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Lenka Ribic Zelenovic

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Agronomy


108 original research papers and communications, some of them including:

1. A.Maričić, M.Spasojević, L.Rafailović,V.Milovanović and L.Ribić-Zelenović, Hydrogen absorption and desorption kinetics in nickel and cobalt alloy powder, Mater Sci Forum, Vols.453-454(2004)pp.411-416.

2. L.Ribić-Zelenović, L.Rafailović, M.Spasojević, A.Maričić, The influence of the structural changes on electrical and magnetic characteristics of the amorphous powder of the NixMoy, Sci Sinter, 38(2006)145-153.

3. M.Spasojević, M.Cvijović, L.Ribić-Zelenović, G.Aćamović-Đoković, Electrochemical Deposition of Copper on Steel from a Solution of Diacido-1,3-Propylenediamine-N,N'-Diacetato-N,N'-Dipropionate Cuprate (II), Russ J Appl Chem, 80(2007) No4, 566-570.

4. L.Ribić-Zelenović, R.Simeunović, A.Maričić, M.Spasojević, The Effect of Temperature on the Magnetic Properties on the Electrochemically Obtained Ni92,8Mo7,2 Powder Pressed at Different Pressures, Mater Sci Forum, Vol.555 (2007) pp.539-543.

5. L.Ribić-Zelenović, L.Rafailović, A.Maričić, M.Spasojević, Correlation between the electron state density and the electrucal resistivity in the nanostructured powder on the Ni-Mo alloy, J Optoelectron Adv M, 9(2007) No9, p2681-2685.

6. L. Ribić-Zelenović, L. Rafailović, M. Spasojević, A. Maričić, Correlation between electron state density change and the electrical resistivity and magnetic permeability changes in the nanostructured powder of the NiMo Alloy, Physica B, 403 (2008) 2148-2154.

7. L.Ribić-Zelenović, M.Spasojević, A.Maričić, M. Ristić, Characteristics of electrochemically obtained Ni96.7Mo3.3 alloy powder, J Optoelectron Adv M, 10 (2008) No6, p1384-1389.

8. L.Ribić-Zelenović, M.Spasojević, A.Maričić, M.Ristić, The Effect of Structural Changes during Sintering on the Electric and Magnetic Traits of the Ni96.7Mo3.3 alloy nanostructured powder, Sci Sinter, 41 No2 (2009) 175-184.

9. L.Ribić-Zelenović, M.Spasojević, A.Maričić, The effect of cathodic current density on the microstructure of electrochemically produced nanostructured powders of NixMo1-x alloys, Mater Chem Phys 115 (2009) 347-351.

10. A.Maričić, M.Spasojević, L.Ribić-Zelenović, N.Mitrović, Effect of Structural Changes during Annealing on the Electric and Magnetic Properties of Fe81B13Si4C2 Amorphous Alloy, J Optoelectron Adv M, 11(2009), p1088-1093.

11. L. Ribic-Zelenovic, M. Spasojevic, A. Maricic, M. Ristic, The effect of structural changes during sintering on the electric and magnetic traits of the Ni96.7Mo3.3 alloy nanostructured powder, Sci. Sinter, 41, 2(2009), pp. 175-184

12.M. Spasojevic, N. Krstajic, L. Ribic-Zelenovic, A. Maricic, Monitoring of hydrogen absorption/desorption into pressed cobalt powder using resistometry, J. Alloys Compd., 505, 2 (2010), pp. 549-554

Grade: Member

Member since May 24, 2011
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