“The Optical Properties of Metal Nanoparticles: The Influence of Size, Shape and Dielectric Environment." K. L.Kelly, E. Coronado, L.L.Zhao and G. C. Schatz, J. Phys. Chem. B (2003)107, 666-677(feature article).
"Surface Plasmon Broadening of Arbitray shaped Nanoparticles: A Geometrical Probability Approach". E. A. Coronado and G. C. Schatz, J. Chem. Phys. (2003) 119, 3926-3934. “Resonance conditions for multipole plasmon excitations in noble metal nanorods. E.R. Encina and E.A.Coronado.” J. Phys. Chem C (2007) 111,16796
“Hidroquinone Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles: A Simple Model Reaction to Understand Their Growth and Nucleation” M. A. Pérez, R.Moraghi, E. A. Coronado and V. A. Macagno. Crystal Growth & Design 8, 1377 (2008)
“Plasmonic Nano-antennas: Angular Scattering Properties of Multipole Plasmon Resonances in Nobel Metal Nanorods”E.R.Encina and E.A.Coronado. J. Phys. Chem C 112 (26), 9586-9594 (2008)
“STEM electron tomography of gold nanostructures”. J. C. Hernandez , M. S. Moreno, E. A. Coronado and P. A. Midgley. EMC 2008 14th European Microscopy Congress 1-5 September 2008, Aachen, Germany.Volume 1: Instrumentation and Methods. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85156-1_156.Editores: Martina Luysberg, Karsten Tillmann and Thomas Weirich, pag. 311-312 (2008)
“3D characterization and metrology of nanostructures by electron tomography”J.C. Hernández, A.B Hungría, J.A. Pérez-Omil, M.S. Moreno, E.A. Coronado, G. Cempura, A. Kruk and P.A. Midgley. Microscopy and Microanalysis 14, S2 (2008) 284-285.
“ 3D imaging of Nanomaterials by Discrete Tomography “.Batenburg, K.J. , Bals, S. , Sijbers, J. , Kübel, C. , Midgley, P.A. , Hernandez, J.C. , Kaiser, U., Encina, E.R. , Coronado, E.A. , Van Tendeloo, G. Ultramicroscopy 109 (6), pp. 730-740 (2009)
“ Enhancement and Confinement Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields Inside Hot Spots”.E. M. Perassi, L.R. Canali and E. A. Coronado.J. Phys. Chem. C (letter) 113 6315 (2009)
“Electromagnetic Field Enhancement of Multipole Plasmon Resonances in Ag and Au Nanowires” .E. R. Encina and E. A. Coronado.J. Phys. Chem. A, 113 4489-4497(2009).
“Plasmon Coupling in Silver Nanospheres pairs” .E. R. Encina, E. M. Perassi and E.A.Coronado. J Phys. Chem. C. (2010) 114 (9), 3918–3923
“Using highly accurate 3D nanometrology to model the optical properties of highly irregular nanoparticles: A powerful tool for rational design of plasmonic devices.E. M. Perassi, J. C. Hernandez-Garrido, M.S.Moreno,E. R. Encina, E.A.Coronado and P. Midgley Nano Lett. (2010), 10,2097
“Buffering surface plasmons in nanoparticle waveguides at the virtual localized transition.
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“ On the far field optical properties of Ag-Au nanosphere pairs” E. R. Encina and E.A. Coronado J.Phys. Chem C. (2010), 114, 16278-16284