Selected publications on the nanoscience
Britch M.A. Kinetic model of the interstitial defect dynamics in a carbon nanotube wall structure. Physical Review B 72 (2005) 085428(5)
Britch M.A., Borovik F.N., Dobrego K.V., Krasovskaya L.I. Evaluation of the effective cross sections and reaction rates for carbon atom – nanotube interactions. Carbon 45 (2007) 471–476
Britch M.A., Dobrego K.V., Krasovskaya L.I. Molecular dynamics simulation of carbon nanotube structural transformations under heating. Proc. SPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, WA, USA) 7377 (2009) 7377-29
Britch M.A., Dobrego K.V., Krasovskaya L.I. Formation of graphene-like structures on the surface of nickel crystal. Proc. Int. Symp. “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology” (2009) 334 – 335.
Krasovskaya L.I., Britch M.A. Modeling of formation of carbon nanostructures on the nickel catalyst particle. Proc. BSTU (Belarus State Technological University) (2008) 25 – 27 (in Russian).
Krasovskaya L.I., Britch M.A. Theoretical estimation of closed carbon structures as tentative containers for hydrogen storage (on the example of fullerenes). Proc. BSTU (Belarus State Technological University) (2010) 108 – 110 (in Russian)
Britch M.A., Dobrego K.V., Krasovskaya L.I. Thermal aspects of the carbon nanotube-based nanoelectronic components. Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures (2007) 578 – 580.
Chizhik S.A., Britch M.A., Syroegkin S.V., Dubovskii S. Scanning Probe Microscopy Data Interpretation for Micro- Nanocontact Simulation. Materials of Symposium on Scaling in Solid Mechanics, Cardiff (2007)
Britch M.A., Dobrego K.V., Krasovskaya L.I., Zhdanok S.A. Molecular dynamics modelling as a tool for the study of nanoobjects and the mechanisms of elementary processes they are involved. Nonequilibrium Processes in Combustion and Plasma Based Technologies (2006) 29 – 32
Britch M.A., Krasovskaya L.I. Mechanism of the RNA-polymerase diffusion under gene transcription initiation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sciences of Belarus. Biol. ser. (2006) N1, 50 – 53 (in Russian)