Selected Journal Papers
1. M. I. Aranguren, E. Mora, J. V. DeGroot,Jr., C. W. Macosko, "Effect of Reinforcing Fillers on the Rheology of Polymer Melts", Journal of Rheology, 36 (6), 1165-82 (1992).
2. N. E. Marcovich, M. M. Reboredo, M. I. Aranguren, “Dependence of the Mechanical Properties of Woodflour-Polymer Composites on the Moisture Content”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 68, 2069-2076 (1998).
3. M. Aranguren,“Crystallization of Polydimethylsiloxane: Effect of Silica Filler and Curing”, Polymer, 39, 4897- 4903 (1998).
4. N. E. Marcovich, M. M. Reboredo, M. I. Aranguren, “Mechanical Properties of Woodflour Unsaturated Polyester Composites”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 70, 2121-2131 (1998).
5. N. E. Marcovich, M. M. Reboredo, M. I. Aranguren, “Moisture diffusion in polyester - woodflour composites”, Polymer, 40, 7313-7320 (1999).
6. Norma E. Marcovich, Mirta I. Aranguren, María M. Reboredo,: “Modified woodflour as thermoset fillers. Part I. Effect of the chemical modification and percentage of filler on the mechanical properties”, Polymer, 42, 815-825 (2001).
7. María L. Auad, Patricia M. Frontini, Julio Borrajo, Mirta I. Aranguren, “Liquid Rubber Modified Vinyl Ester Resins: Fracture and Mechanical Behaviour”, Polymer, 42, 3723-3730 (2001).
8. P. M. Stefani, S.M. Moschiar, M.I. Aranguren, C. Marieta, I. Mondragón, “Curing of Epoxy-Urethane Copolymers in a Heated Mold: Effect of the Curing Conditions on the Phase -Separation Process”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 81, 889-900 (2001).
9. Norma E. Marcovich, María M. Reboredo, José M. Kenny and Mirta I. Aranguren, "Rheology of Particle Suspensions in Viscoelastic Media. Wood Flour - Polypropylene Melt", Rheologica Acta, 43, 293-303 (2004)
10. Nuñez, Adrián J., Marcovich, Norma E., Aranguren, Mirta I., “Analysis of the Creep Behavior of polypropylene-Woodflour Composites”, Polymer Engineering and Science, 44 (8), 1594-1603 (2004)
11. M.Mosiewicki, J. Borrajo and M.I. Aranguren, "Mechanical Properties Of Woodflour / Linseed Oil Resins Composites", Polymer International, 54 (5) , 829-836, (2005).
12. N. E. Marcovich, M. L. Auad, N. E. Bellesi, S.R. Nutt, M.I. Aranguren, "Cellulose Micro/Nanocrystals Reinforced Polyurethane", Journal of Materials Research, 21 (4), 870 - 881, (2006 )
13. Walter Schroeder, Maria Yañez, Mirta Aranguren and Julio Borrajo, "PMMA Modified Divinylester/Styrene Resins: Phase Diagrams and Morphologies", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 100 (6), 4539-4549, (2006).
14. Mariana Pereda, Mirta I. Aranguren, and Norma E. Marcovich, “Characterization of chitosan/caseinate films”. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 107 (2), 1080-1090 (2008).
15. Auad, Maria L; Contos, Vasilis; Nutt, Steve; Aranguren, Mirta; Marcovich, Norma, "Characterization of nano-cellulose reinforced shape memory polyurethanes", Polymer International, 57, 651–659 (2008).
16. Nancy L. García, Laura Ribba, Alain Dufresne, Mirta Aranguren, Silvia Goyanes, "Physico Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable Starch Nanocomposites", Macromolecular Materials & Engineering, 294 (3), 169-177, (2009).
17. U. Casado, N. E. Marcovich, M. I. Aranguren, M. A. Mosiewicki, “High strength composites based on tung oil polyurethane and wood flour: Effect of the filler concentration on the mechanical properties”, Polymer Engineering & Science, 49 (4), 713-721 (2009).
18. S.J. Eichhorn, A. Dufresne, M. Aranguren, N.E. Marcovich, J.R. Capadona, S.J. Rowan, C. Weder, W. Thielemans, M. Roman, S. Renneckar, W. Gindl, S. Veigel, J. Keckes, H. Yano, K. Abe, M. Nogi A.N. Nakagaito, A. Mangalam, J. Simonsen, A.S. Benight, A. Bismarck, L.A. Berglund, T. Peijs, "Review: Current International Research into Cellulose Nanofibres and Nanocomposites", Journal of Materials Science, 45 (1), 1-33, (2010).
19. M. L. Auad, T. Richardson, W.J. Orts, E.S.Medeiros, L.H.C. Mattoso, M.A. Mosiewicki, N. E. Marcovich, M.I. Aranguren, "Polyaniline Modified Cellulose Nanofibrils as Reinforcement of a Smart Polyurethane", Polymer International, 60 (5), 743–750 (2011).
Selected Book Chapters
1 M. I. Aranguren, “Polymer Interfaces: Polymer Composites”, in Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, Editors: P. Somasundaran, A. Hubbard; Taylor & Francis/CRC Press, NY (2006), 6, 4796 - 4810.
2 Aranguren, MI, Reboredo, MM., “Plant Based Reinforcements for Thermosets Matrices, Processing and Properties”, in “Engineering Biopolymers: Homopolymers, Blends and Composites”, Editors: D. Bhattacharyya, S. Fakirov, Hanser Gardner Publications, Cincinnati, OH (2007) 193-222. 3 María M. Reboredo, M. I. Aranguren, Norma E. Marcovich “Selected Topics in Wood Flour – Polypropylene Composites: Thermal, Mechanical And Time Dependent Response”, Ch. 6 in “Polyolefin Composites”, Editors: D. Nwabunma and T. Kyu, John Wiley and Sons, (2008) 150-177.
4 Norma Marcovich, Mirta Aranguren, Ch. 10 "Creep Behavior and Damage" in "Wood-polymer composites", Editors: K. Oksman, M. Sain, Woodhead Publishing, (2008) 166-189
5 M. Aranguren, N. Marcovich, M. Mosiewicki, Ch. 5, "Vegetable Oil - Based Polymers and Lignocellulosic Derived Composites", in: "Green Composites: Properties, Design and Life Cycle Assesment", Editors: F. Willems and P. Moens, Nova Science Pub., Inc., (2010) 99-118.