss-Webster mice. Journal of Applied Toxicology Jan 2011, 31(1):75 - 83

PATLOLLA ANITA, HUSSAIN SABER, SCHLAGER JOHN, PATLOLLA SRIKANT, AND TCHOUNWOU PAUL. Comparative clastogenic study of functionalized and non-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotube in bone marrow cells of Swiss-Webster mice. Environmental Toxiciology, Dec 2010, 25(6):608-621

PATLOLLA ANITA, PATLOLLA BABU AND TCHOUNWOU PAUL. Evaluation of cell viability, DNA damage and cell-death in normal human dermal fibroblast cells induced by functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotube. Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry 2010, 338: 225-232.

PATLOLLA A, KNIGHTEN B, TCHOUNWOU P. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes induce cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and apoptosis in normal human dermal fibroblast cells. Ethn Dis. 2010 Winter;20(1 Suppl 1):S1-65-72.

PATLOLLA ANITA, CONSTANCE BARNES, JASMINE FIELDS, DIAHANNA HACKETT AND PAUL B. TCHOUNWOU. Potassium Dichromate Induced Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Oxidative Stress in Human Liver Carcinoma (HepG2) Cells. IJERPH 2009, 6:643-653

PATLOLLA ANITA, CONSTANCE BARNES, YEDJOU CLEMENT, VELMA V. REDDY, AND PAUL B.TCHOUNWOU. Oxidative stress, DNA damage and antioxidant enzyme activity induced by hexavalent chromium in Sprague-Dawley rats. Environmental Toxicology, 2009, 24(1):66-73.

PATLOLLA ANITA, ARMSTRONG NAJEALIKA and TCHOUNWOU PAUL. Cytogenetic evaluation of potassium dichromate toxicity in bone marrow cells of Sprague-Dawley rats. Metal Ions in Biology & Medicine vol 10:353-358, 2008].

ARMSTRONG NAJEALIKA, PATLOLLA ANITA and TCHOUNWOU PAUL. Protective effect of ascorbic acid against chromium-induced hepatic and renal toxicity in sprague-dawley rats. Metal Ions in Biology & Medicine vol 10: 636:641, 2008].

PATLOLLA ANITA and TCHOUNWOU PAUL. Arsenic trioxide induced oxidative stress in Sprague-Dawley rats. . Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine vol. 9: 417 - 421, 2006.

PATLOLLA ANITA and TCHOUNWOU PAUL.Serum alkaline phosphatase as a biomarker of arsenic-induced hepatobiliary or cholestatic effect in Sprague – Dawley rats. Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine vol. 9: 422- 425, 2006.
Grade: Member

Member since June 20, 2011
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