1. S.C.G. Kiruba Daniel V.Tharmaraj, T.Anitha Sironmani & K.Pitchumani (2010) Toxicity and Immunological activity of Silver Nanoparticles. Applied Clay Science 48, 547-(2010)
2. S.C.G. Kiruba Daniel, T.Anitha Sironmani V.Tharmaraj, & K.Pitchumani Synthesis, characterization and In vivo studies of Fluorophore attached Silver Nanoparticles.Bull.Mater.Sci,.Vol.34,Suppl.No 1.March 2011 pp1-5.(in press)
3. Nimrodh Ananth .A, Kiruba Daniel S.C.G., Anitha Sironmani.T, Umapathi PVA and BSA stabilized silver nanoparticles based Surface – Enhanced Plasmon Resonance probes for protein detection Colloids and surfaces B 85(2011) 138 to 144.
4. S.C.G.Kiruba Daniel^,T.Anitha Sironmani* and Dhinagaran5 Silver nanoparticles as curative and lifelong protective agent for red spot and white spot diseases of ornamental gold fish Carassius auratus (Communicated)
5. S.C.G. Kiruba Daniel7, R.Kumar8, V.Satish8, M.Sivakumar7,S.Sunitha8 and T.Anitha Sironmani (2011)Green synthesis (Ocimum tenuiflorum ) of silvernanoparticles and application in zebra fish rearing as part of the food web and direct method. Internantional J.Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(in press)
6. S.C.G.Kiruba Daniel^,T.Anitha Sironmani* and Dhinagaran5 Silver nanoparticles as curative and lifelong protective agent for red spot and white spot diseases of ornamental gold fish Carassius auratus (Communicated)
7. S.C.G. Kiruba Daniel7 S.Ayyappan6,N.John Paul Philiphan6,N.Sivakumar7, G.Menaga6 and T.Anitha Sironmani (2011) Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using of Achyranthus aspera, characterization and toxicity studies in Zebra fish.(Under preparation)
8. S.Sujarani9, SCG.Kiruba Daniel7 , Dr.A.Ramu9 and Dr.T.Anitha sironmani (2011) Schiff (2,2DIPHENYL-ETHYLIMINO)METHYL)PHENOLS) anchored silver nanoparticles-Synthesis, characterization and Toxicity studies. (Under preparation)
9. V.Tharmaraj. ,S.C.G.Kiruba Daniel7, K.Pitchumani and T.Anitha Sironmani and K.Pitchumani (2011) Development of gene delivery vectors using Clay, silver and Carbon nanopreparations for biomedical and agricultural.applications(Under Preparation)