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amir lohrasebi

University of Isfahan


1) Y. Jamali, A. Lohrasebi, H. Rafii-Tabar, Computational modeling of the stochastic
dynamics of kinesin biomolecular motors, Physica A 381 (2007) 239–254.
2) A. Lohrasebi, Y. Jamali, H. Rafii-Tabar, Modeling the effect of external electric field and
current on the stochastic dynamics of ATPase nano-biomolecular motors, Physica A 387
(2008) 5466–5476.
3) A. Lohrasebi, H. Rafii-Tabar : Computational modeling of an ion-driven nanomotor,
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 27 (2008) 116–123.
4) A. Lohrasebi, M. Neek-Amal, M. R. Ejtehadi, Directed motion of C60 on a graphene sheet
subjected to a temperature gradient, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 83, 042601 (2011).
5) A. Lohrasebi, Y. Jamali, Computational modeling of a rotary nanopump, Journal of
Molecular Graphics and Modelling. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 29 (2011)
Grade: Member

Member since June 18, 2011
Contact Details
Address: Department of Physics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
Phone: +98 9124468303
Email: visible to members only
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