Selected publications:
58nm Half-Pitch Plastic Wire-Grid-Polarizer by Nano-Imprint Lithography, L. Chen, J. Wang, F. Waters, X. Deng, M. Buonanno, S.Tai, and X. Liu, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 25(6), 2654 (2007).
Defect Control in NanoImprint Lithography, L.Chen, X.Deng, J.Wang, K.Takahashi, F.Liu, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 23(5/6), 2933 (2005).
Resonant Grating Filters as Refractive Index Sensors for Chemical and Biological Detections, J.Wang, L.Chen, S.Kwan, F.Liu and X.Deng, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 23,(5/6) 3006 (2005).
Novel Polymer Patterns Formed by Lithographically Induced Self-Assembly, L. Chen, L. Zhuang, P. Deshpande and S. Chou, Langmuir 3(21), 818 (2005).
Direct three-dimentional patterning using nanoimprint lithography, M. Li, L. Chen and S. Y.Chou, Applied Physics Letters 78(21), 3322 (2001).
Kinetics and Mechanism of the Rod-to-Vesicle Transition of Block Copolymer Aggregates in Dilute Solution, L. Chen, H. Shen and A. Eisenberg, Journal of Chemical Physics B 103, 9488-9497 (1999).