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Division of Materials Science and Engineering
RWTH Aachen University


Nano/microscale heat transfer with Emphasis on Thermal Management and Energy Nanotechnology; Thermodynamics of Nanomaterials; Computational Materials Science


No Projects


Peer-reviewed journal papers (* corresponding author)
[1] Tao Ouyang and Ming Hu,* “Thermal Transport and Thermoelectric Properties of Beta-Graphyne Nanostructures”, Nanotechnology, (accepted).
[2] Han Xie, Ming Hu,* and Hua Bao,* “Thermal Conductivity of Silicene from First-principles”, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 131906 (2014).
[3] Xiaoliang Zhang, Han Xie, Ming Hu,* Hua Bao,* Shengying Yue, Guangzhao Qin, and Gang Su, “Thermal Conductivity of Silicene Calculated Using an Optimized Stillinger-Weber Potential”, Physical Review B, 89, 054310 (2014).
[4] Hua Bao,* Cheng Shao, Shirui Luo, and Ming Hu,* “Enhancement of Interfacial Thermal Transport by Carbon Nanotube-Graphene Junction”, Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 053524 (2014).
[5] Yuhang Jing, Ming Hu,* and Licheng Guo, “Thermal Conductivity of Hybrid Graphene/Silicon Heterostructures”, Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 153518 (2013).
[6] Ming Hu,* Xiaoliang Zhang, and Dimos Poulikakos, “Anomalous Thermal Response of Silicene to Uniaxial Stretching”, Physical Review B, 87, 195417 (2013).
[7] Xiaoliang Zhang, Ming Hu, and Dawei Tang,* “Thermal Rectification at Silicon/Horizontally Aligned Carbon Nanotube Interfaces”, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 194307 (2013).
[8] Ming Hu and Dimos Poulikakos,* “Graphene Mediated Thermal Resistance Reduction at Strongly Coupled Interfaces”, International Journal of Heat Mass Transfer, 62, 205 (2013).
[9] Ming Hu* and Dimos Poulikakos, “Si/Ge Superlattice Nanowires with Ultra-Low Thermal Conductivity”, Nano Letters, 12, 5487, (2012).
[10] Xiaoliang Zhang, Ming Hu,* and Dimos Poulikakos, “A Low Frequency Wave Motion Mechanism Enables Efficient Energy Transport in Carbon Nanotubes at High Heat Fluxes”, Nano Letters, 12, 3410 (2012).
[11] Xiaoliang Zhang, Ming Hu,* Konstantinos P. Giapis, and Dimos Poulikakos, “Schemes for and Mechanisms of Reduction in Thermal Conductivity in Nanostructured Thermoelectrics”, Journal of Heat Transfer, 134, 102402 (2012).
[12] Ming Hu, Xiaoliang Zhang, Costas P. Grigoropoulos, and Dimos Poulikakos,* “Large “Near Junction” Thermal Resistance Reduction in Electronics by Interface Nanoengineering”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54, 5183 (2011).
[13] Ming Hu,* Xiaoliang Zhang, Konstantinos P. Giapis, and Dimos Poulikakos, “Thermal Conductivity Reduction in Core-Shell Nanowires”, Physical Review B, 84, 085442 (2011).
[14] Ming Hu,* Konstantinos P. Giapis, Javier V. Goicochea, Xiaoliang Zhang, and Dimos Poulikakos, “Significant Reduction of Thermal Conductivity in Si/Ge Core-Shell Nanowires”, Nano Letters, 11, 618 (2011).
[15] Ming Hu,* Konstantinos P. Giapis, and Dimos Poulikakos, “Interfacial Mixing during Annealing of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle Pairs”, Applied Physics Letters, 98, 211904 (2011).
[16] Javier V. Goicochea,* Ming Hu, Bruno Michel, and Dimos Poulikakos, “Surface Functionalization Mechanisms of Enhancing Heat Transfer at Solid-Liquid Interfaces”, Journal of Heat Transfer, 133, 082401 (2011).
[17] Ming Hu,* Konstantinos P. Giapis, Javier V. Goicochea, and Dimos Poulikakos, “Surface Segregation of Bimetallic Alloys in Nanoscale Confinement”, Applied Physics Letters, 97, 153107 (2010).
[18] Ming Hu,* Javier V. Goicochea, Bruno Michel, and Dimos Poulikakos, “Water Nanoconfinement Induced Thermal Enhancement at Hydrophilic Quartz Interfaces”, Nano Letters, 10, 279 (2010).
[19] Ming Hu,* Dimos Poulikakos,* Costas P. Grigoropoulos, and Heng Pan, “Recrystallization of Picosecond Laser-melted ZnO Nanoparticles in a Liquid: a Molecular Dynamics Study”, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 132, 164504 (2010).
[20] Lin Hu, Lifa Zhang, Ming Hu, Jian-Sheng Wang, Baowen Li, and Pawel Keblinski,* “Phonon Interference at Self-assembled Monolayer Interfaces: Molecular Dynamics Simulations”, Physical Review B, 81, 235427 (2010).
[21] Ming Hu,* Javier V. Goicochea, Bruno Michel, and Dimos Poulikakos,* “Thermal Rectification at Water Functionalized Silica Interfaces”, Applied Physics Letters, 95, 151903 (2009).
[22] Ming Hu,* Pawel Keblinski,* and Patrick Schelling, “Kapitza Conductance of Silicon-amorphous Polyethylene Interfaces by Molecular Dynamics Simulation”, Physical Review B, 79, 104305 (2009).
[23] Ming Hu,* Pawel Keblinski,* Jian-Sheng Wang and Nachiket Raravikar, “Interfacial Thermal Conductance between Silicon and a Vertical Carbon Nanotube”, Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 083583 (2008).
[24] Ming Hu,* Pawel Keblinski,* and Baowen Li, “Thermal Rectification at Silicon-amorphous Polyethylene Interface”, Applied Physics Letters, 92, 211908 (2008).
[25] Haiying Wang,* Ming Hu, Mengfen Xia, Fujiu Ke, and Yilong Bai, “Molecular/cluster Statistical Thermodynamics Methods to Simulate Quasi-static Deformations at Finite Temperature”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45, 3918 (2008).
[26] Ming Hu,* Sergei Shenogin, and Pawel Keblinski,* “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Interfacial Thermal Conductance between Silicon and Amorphous Polyethylene”, Applied Physics Letters, 91, 241910 (2007).
[27] Ming Hu,* Sergei Shenogin, Pawel Keblinski,* and Nachiket Raravikar, “Air Flow through Carbon Nanotube Arrays”, Applied Physics Letters, 91, 131905 (2007).
[28] Ming Hu,* Sergei Shenogin, Pawel Keblinski,* and Nachiket Raravikar, “Thermal Energy Exchange between Carbon Nanotube and Air”, Applied Physics Letters, 90, 231905 (2007).
[29] Haiying Wang, Ming Hu, Nan Liu, Mengfen Xia, Fujiu Ke, and Yilong Bai,* “Multi-scale Analysis of AFM Tip and Surface Interactions”, Chemical Engineering Science, 62, 3589 (2007).
[30] Ming Hu, Haiying Wang, Mengfen Xia, Fujiu Ke, Yilong Bai,* “Nonlocality Effect in Atomic Force Microcopy Measurement and its Reduction by an Approaching Method”, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 127, 444 (2005).
[31] Ming Hu, Haiying Wang, Mengfen Xia, Fujiu Ke, Yilong Bai,* “Equivalency and Locality in Nano-scale Measurement”, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 6, 235 (2005).
Grade: Member

Member since May 20, 2011
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