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Department of Chemical Sciences
Tezpur University


i. Molecular Modelling, Quantum Chemistry, Hybrid Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM) methods
ii. Density Functional based Reactivity Descriptors
iii. Catalysis, zeolite, theoretical heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis
iv. Theoretical studies of nanoclusters to design nanocatalysts
v. Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) of drug molecules
vi. Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Based Catalysts, Supported Metal Complexes, Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
vii. Theoretical studies of carbon nanotubes


Computational Studies of Bare and Zeolite-Supported Metal Nanoclusters and their Application in Catalysis,


1. Sanchaita Rajkhowa, Ramesh Ch. Deka, DFT based QSAR/QSPR models in the development of novel anti-tuberculosis drugs targeting Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Current Pharmaceutical Design (accepted)
2. Nabanita Saikia and Ramesh Ch. Deka, Adsorption of isoniazid and pyrazinamide drug molecules onto nitrogen doped singleâ
Grade: Member

Member since June 9, 2011
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Address: Napaam
Phone: 913712267008
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