Statistical regularities low-cycle destructions (Blednova Z.M. statistical regularity of formation and developments of cracks low-cycle weariness in materials with defects of type of a time and inclusions). Under the editorship of N.A. Mahutova. M: Science, 1989. - 256 pp.
Scientific bases of increase low-cycle durabilities. Under the editorship of N.A. Mahutova. М: the Science. 2006. - 602 pp. (The head increase of characteristics «Resistance to destruction by methods of drawing of coverings. Authors: Blednova Z.M., Chaevsky M.I. 201-267pp. The head mechanical features of fatigue behaviour of materials with reversible phase structure. Author Blednova Z.M., Budrevich D.G. 268-298pp).
Blednova Z.M., Mahutov N.A., Chaevsky M.I. The superficial modifying by materials with effect of memory of the form. Krasnodar: «Publishing house-south», 2009.-354pp.
Blednova Z.M., Chaevsky M.I. Influence of frequency stressing on cyclic durability of the nitrated steel // News of academy of sciences the USSR. Metals, 1989. № 6. P.121-123.
Blednova Z.M., Chaevsky M.I. Influence laser alloyage on the mechanism of destruction of steels at cyclic stressing / Structural mechanics in reactor technologies: Works of the International conference. - the USA, Los-Anzheles, 1989. P. 171-176.
Blednova Z.M. Increase of cyclic durability of steels by structure optimization // Physical and chemical mechanics material. 1991. № 5. P.71-77.
Blednova Z.M., Galkin V.V., Ковалев U.A. Settlement an estimation durability properties of composite vessels of pressure for metal-gas of accumulators//Independent power. Technical progress and economy. № 2. 1991. With. 46-49.
Blednova Z.M., Маchutov N.А., Kovalev U.A., Chaevsky M.I. About some features of designing of thin-walled vessels of pressure for the chemical Current sources // Physical and chemical mechanics of materials. 1993. № 6. С.26.
Blednova Z.M., Chaevsky M.I. Growth of cyclic durability of steels by formation and hardening of the self - organised structure / /News of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Metally. 2000. № 5. P. 78-81.
Blednova Z.M., Chaevsky M.I., Shauro A.N. Research of contact-cyclic durability in the conditions of a reversive friction // Factory laboratory. Diagnostics materials. 2001. № 5. P. 56-58.
Blednova Z.M. Analysis of failures for polyethylene manufacturing equipment to develop effective hardening technologies / Proceedings of III international symposium on tribo-fatigue. JSTF-2000: October 22-26, 2000. Beiging, China. Hunan University Press, China, p. 395-400.
Blednova Z.M., Budrevich D.G., Mahutov N.A., Chaevsky M.I. Surface modifying by materials with effect of memory of the form for reception of demountable connections // Problems of mechanical engineering and reliability of cars. 2002. № 5. P. 64-71.
Blednova Z.M., Budrevich D.G., Mahutov N.A., Chaevsky M.I. Formation of structure with martensite not elasticity at superficial modifying by alloys with effect of memory of the form // Metallurgical science and thermal processing of metals, 2003. № 10. P. 26-29.
Blednova Z.M., Budrevich D.G., Mahutov N.A., Chaevsky M.I. Structurally-mechanical aspects of maintenance of functional properties of materials superficially - modified by alloys with effect of memory of the form // Factory laboratory. Diagnostics of materials, 2003. № 9. 2003. P. 61-64.
Blednova Z.M., Budrevich D.G. Technique tests and mechanical properties of materials with effect of memory of the form // Factory laboratory. Diagnostics of materials, № 2. 2004. P. 62-68.
Blednova Z.M., Budrevich D.G., Chaevsky M.I. The functional and mechanical possibilities of surface alloying by shape memory materials for producing demountable couplings//Proc. Int. Conf. on Martensitic Transformations (ICOMAT-02).//J. Phys IV. 2004. V.112. Part. 2. P. 1151-1155.
Blednova Z.M., Votinov A.V., Strelevsky D.А, Chaevsky M.I. Surface of reliability of compensatory systems // Oil and gas business 2005.
Blednova Z.M., Mahutov N.A., Myshevsky I.S. Technological of feature of creation of one-piece connections with use of materials with effect of memory of the form of type NiTi // Problems of mechanical engineering and reliability of cars. 2006. №3. P. 62-68.
Blednova Z.M., Mahutov N.A., Stepanenko M. A. Features of structure and properties of blankets from an alloy with effects of memory of the form, used in thermo mechanical connections / Factory laboratory. Diagnostics of materials. 2006. №5. P. 42-49.
Blednova Z.M., Votinov A.V. Estimation of technogenic risk at operation of the equipment of the sea terminal, it is long contacting to mineral oil // Ecological bulletin of centres of science. 2006. № 1. P. 71-80.
Blednova Z.M., Votinov A.V. Estimation of parameters of safety of tanks for storage of mineral oil in the presence of defects//Ecological bulletin of centres of science. 2006. № 3. P. 31-38.
Blednova Z.M., Stepanenko M.A. Structure and properties of TiNi-coverings with SMA, received laser welding // News of high schools. Sowing. - caucasus. Region. Engineering science. 2006. №1. P. 21-27.
Blednova Z.M., Myshevsky I.S. Influence of alloying elements with memory of the form on structure and operational properties of welded connections//materials technology Questions. St.-Petersburg, 2007. P. 118-125.
Blednova Z.M., Chaevsky M.I., Rusinov P.O. Methodological approaches and new technical decisions for formation nanostructure blankets in the conditions of a high gradient of temperatures // Strengthening technologies and coverings. 2008. № 11. P. 54-61.
Blednova Z.M., Kravchenko S.A. Modern experience of calibration in a dynamic mode force measuring systems of cars of type GRM for fatigue tests of materials // Factory laboratory. Diagnostics of materials. 2009. № 1.
Blednova Z.M. Management durability of materials by drawing on a surface self-organizing coverings with memory of the form // Mechanical engineering Metallurgy. 2009. № 1. P. 36-39.
Blednova Z.M., Rusinov P.O. Employment of mechanically activated powders from materials with SMA for formation of blankets by a plasma dusting // News of high schools. Sowing. Engineering science. 2009. № 12. P. 84-69.
Blednova Z.M., Myshevskij I.S., Rusinov P.O. Estimation of influence of iron on structurization in alloys Ni-Ti-Fe // Materials technology questions. 2009. № 4. P. 17-24.
Blednova Z.M., Rusinov P.O. Forming nanostructure blankets from materials with memory of the form on the basis of TiNi plasma dusting // Strengthening technologies and coverings 2009. № 8. P. 23-32.
Blednova Z.M., Rusinov P.O. Forming nanostructure blankets from materials with memory of the form on the basis of TiNi and NiAl // Russian nanotechnology. 2010. № 3-4. P. 58-64.
Blednova Z.M., Galkin V.V., Mahutov N.A., Procenko N.A. Way of maintenance of safety and a resource lithium of ionic storage batteries of space appointment // Problems of safety and extreme situations. 2010. №1. P. 43-54.
Blednova Z.M. Increase Wear-fatigue of characteristics of steels Superficial modifying by materials With effect of memory of the form (SMA ). VI International Symposium on Tribo-Fatigue 25 October - 1 November, 2010, Minsk, Belarus. 2010. V. 1. P. 219-228.
Blednova Z.M., Mahutov N.A., Pochinkov R. A, Rusinov P.O. Technological methods of increase of reliability of blades of the rowing screw // Problems of mechanical engineering and automation 2010. № 1. P. 117-127.
Blednova Z.M., Myshevsky I.S. Application of materials with effect of memory of the form for increase of durability of thin-walled vessels of pressure // News of the Samara centre of science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010. № 1 (2). P. 294-299.
Blednova Z.M., Mahutov N.A., Pochinkov R.A., Rusinov P.O. Fem Based Methodology for stress State Analysis of the propeller blade plated with nickel-titanium SMA // Enginering & Automation. 2010. № 1. P. 110-119.
Blednova Z.M., Lapshin V.U., Procenko N.A. Modelling of thermal processes LIAB of space appointment in default one of accumulators // Works Аcademenergo. №3. 2011.
Blednova Z.M., Rusinov P.O. Forming superficial nanostructure layers from materials with SMA on details of machine-building appointment as a basis resource-saving technologies // News of the Samara centre of science of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2011. Т.13. № 4.
Blednova Z.M., Galkin V.V., Procenko N.A. Foolproof the device with use of materials with effect of memory of the form for working capacity maintenance LIAB space appointment in case of technological failures // Problems of safety of flights. 2011. № 3. P.64-70.