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Hugo Christenson

School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Leeds


97. K. H. Sheikh, H. K. Christenson, R. Bushby and S. D. Evans;
"A Model System to Study the Insertion of Cholesterol into a Phospholipid Bilayer"
J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 379-386 (2007).

98. P. Barber, T. Asakawa and H. K. Christenson;
“What Determines the Size of Liquid Capillary Condensates below the Melting Point?”
J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 2141-2148 (2007).

99. J. Bowers, A. Zarbakhsh, I. A. McLure, J. R. P. Webster, R. Steitz and H. K. Christenson;
"Composition Profile of a Wetting Film in a Binary Mixture"
J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 5568-5571 (2007).

100. K. H. Sheikh, S. D. Evans and H. K. Christenson;
"Titration of Ionisable Monolayers by Measurement of the Double-Layer Force"
Langmuir 23, 6893-6895 (2007).

101. H. K. Christenson, R. E. Bowen, J. A. Carlton, J. R. M. Denne and Y. Lu;
“Electrolytes that Show a Transition to Bubble Coalescence Inhibition at High Concentrations”
J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 794-796 (2008).

102. T. E. Balmer, H. K. Christenson, N. D. Spencer and M. Heuberger;
"The Effect of Surface Ions on Water Adsorption to Mica"
Langmuir 24, 1566-1569 (2008).

103. D. Nowak, M. Heuberger, M. Zäch and H. K. Christenson;
"Thermodynamic and Kinetic Supercooling of Liquid in a Wedge-pore"
J. Chem. Phys. 129, 154509 (2008).

104. D. Nowak and H. K. Christenson;
"Capillary Condensation of Water between Mica Surfaces above and below Zero – Effect of Surface Ions"
Langmuir 25, 9908-9912 (2009).

105. C. J. Stephens, Y. Mouhamad, F. C. Meldrum and H. K. Christenson;
“Epitaxy of Calcite on Mica”
Crystal Growth & Design 10, 734-738 (2010).

106. C. J. Stephens, S. F. Ladden, F. C. Meldrum and H. K. Christenson;
“Amorphous Calcium Carbonate is Stabilised in Confinement”
Advanced Functional Materials 20, 2108-2115 (2010).

107. A. Luzar and H. K. Christenson;
“Wetting Dynamics of Hydrophobic and Structured Surfaces: Preface”
Faraday Discuss. 146, 9-12 (2010).

108. B. J. Murray, S. L. Broadley, T. W. Wilson, S. Bull, R. H. Wills, H. K. Christenson and E. J. Murray;
“Kinetics of Homogeneous Freezing of Water”
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12, 10180-10187 (2010).

109. C. J. Stephens, Y.-Y. Kim, S. D. Evans, F. C. Meldrum and H. K. Christenson;
“Early Stages of Crystallisation of Calcium Carbonate Revealed in Picolitre Droplets”
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 5210-5213 (2011).
Grade: Member

Member since May 17, 2011
Contact Details
Address: Leeds LS2 9JT
Phone: 44-113-3433879
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