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Nikolai Khlebtsov

Laboratory of Nanobiotechnology
Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences


Dykman L.A., Bogatyrev V.A., Schyogolev S.Yu., Khlebtsov N.G. God nanoparticles. Synthesis, properties, biomedical applications, Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2008 (In Russian).

Book Chapters:
Khlebtsov N.G., Maksimova I. L., Tuchin V. V., Wang L. “Introduction to light scattering by biological objects,” In: Handbook of Optical Biomedical Diagnostics / V.V. Tuchun, Ed., Bellingham, Washington, 2002, Ch. 1, pp. 31-167.

Khlebtsov N. G., Melnikov A. G., Bogatyrev V. A., Dykman L. A., “Optical properties and biomedical applications of nanostructures based on gold and silver bioconjugates,” In: Photopolarimetry in Remote Sensing, G. Videen, Ya.S. Yatskiv and M.I. Mishchenko (eds.), NATO Science Series, II. Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, 161, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, 265–308 (2004).

Khlebtsov N.G., Dykman L.A. “Plasmonic Nanoparticles: Fabrication, Optical Properties, and Biomedical Applications,” In: Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Science, V.V. Tuchin (Ed.), Taylor and Francis, 2010, Chapter 2, pp. 36-84.

Selected Papers:
1. Khlebtsov N. G., Dykman L.A., Krasnov Ya.M., Melnikov A.G. Extinction of light by colloidal clusters of gold and silver particles formed in slow and fast aggregation regimes. Colloid J. 62 (6), 765-779 (2000).
2. Khlebtsov N. G. An approximate method for calculating scattering and absorption of light by fractal aggregates. Opt. Spectrosc. 88(4), 594-601 (2000).
3. Dykman L.A., Krasnov Ya.M., Bogatyrev V.A., Khlebtsov N.G. Quantitative immunoassay method based on extinction spectra of colloidal gold bioconjugates. Proc. SPIE, 4241, 37-41 (2001).
4. Bogatyrev V. A., Dykman L. A., Krasnov Ya. V., Plotnikov V. K., Khlebtsov N. G. Differential light spectroscopy for studying biospecific assembling of gold nanoparticles with protein or oligonucleotide probes. Colloid J. 64 (6). 671-680 (2002).
5. Xu Yu-lin, Khlebtsov N. G. Orientation-averaged cross sections of an aggregate of particles. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 78-80, 1121-1137 (2003).
6. N. G. Khlebtsov, L. A. Dykman, V. A. Bogatyrev, and B. N. Khlebtsov Two-layer model of colloidal gold bioconjugates and its application to the optimization of nanosensors. Colloid J. 65 (4), 508-517 (2003).
7. Khlebtsov N. G., Bogatyrev V. A., Dykman L. A., Khlebtsov B. N., and Englebienne P., A multilayer model for gold nanoparticle bioconjugates: application to study of gelatin and human IgG adsorption using extinction and light scattering spectra and the dynamic light scattering method. Colloid J., 65, 622-635 (2003).
8. Englebienne P., Van Hoonacker A., Verhas M., Khlebtsov N. G. Advances in high-throughput screening: biomolecular interaction monitoring in real-time with colloidal metal nanoparticles. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening. 6 (8), 777-787 (2003).
9. Khlebtsov N. G., Bogatyrev V. A., Dykman L. A., Khlebtsov B. N. Optical models for colloidal gold bioconjugates. In: Electromagnetic and light scattering- theory and applications VII, Bremen, Germany, Th. Wriedt (Ed.), Bremen: Universitat Bremen, pp. 152-155 (2003).
10. Khlebtsov N. G., Melnikov A. G., Xu Yu-lin. Optical properties of aggregated colloidal gold bioconjugates: Effects of monomer size, polymer coating, and cluster structure. In: Electromagnetic and light scattering- theory and applications VII, Th. Wriedt (Ed.), Bremen: Universität Bremen, pp. 147-151 (2003).
11. Khlebtsov N. G., Melnikov A. G., Xu Yu-lin. Aggregation kinetics of light scattering and extinction spectra in suspensions of nanoparticle bioconjugates. In: Electromagnetic and light scattering- theory and applications VII, Th. Wriedt (Ed.), Bremen: Universität Bremen, 143-146 (2003).
12. Bogatyrev V. A., Dykman L. A., Khlebtsov B. N., and Khlebtsov N. G. Measurement of mean size and evaluation of polydispersity of gold nanoparticles from spectra of optical absorption and scattering. Opt. Spectrosc. 96(1), 128-135 (2004).
13. Khlebtsov, N. G., Trachuk L. A., and Mel’nikov A. G. A New spectral resonance of metallic nanorods. Opt. Spectrosc. 97(1), 97-99 (2004).
14. Khlebtsov B. N., Burygin G. L., Matora L. Yu., Shchyogolev S. Yu., Khlebtsov N. G. A method for studying insoluble immune complexes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1670(3), 199-207 (2004).
15. Khlebtsov N. G., Trachuk L. A., and Melnikov A. G., Plasmon resonances of silver and gold Nanorods. Proc. SPIE 5475, 1-11 (2004).
16. Khlebtsov N. G., Bogatyrev V. A., Dykman L. A., Khlebtsov B. N., Krasnov Ya. M.. Differential light scattering spectroscopy: A new approach to studies of colloidal gold nanosensors. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 89(1-4), 133-142 (2004).
17. N.G. Khlebtsov. Optical models for conjugates of gold and silver nanoparticles with biomacromolecules. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 89(1-4), 143-152 (2004).
18. Mishchenko M.I., Videen G., Babenko V.A., Khlebtsov N. G., Wriedt Th. T-matrix theory of electromagnetic scattering by particles and its applications: A comprehensive reference database. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. 88, 357-406 (2004).
19. Khlebtsov N. G., Trachuk L. A., and Melnikov A. G. The effect of the size, shape, and structure of metal nanoparticles on the dependence of their optical properties on the refractive index of a disperse medium. Opt. Spectrosc. 98(1), 83-90 (2005).
20. Dykman L. A., Bogatyrev V. A., Khlebtsov B. N., Khlebtsov N. G. A protein assay based on colloidal gold conjugates with trypsin. Anal. Biochem. 341, 16-21(2005).
21. Khlebtsov N. G., Trachuk L. A., Melnikov A. G. The effect of the size, shape, and structure of metal nanoparticles on the dependence of their optical properties on the refractive index of a disperse medium. Opt. Spectrosc. 98, 83-90 (2005).
22. Alekseeva A. V., Bogatyrev V. A., Dykman L. A., Khlebtsov B. N., Trachuk L. A., Melnikov A. G., Khlebtsov N. G. Preparation and optical scattering characterization of au nanorods, and their application to a dot-immunogold assay. Appl. Opt. 44, 6285-6295 (2005).
23. Khlebtsov N. G., Mel’nikov A. G., Bogatyrev V. A., Dykman L. A., Alekseeva A. V., Trachuk L. A., Khlebtsov B. N. Can the light scattering depolarization ratio of small particles be greater than 1/3?. J. Phys. Chem. B. 109,13578-13584 (2005).
24. Khlebtsov B.N., Melnikov A.G., Zharov V.P., Khlebtsov N.G. Absorption and scattering of light by a dimer of metal nanospheres: Comparison of dipole and multipole approaches. Nanotechnology, 17, 1437-1445 (2006).
25. Khlebtsov B.N., Khlebtsov N.G. Ultrasharp light scattering resonances of structured nanospheres: Effects of size-dependent dielectric functions. J. Biomed. Opt. 11, 44002 (2006).
26. Zharov V., Galanzha E., Shashkov E., Khlebtsov N., Tuchin V. In vivo photoacoustic flow cytometry for monitoring circulating cells and contrast agents. Opt. Lett. 31, 3623-3625 (2006).
27. Khlebtsov B.N., Zharov V.P., Melnikov A.G., Tuchin V.V., Khlebtsov N.G. Optical amplification of photothermal therapy with gold nanoparticles and nanoclusters. Nanotechnology 17, 5167-5179 (2006).
28. Khlebtsov B. N., Dykman L. A., Bogatyrev V. A., Zharov V. P., Khlebtsov N. G. A solid-phase dot assay using silica/gold nanoshells. Nanoscale Res. Lett. 2, 6-11 (2007).
29. Khlebtsov B. N., Khlebtsov N. G. Biosensing potential of silica/gold nanoshells: Sensitivity of plasmon resonance to the local dielectric environment. J. Quant. Spectr. Radiat. Transfer 106, 154-169 (2007).
30. Khlebtsov B. N., Melnikov A. G., Khlebtsov N. G. On the extinction multipole plasmons in gold nanorods. J. Quant. Spectr. Radiat. Transfer. 107, 306-314 (2007).
31. Khlebtsov B. N., Khlebtsov N. G. Multipole plasmons in metal nanorods: Scaling properties and dependence on the particle size, shape, orientation, and dielectric environment. J. Phys. Chem. C. 111, 11516-11527 (2007).
32. Zharov V. P., Galanzha E. I., Shashkov E. V., Kim J.-W., Khlebtsov N. G., Tuchin V. V. Photoacoustic flow cytometry: principle and application for real-time detection of circulating single nanoparticles, pathogens, and contrast dyes in vivo. J. Biomed. Opt. 12, 051503 (2007).
33. Khlebtsov N.G. Determination of size and concentration of gold nanoparticles from extinction spectra. Anal. Chem. 80, 6620-6625 (2008).
34. Khlebtsov B.N., Khanadeev V.A., Khlebtsov N.G. Observation of extra-high depolarized light scattering spectra from gold nanorods. J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 12760-12768 (2008).
35. Khlebtsov B.N., Khanadeev V.A., Khlebtsov N.G. Determination of the size, concentration, and refractive index of silica nanoparticles from turbidity spectra. Langmuir 24, 8964-8970 (2008).
36. Akchurin G., Khlebtsov B., Akchurin G., Tuchin V., Zharov V., Khlebtsov N. Gold nanoshell photomodification under single nanosecond laser pulse accompanied by color-shifting and bubble formation phenomena. Nanotechnology 19, 015701 (2008).
37. Khlebtsov B.N., Khlebtsov N.G. Enhanced solid-phase immunoassay using gold nanoshells: Effect of nanoparticle optical properties. Nanotechnology 19, 435703 (2008).
38. Khlebtsov B. N., Khanadeyev V. A., Ye J., Mackowski D. W., Borghs G., Khlebtsov N. G. Coupled plasmon resonances in monolayers of metal nanoparticles and nanoshells. Phys. Rev. B. 77, 035440 (2008).
39. Тerentyuk G. S., Maslyakova G. N., Suleymanova L. V., Khlebtsov B. N., Kogan B. Ya., Akchurin G. G., Shantrocha A. V., Maksimova I. L., Khlebtsov N. G., Tuchin V. V. Circulation and distribution of gold nanoparticles and induced alterations of tissue morphology at intravenous particle delivery. J. Biophotonics 2, 292-302 (2009).
40. Тerentyuk G. S., Maslyakova G. N., Suleymanova L. V., Khlebtsov N. G., Khlebtsov B. N., Akchurin G. G., Maksimova I.L., Tuchin V. V. Laser induced tissue hyperthermia mediated by gold nanoparticles: towards cancer phototherapy. J. Biomed. Opt. 14, 021016 (2009).
41. Burygin G. L., Khlebtsov B. N., Shantrokha A. N., Dykman L. A., Bogatyrev V. A., Khlebtsov N. G. On the enhanced antibacterial activity of antibiotics mixed with gold nanoparticles. Nanoscale Res. Lett. 4, 794-801 (2009).
42. Khlebtsov N. G., Dykman L. A. Optical properties and biomedical applications of plasmonic nanoparticles // J. Quant. Spectr. Radiat. Transfer. 111, 1-35 (2010).
43. Khlebtsov B., Khanadeev V., Khlebtsov N. Tunable depolarized light scattering from gold and gold/silver nanorods. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12, 3210-3218 (2010).
44. Khlebtsov N. G. Anisotropic properties of plasmonic nanoparticles: Depolarized light scattering, dichroism, and birefringence. J. Nanophotonics 4, 041587 (2010).
45. Khanadeev V. A., Khlebtsov B. N., Staroverov S. A., Vidyasheva I. V., Skaptsov A. A., Ileneva E. S., Bogatyrev V. A., Dykman L. A., Khlebtsov N. G. Quantitative cell bioimaging using gold-nanoshell conjugates and phage antibodies. J. Biophotonics. 4 (2), 74-83 (2011).
46. Khlebtsov N. G., Dykman L.A. Biodistribution and toxicity of engineered gold nanoparticles: a review of in vitro and in vivo studies. Chem. Soc. Rev. 40, 1647-1671 (2011).
47. Khlebtsov B., Khanadeev V., Pylaev T., Khlebtsov N. A new T-matrix solvable model for nanorods: TEM-based ensemble simulations supported by experiments. J. Phys. Chem. C. 115, (14), 6317–6323 (2011).
48. Pylaev T., Khanadeev V., Khlebtsov B., Dykman L., Bogatyrev V., Khlebtsov N. Colorimetric and dynamic light scattering detection of DNA sequences by using positively charged gold nanorods and nanospheres: A comparative study. Nanotechnology. 22, 285501 (1-11) (2011).
Grade: Member

Member since June 14, 2011
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