[1] El-Hemaly SA, Al-Wakeel EJ, El-Korashy SA and N. Y. Mostafa, “Influence of CaO/SiO2 ratio and storage conditions of CaO on silica-lime-water system under hydrothermal treatment”, J. Indian Chem. Soc., 75: (6) 357-359 (1998).
[2] Al-Wakeel, E.I.; El-Korashy, S.A. El-Hemaly, S.A. N. Y. Mostafa, “Promotion effect of C-S-H-phase nuclei on building calcium silicate hydrate phases“, Cement and Concrete Composites, 21(3), p 173-180 (1999).
[3] Mostafa N. Y., El-Hemaly S. A. S., Al-Wakeel E. I., El-Korashy S. A. and Brown P.W., “Characterization and Evaluation the Pozzolanic Activity of Egyptian Industrial By-products: I- Silica fume and Dealuminated kaolin”, Cem. Concr. Res. 31, 467-474 (2001).
[4] N. Y. Mostafa, S. A. S. El-Hemaly, E. I. Al-Wakeel, S. A. El-Korashy and Brown P.W., Characterization and evaluation of the hydraulic activity of water-cooled slag and air-cooled slag, Cem. Concr. Res. 31, 899-904 (2001).
[5] N. Y. Mostafa, S. A. S. El-Hemaly, E. I. Al-Wakeel, S. A. El-Korashy and Brown P.W., Activity of Silica Fume and Dealuminated Kaolin at Different Temperatures, Cem. Concr. Res., 31, 905-911 (2001).
[6] N. Y. Mostafa, S. A. S. El-Hemaly, E. I. Al-Wakeel, S. A. El-Korashy and Brown P.W., Hydraulic Activity of Water-cooled Slag and Air-cooled Slag At Different Temperatures, Cem. Concr. Res., 31, 475-484(2001).
[7] N. Y. Mostafa and P. W. Brown, Heat of Hydration of high Reactive pozzolans in Blended Cements: Isothermal conduction calorimtry, Thermochimica Acta, 435 (2005) 155–160.
[8] N. Y. Mostafa, Influence of air-cooled slag on physico-chemical properties of autoclaved aerated concrete, Cem. Concr. Res., 35(2004) 1349-1357.
[9] N. Y. Mostafa, Characterization, Thermal Stability and Sintering of Hydroxyapatite Powders Prepared by Different Routes, Materials Chemistry and Physics 94, 333–341(2005).
[10] N. Y. Mostafa and P. W. Brown Computer simulation of hydroxyapatite structure and substitution, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solid, 68, 431-437 (2007).
[11] N. Y. Mostafa and E. A. Kishar, The hydration of cements containing air-cooled and water-quenched blast furnace slag, Silicate Industrials, 72 (7-8), (2007), 125.
[12] N. Y. Mostafa, E. A. Kishar and S. A. Abo-El-Enein, Influence of Fe2O3 and MgO as mineralizers for tobermorite synthesis, Materials Science An Indian Journal, (2006).
[13] E. A. Kishar and N. Y. Mostafa, Hydration reactions of alite in different systems, Silicate Industrials, 73(3-4) 63-67 ( 2008 ).
[14] N. Y. Mostafa, H. Omar and S. A. Abo-El-Enein, Sulfate attack on pure calcium silicate hydrates phases, Silicate Industrials, 73 (7-8), 117-123 (2008)
[15] N. Y. Mostafa, A. A. Shaltout , H. Omar and S. A. Abo-El-Enein, Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of aluminium and sulfate substituted 1.1 nm tobermorites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 467(1-2) 332-337 (2009).
[16] N. Y. Mostafa, S. A. S. El-Hemaly, S. A. El-Korashy and Brown P.W., A Comparison of the Pozzolanic Reactivities of Dealuminated Kaolin and Silica fume in Blended Cements: Mechanical properties, submitted to Cement and Concrete Composites, Sept. (2009).
[17] N. Y. Mostafa, Influence of Sodium Sulfate as an Activator on the Hydration Reaction of Calcium Aluminate Cement Composites Cured at Elevated Temperature, submitted to Silicate Industrials, April (2008).
[18] N. Y. Mostafa, H. M. Hassan and F. M. Hassan, Synthesis and characterization of multi-substituted hydroxyapatite powders at physiological temperature, Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences, 23(7), 116-127 (2007)
[19] N. Y. Mostafa, H. M. Hassan and F. M. Hassan, Sintering behavior and thermal stability of Na+, SiO44- and CO32- co-substituted hydroxyapatites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 479, Issues 1-2, P 692-698 (2009)
[20] N.Y. Mostafa, E.A. Kishar, S.A. Abo-El-Enein, FTIR study and cation exchange capacity of Fe3+- and Mg2+-substituted calcium silicate hydrates, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 473, Issues 1-2, 3 April 2009, Pages 538-542
[21] G. A. El-Shobaky, A. M. Turky, N.Y. Mostafa, and Sh. Kh. Mohamed, Effects of pH and temperature of coprecipitation and thermal treatment on some physicochemical, surface and catalytic properties of nano-sized zinc ferrite, accepted in Egyptian Journal of Chemistry (2008).
[22] Mohsen Q. and N. Y. Mostafa, Investigating the possibility of utilizing low kaolinitic clays in production of geopolymer bricks, Ceramics-Silikáty 54 (2) 160-168 (2010)
[23] Mohsen Q., Amin R. Ragab, Magraby A. and N.Y. Mostafa, Novel geopolymer binders from Saudi’s kaolinitic clays, submitted to Applied Clay Sciences.
[24] Nasser Y. Mostafa, Hassan M. Hassan and Omar H. Abd Elkader, Preparation and Characterization of Na+, SiO44−, and CO32− Co-Substituted Hydroxyapatite, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94 (5); 2011, 1584–1590.
[25] A. A. Shaltout, N. Y. Mostafa, M. S. Abdel-Aal and H. A. Shaban, Electron number density and temperature measurements in laser produced brass plasma, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 50, 11003 (2010), DOI: 10.1051/epjap/2010029
[26] G.A. El-Shobaky, A.M. Turky, N.Y. Mostafa, S.K. Mohamed, Effect of preparation conditions on physicochemical, surface and catalytic properties of cobalt ferrite prepared by coprecipitation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 493 (2010) 415–422
[27] Nasser.Y. Mostafa, Q. Mohsen, S.A.S. El-Hemaly, S.A. El-Korashy, P.W. Brown, High replacements of reactive pozzolan in blended cements: microstructure and mechanical properties, Cement & Concrete Composites 32 (2010) 386–391
[28] Nasser Y. Mostafa, Abdallah A. Shaltout, Mohamed S. Abdel-Aal, and A. El-maghraby, Sintering mechanism of blast furnace slag-kaolin ceramics, Materials and Design 31 (2010) 3677–3682.
[29] A. El-Maghraby, M. A. Abou ElMaaty, G. A. Khater and Nasser Y. Mostafa, Utilization of Grantitoid Rocks in Taif Area as Raw Materials in Ceramic Bodies, Journal of American Science, 2010;6(10), 799 -809
[30] M.S. Abdel-Aal, A.A. Shaltout, N.Y. Mostafa, Spectroscopic Study of Heavy Metals at Different Depths in Southeastern Soil of Nile Delta, Egypt, Spectroscopy Letters, 44:186–193, 2011.
[31] Nasser Y. Mostafa and M. M. Hessien, Hydrothermal synthesis and characterizations of Ti substituted Mn-ferrites. Sent to Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2011).