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Bronislav Kashevsky

Lab. of physicochemical hydrodynamics
Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Belarus Academy of Sciences


Berkovsky B.M., Vislovitch A.N., Kashevsky B.E. Magnetic fluid as a continuum with internal degrees of' freedom. IEEE Trans. Magnetics 1980, MAG-16, 329-42.
Kashevsky B.E. Computer simulation of ferrosuspension structuring in steady and rotating fields. JMMM, 1993,122,34-6.
Bacri J.-C.,Cebers A.,Bourdon A. Demouchy G., Heegaard B.M. Perzynski R., Kashevsky B. Transient grating in a ferrofluid under magnetic field: Effect of magnetointeractions on the diffusion coefficient of' translation. Physical Review E,1995,52. 3936-42
Kordonsky W., Prokhorov I, Gorodkin S. , Gorodkin G. Gleb L. Magnetorheological polishing devices and methods. US Patent N 5 449 313(1995)
Kashevsky B.E., Kuzmin V.A. Pair interaction in magnetic suspensions under a rotating field: the influence of particle surface conditions. J of Physics, D: Appl. Phys. 1996,29,2579-85
Kashevsky B.E. Nonmagnetic particles in magnetic fluid: reversal dynamics under rotating field. Phys. Fluids,1997, 9,1811-18.
Kashevsky B.E. Nonlinar flow-particle interaction in suspensions of fine quasi-rigid ferroparticles: a giant magnetic effect of fluid rotation. J. of Physics D:Аррl. Phys.2001,34,518-24.
Kashevskii B.E. Orientational dynamics and energy dissipation in a liquid dispersion of single-domain ferroparticles on exposure to a linearly polarized field. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 2005, 78, 93-103.
Kashevskii B. E. Chain model of generation of heat in a solid dispersion of subdomain ferroparticles on exposure to a variable field. . Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 2008, 81, 138-44.
Kashevskii B. E. et al. Magnetophoresis and the magnetic susceptibility of HeLa tumor cells. Biophysics, 2006, 51, No. 6, 52–57.
Kashevsky B.E., Prokhorov I.V., Kashevsky S.B. Audio-frequency heating of particulate magnetic systems. China Particuology, 2007. 5,84-92.
B.E. Kashevsky et al. Study of cobalt ferrite nanosuspensions for low-frequency ferromagnetic hyperthermia. Particuology, 2008, 6, 322-33.
Kashevsky B.E., Kashevsky S, Prokhorov I. Magnetodynamics and self-organization in strongly non-equilibrium ferrosuspensions. Solid State Phenomena, 2009. 152-153, 175-181.

Kashevsky B.E. et al. Influence of Co amount on the efficiency of energy absorption of Fe-Co ferrite nanoparticles. JMMM, 2009, 321,1514-16.
Kashevsky B.E., Kashevsky S.B., Prokhorov I.V. Dynamic magnetic hysteresis in a liquid suspension of acicular maghemite particles. Particuology, 2009, 7, 451-58.
Dejardin P.M., Kalmykov Yu. P., Kashevsky B.E. et al. Effect of dc bias field on the dynamic hysteresis of single-domain ferromagnetic particles. J. Applied Physics, 2010, 107, №073914
Kashevsky B.E. et al. Low-frequency ferromagnetic hyperthermia is feasible. AIP Conference Proc. 1311, 2010, 280-87.
Grade: Member

Member since June 14, 2011
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