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Gabriela HUMINIC

Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Transilvania University of Brasov


1. HUMINIC G., ŞOVA D., Engineering Thermodynamics, Transilvania University Press, ISBN 978-973-598-546-2, 2009.
2. HUMINIC G., Entropy Analysis of the Thermal Processes, Transilvania University Press, ISBN 978-973-598-238-6, 2008.

1. HUMINIC G., HUMINIC A., Heat transfer characteristics in double tube helical heat exchangers using nanofluids, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer (2011) – accepted for publication.
2. HUMINIC G., HUMINIC A.,Experimental investigation on the heat transfer and flow characteristics of nanofluids in two-phase closed thermosyphon, Int. J. Thermal Sciences (2011) - under review.
3. HUMINIC G., HUMINIC A., MORJAN I., DUMITRACHE F., Experimental study of the thermal performance of thermosyphon heat pipe using iron oxide nanoparticles, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (2011) 656–661.
4. HUMINIC G., HUMINIC A., Heat transfer characteristics of a two-phase closed thermosyphons using nanofluids, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 35 (2011) 550–557.
5. HUMINIC A., HUMINIC G., Study of aerodynamics for a simplified car model with the underbody shaped as a Venturi nozzle, Int. J. of Vehicle Design (2011), in press
6. HUMINIC G., HUMINIC A., Study on thermal performance of the heat pipes with water - nanoparticles mixture, World Congress of Automotive, Detroit, Thermal Control - SAE Technical Paper, (2010) doi: 10.4271/2010-01-0183.
7. HUMINIC G., HUMINIC A., UNGUREANU V.B., Experimental investigation of the heat pipes heat exchanger with nanofluids, Int. Congress on Automotive and Transport Engineering, Brasov (2010) 157-163.
8. HUMINIC G., HUMINIC A, Entropy Analysis of Isobar - Isothermal Processes, Revista de Chimie 60 (5) (2009) 518 – 523.
9. HUMINIC G., HUMINIC A., CFD Study of the heat pipes with water – nanoparticles mixture, European Automotive Simulation Conference, Munich (2009) 217 – 278.
10. HUMINIC G., HUMINIC A., Numerical simulation of the heat pipe heat exchangers used in automotive, 8th Int. Conference Fuel Economy, Safety, and Reliability of Motor Vehicles, Bucharest (2009) 421-428.
11.HUMINIC G., HUMINIC, A, New synergy analysis of alternative refrigerants used in refrigerating transport, Int. Journal of Low Carbon Technologies, ISSN:1748-1317, Manchester University Press 3 (1), (2009) 12-23.
12.HUMINIC G., HUMINIC A, Conjugate heat transfer in devices with nanoparticles, Int. Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ISSN 0933-5137, Barcelona (2008) 188-194.
13. HUMINIC G., HUMINIC A, Study on magnetic properties of alternative refrigeants for refrigeranting transport, Int. Conference on on Experiments / Process / System / Modelling /Simulation&Optimization, Athens (2007) 55-63.
14. HOFFMANN V., HUMINIC G., The coupling ratio the parameter of order of the phase transformation, Int. Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, ISSN 1468- 4349, Paris 2 (2005) 1367-1369.
15. HOFFMANN V., HUMINIC G., Analysis the magnetic properties with the synergy method, The Int. Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, ISSN 0891 - 6152, Cairo (2005).
16. HOFFMANN, V., HUMINIC, G., Synergy analysis of vaporization processes, Int. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, ISSN 1425 – 1655, 9 (4) (2004) 701-713.
Grade: Member

Member since May 16, 2011
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Address: 29. B-dul Eroilor, 500036 - Brasov
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