P. Fiorenza, V. Raineri, M. C. Ferarrelli, D. C. Sinclair, R. Lo Nigro
“Nanoscale electrical probing of heterogeneous ceramics: the case of giant
permittivity calcium copper titanate (CaCu3Ti4O12)”
Nanoscale, DOI: 10.1039/c0nr00828a 3, 1171 2011
P. Fiorenza, R. Lo Nigro, V. Raineri, G. Malandrino, R. G. Toro, M. R. Catalano
“High capacitance density by CaCu3Ti4O12 thin films”
J. Appl. Phys., 108, 074103 2010
P. Fiorenza, R. Lo Nigro, P. Delugas, V. Raineri, A. G. Mould, and D. C. Sinclair
“Direct imaging of the core-shell effect in positive temperature coefficient of resistance-BaTiO3 ceramics”
Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, 142904 2009
Patrick Fiorenza, Raffaella Lo Nigro, Corrado Bongiorno, Vito Raineri, Matthew C Ferarrelli,
Derek C Sinclair and Anthony R West
“Localized electrical characterization of the giant permittivity effect in CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics”
Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 182907 2008
Patrick Fiorenza, Raffaella Lo Nigro, Vito Raineri, Roberta G. Toro and Maria Rita Catalano
“Nanoscale imaging of permittivity on giant-κ CaCu3Ti4O12 grains”
Journal of Applied Physics, 102, 116103 2007
R. Lo Nigro, G. Malandrino, P. Fiorenza and I.L. Fragalà
“Imaging and probing the nanoelectrical properties of template-free and seedless grown Pt nanorods”
ACS Nano, 1, 183-190 2007
P. Fiorenza, W. Polspoel and W. Vandervorst
“Conductive atomic force microscopy studies of this SiO2 layer degradation”
Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 222104/1-222104/3, 2006
P. Fiorenza and V. Raineri
“Reliability of thermally oxidized SiO2/4H-SiC by conductive atomic force microscopy”
Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 212112/1-212112/3, 2006
P. Fiorenza, R. Lo Nigro, V. Raineri, S. Lombardo, R. G. Toro, G. Malandrino and I. L. Fragalà
“Breakdown kinetics of Pr2O3 films by Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy”
Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 231913/1-231913/3, 2005