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Zanda Gavare

Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy
University of Latvia


1. A.Ganeev, Z. Gavare, V.I. Khutorshikov, S.V. Khutorshikov, G. Revalde, A. Skudra, G.M. Smirnova, N.R. Stankov, High-frequency electrodeless discharge lamps for atomic absorption, Spectrochimica Acta B, Vol. 58, Issue 5, p. 879-889 (2003).
2. G. Revalde, N. Denisova, Z. Gavare, A. Skudra Diagnostics of capillary mercury-argon high-frequency electrodeless discharge using line shapes, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer (JQSRT), N. 94 (2005), p. 311 – 324.
3. Z. Gavare, D. Gott, A.V. Pipa, J. Ropcke, A. Skudra, Determination of the number densities of argon metastables in argon-hydrogen plasma by absorption and self-absorption methods, Plasma Sources Science and Technology (PSST) 15 (2006) p. 391 – 395
4. A. Skudra, I. Bersons, G. Revalde, E. Bogans, Z. Gavare, N. Zorina, M. Berzinsh, High-frequency electrodeless plasma interaction with the lamp bulb walls, Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences (2006) N 2, p. 121 – 126
5. A. Skudra, G. Revalde, Z. Gavare, J. Silinsh, N. Zorina, B. Polyakov, Study of the high-frequency inductive coupled discharge plasma interaction with walls, Plasma Processes & Polymers, 4 (2007) S1026 – S1029.
6. A. Skudra, N. Zorina, Z. Gavare, M. Berzins, and D. Erts, Light source inner surface changes depending on treatment, Physica Status Solidi C 5 (2008) No 4, 915–917.
7. Gavare Z., Bogans E., Svagere A., Mercury pollution surveys in Riga by Zeeman atomic absorption spectroscopy, Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences (2008), Nr.3, p. 34.-42.
8. Atis Skudra, Gita Revalde, Zanda Gavare, Natalia Zorina, Study of inductive coupled hydrogen and argon plasma interaction with SiO2 Glass, Plasma Processes & Polymers: Special Issue on PSE 2008, vol.6 (2009) S183–S186
9. Zanda Gavare, Gita Revalde, and Atis Skudra, Plasma temperature determination of hydrogen containing high-frequency electrodeless lamps by intensity distribution measurements of hydrogen molecular band, International Journal of Spectroscopy: Special Issue on Spectral Line Shapes in Plasmas and Gases, vol. 2010 (2010), Article ID: 804506, 8 pages (doi:10.1155/2010/804506)
10. Zanda Gavare, Determination of helium number densities in high-frequency electrodeless plasma, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol. 623 (2010) p. 731-733
11. N. Denisova, Z. Gavare, G. Revalde, Ja. Skudra and R. Veilande, A study of capillary discharge lamps in Ar–Hg and Xe–Hg mixtures, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol 44 (2011) 155201
12. A. Skudra, Z. Gavare, N. Zorina, M. Zinge, E. Gavars, R. Paplausks, Plasma Temperature and Surface Studies of Argon-Hydrogen Containing Low-Temperature Dumbbell form Light Sources, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering (2011), accepted

In addition co-author of about 40 presentations at the international conferences (published as abstracts and proceedings).
Grade: Member

Member since May 26, 2011
Contact Details
Address: Skunu street 4, LV-1050
Phone: +37126803802
Email: visible to members only
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