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Jorge Barcena

Transport Unit
Tecnalia Research & Innovation


1) I. Bustero, N. Markaide, N. Garmendia., A. García., J. Barcena, and I. Obieta, “Nanocompuestos: Oportunidades y retos”, Acta Científica y Tecnológica, 12 (2007), p 20-23.
2) J. Barcena, J. Maudes, J. Coleto, J.L. Baldonedo, J.M. Gomez de Salazar, “Microstructural study of vapour grown carbon nanofibre/copper composites” .Composites Science and technology, 68 (2008), p. 1384-1391.
3) J. Barcena, C. Merveille, J. Maudes, M. Vellvehi, X. Jorda, I. Obieta, C. Guraya, L. Bilbao, C. Jiménez, J. Coleto, “Innovative packaging solution for power and termal management of wide-bandgap semiconductor devices in space applications”, Acta Astronautica, 62 (2008), p. 422-430.
4) J. Barcena, V. Martinez, R. Martinez, J. Maudes, J. I. Sarries, I. Caro, J.J. Gonzalez, J. Coleto, “Consolidation of vapour grown carbon nanofiber/copper composites by hot-pressing and spark plasma sintering: a comparative overview”. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 8 (2008), p. 1-6.
5) J. C. Lloyd, E. Neubauer, J. Barcena and W. J. Clegg, “Effect of Titanium on Copper-Titanium / Carbon Nanofibre Composite Materials”, Composites science and technology 70 (2010), p 2284-2289.
6) J. Barcena, M. Garcia de Cortazar, R. Seddon, J.C. Lloyd, A. Torregaray and J. Coleto, “Effect of the incorporation of interfacial elements on the thermophysical properties of Cu/VGCNFs composites”, Composites science and technology 70 (2010), p. 2258-2262.
7) J. Barcena, J. Coleto, S.C. Zhang, G.E. Hilmas and W.G. Fahrenholtz. “Processing of Carbon Nanofiber Reinforced ZrB2 Matrix Composites for Aerospace Applications”. Advanced Engineering Materials 12 (2010), p.623-626.
Grade: Member

Member since August 11, 2011
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