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Prof. Michael Nosonovsky

Mechanical Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Nanotribology Nanocomposite materials Nanofriction mechanisms Triboinformatics Biomimetic surfaces Springer Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology


BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS Books Authored 1. A. A. Fedorets, L. A. Dombrovsky, E. Bormashenko, M. Nosonovsky Levitating Droplet Clusters (Begell House, 2023, in press) Role: conceptualization 50%, execution 25%, writing 25% 2. M. Nosonovsky and P. K. Rohatgi Biomimetics in Materials Science: Self-healing, self-lubricating, and self-cleaning materials (Springer Series in Materials Science, 2012, ISBN 978-1-4614-0925-0) Role: conceptualization 50%, execution 75%, writing 75% 3. M. Nosonovsky and V. Mortazavi From friction-induced vibrations to self-organization: mechanics and non-equilibrium thermodynamics of sliding contact (in press at CRC Francis & Taylor, 2013). Role: conceptualization 100%, execution 75%, writing 75% 4. [美] 诺索诺夫斯基(M.Nosonovsky),[美] 布尚(B.Bhushan) 多尺度耗散机制与分级表面——摩擦、超疏水性与仿生 Multiscale Dissipative Mechanisms and Hierarchical Surfaces: Friction, Superhydrophobicity, and Biomimetics (Chinese edition, Peking University Press, 2013, ISBN: 978-7-301-22712-1) Role: conceptualization 90%, execution 85%, writing 85%, 5. M. Nosonovsky and B. Bhushan, Multiscale Dissipative Mechanisms and Hierarchical Surfaces: Friction, Superhydrophobicity, and Biomimetics (NanoScience and Technology Series, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 2008) Role: conceptualization 90%, execution 85%, writing 85% Edited books and journal issues 1. A. Fedorets, L. Dombrovsky, E. Bormashenko, M. Nosonovsky (eds.) Levitating Droplet Clusters in Aerosol Science (Special issue of Atmosphere, 2020), IF=2.682 2. M. Nosonovsky (ed.), Entropic Methods in Surface Science (Special issue of the Entropy journal, 2019), IF=2.42 3. M. Nosonovsky (ed.), Surfaces for water-related applications (Special issue of Surf. Topogr: Metrology Properties, 2018), IF=2.93 4. P. L. Menezes, M. Nosonovsky, S. Kailas, M. Lovell, S. Ingole (eds.) Tribology for Scientists and Engineers (Springer, 2014) 5. M. Nosonovsky (ed.), Entropy and Friction , Vol. 2 (Special issue of the Entropy journal, 2014), IF=3.012 6. M. Nosonovsky and B. Bhushan (eds.), Green Tribology Biomimetics, Energy Conservation, and Sustainability (Springer, Heidelberg, 2012) 7. M. Nosonovsky (ed.), Entropy and Friction (Special issue of the Entropy journal, 2010), IF=3.012 8. M. Nosonovsky and B. Bhushan (eds.), Green Tribology (Theme issue of the Phil. Trans. Royal. Soc. A., 2010), Vol. 368 IF= 2.773 9. M. Nosonovsky, editor of “Biomimetics” section. In: Springer Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology (Ed. B. Bhushan, 1st ed 2011, 2nd ed. 2015), Vols. 1-4. Book chapters 1. A. Fedorets, L. Dombrovsky, E. Bormashenko, M. Nosonovsky (2022) “Droplet Clusters Levitating over the Heated Water Surface” Thermopedia (Begell House, Inc., 2008-2022) DOI: 10.1615/thermopedia.010213 2. R. Ramachandranº, M. Nosonovsky “Non-wetting, stabilization, and phase transitions induced by vibrations and spatial patterns.” In: Non-wettable Surfaces: Theory, Preparation, and Application, pp. 12-41 (Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2017, ISBN 978-1-78262-154-6) 3. R. Ramachandranº, M. Nosonovsky, “Superhydrophobic and icephobic materials for energy applications.” In: Materials and Technologies for Energy Efficiency, 243, (Universal-Publishers, 2015, ISBN 978-1-62734) 4. V. Mortazaviº, V. Hejaziº, R. D’Souza, M Nosonovsky* “Contact angle hysteresis in multiphase systems”. In: Advances in Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion, Vol 1, (ed. K. Mittal, Springer, 2013). Role: conceptualization 100%, execution 25%, writing 25%, supervision 75% 5. Menezes, P.L., Nosonovsky, M.; Lovell, M., Kailas, S.V. “Friction and Wear.” In: Tribology for Scientists and Engineers; (Springer, 2014). Role: conceptualization 10%, execution 20%, writing 35% 6. Nosonovsky, M.; Mortazaviº, V.; Hejaziº, V. “Green and Biomimetic Tribology” In: Tribology for Scientists and Engineers; (Springer, 2014). Role: conceptualization 100%, execution 50%, writing 50% 7. M. Mortazaviº and M. Nosonovsky “Polymer adhesion, bioadhesion and superhydrophobicity” In: Green Tribology Biomimetics, Polymer Adhesion, Friction and Lubrication (John Wiley and Sons, 2012). Role: conceptualization 100%, execution 50%, writing 35%, supervision 100% 8. M. Nosonovsky and B. Bhushan “Green Tribology, its history, challenges and perspectives” In: Green Tribology Biomimetics, Energy Conservation, and Sustainability (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2012), pp. 3-24. Role: conceptualization 90%, execution 80%, writing 80% 9. M. Nosonovsky and B. Bhushan “Lotus vs. Rose: biomimetic surface effects” In: Green Tribology Biomimetics, Energy Conservation, and Sustainability (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2012), pp. 25-40. Role: conceptualization 90%, execution 80%, writing 80% 10. M. Nosonovsky and V. Mortazavi, “Friction-induced Self-Organization: Biomimetic Aspects” In: Green Tribology Biomimetics, Energy Conservation, and Sustainability (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2012), pp. 41-78. Role: conceptualization 100%, execution 75%, writing 75%, supervision 100% 11. V. Hejaziº and M. Nosonovsky “Wear-resistant and oleophobic composite materials” In: Green Tribology Biomimetics, Energy Conservation, and Sustainability (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2012), pp. 149-172. Role: conceptualization 100%, execution 50%, writing 50%, supervision 100% 12. M. Mortazaviº and M. Nosonovsky “Polymer adhesion and biomimetic Surfaces for green tribology” In: Green Tribology Biomimetics, Energy Conservation, and Sustainability (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2012), pp. 173-222. Role: conceptualization 100%, execution 25%, writing 25%, supervision 100% 13. T.G. Hurdº, S. Beyhaghiº, and M. Nosonovsky “Ecological aspects of water desalination: improving surface properties of reverse osmosis membranes” In: Green Tribology Biomimetics, Energy Conservation, and Sustainability (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2012), pp. 531-564. Role: conceptualization 100%, execution 10%, writing 10%, supervision 100% 14. A. Fronekº, M. Nosonovsky, B. Bargerº, and I. Avdeev “Tribological and mechanical design considerations for wave energy collecting devices” In: Green Tribology Biomimetics, Energy Conservation, and Sustainability (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2012), pp. 607-620. Role: conceptualization 80%, execution 10%, writing 50%, supervision 25% 15. M. Nosonovsky and B. Bhushan, “Capillary Adhesion and Nanoscale Properties of Water,” Scanning Probe Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 2 (Springer, 2010), pp. 551-572. Role: conceptualization 95%, execution 100%, writing 95% 16. M. Nosonovsky, S. H. Yang, and H. Zhang “On the Sensitivity of the Capillary Adhesion Force to the Surface Roughness,” Scanning Probe Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 2 (Springer, 2010), pp. 573-588. Role: conceptualization 90%, execution 30%, writing 75%, supervision 50% 17. M. Nosonovsky and E. Bormashenko, “Lotus Effect: Superhydrophobicity and Self-Cleaning,” Functional Properties of Biological Surfaces: Characterization and Technological Applications, (E. Favret and N. Fuentes, eds., World Scientific, 2009) pp. 43-78 Role: conceptualization 80%, writing 50% 18. B. Bhushan, M. Nosonovsky, and Y.-C. Jung, “Lotus Effect: Roughness-Induced Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Introduction to Nanotribology and Nanomechanics, 2008, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. Role: conceptualization 0%, execution 50%, writing 50% 19. B. Bhushan, Y.-C. Jung, and M. Nosonovsky, “Lotus Effect: Roughness-Induced Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, 3nd ed., 2009, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. Role: wrote 50%. conceptualization 0%, execution 40%, writing 30% 20. M. Nosonovsky and B. Bhushan, “Lotus Effect: Roughness-Induced Superhydrophobicity,” Applied Scanning Probe Methods, Vol. 5-7, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 2007, pp. 1-40 Role: conceptualization 10%, execution 95%, writing 95% 21. B. Bhushan and M. Nosonovsky, “Scale Effects in Mechanical Properties and Tribology,” Introduction to Nanotribology and Nanomechanics, 2005, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. (Reprinted in 2nd ed., 2008 also in Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, 2nd ed., 2007, 3rd ed., 2009, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany), pp. 1167-1197 Role: conceptualization 0%, execution 100%, writing 95% (was translated into Russian) 22. G.G. Adams and M. Nosonovsky, “Elastic Waves Induced by the Frictional Sliding of Two Elastic Half-Spaces,” Tribology Research: From Model Experiment to Industrial Problem a Century of Efforts in Mechanics, Materials Science, and Physico-Chemistry, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2001 Role: conceptualization 0%, execution 90%, writing 40% Springer Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology entrees 1. B. Bhushan and, M. Nosonovsky “Rose Petal Effect”. In: Springer Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology (Ed. B. Bhushan, 1st ed. 2011, 2nd ed. 2015), Vols. 1-4. Role: conceptualization 80%, execution 80%, writing 95% 2. M. Nosonovsky and B. Bhushan “Lotus Effect” In: Springer Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology (Ed. B. Bhushan, 1st ed. 2011, 2nd ed. 2015), Vols. 1-4. Role: conceptualization 80%, execution 80%, writing 95% 3. M. Nosonovsky and B. Bhushan “Green Tribology” In: Springer Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology (Ed. B. Bhushan, 1st ed. 2011, 2nd ed. 2015), Vols. 1-4. Role: conceptualization 80%, execution 80%, writing 95% 4. M. Nosonovsky “Nanoscale water phase diagram” In: Springer Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology (Ed. B. Bhushan, 1st ed. 2011, 2nd ed. 2015), Vols. 1-4. 5. M. Nosonovsky “Self-repairing materials” In: Springer Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology (Ed. B. Bhushan, 1st ed. 2011, 2nd ed. 2015), Vols. 1-4. 6. M. Nosonovsky “Nano/microstructured icephobic materials” In: Springer Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology (Ed. B. Bhushan, 2nd ed. 2015), Vols. 1-4. (the 2nd edition only) SCHOLARLY PUBLICATIONS IN REFEREED JOURNALS Until 2023 1. MS Hasanº, A Nunezº, M Nosonovsky*, MR Silva “Prediction of E. coli concentration from wetting properties of beach sand using machine learning models” Surface Innovations (2023), DOI [conceptualization 75%, execution 10%, writing 50%, supervision 50%, IF=3.016, cited=0] 2. R Ramachandranº, M Nosonovsky*, “Kirchhoff’s Analogy between the Kapitza Pendulum Stability and Buckling of a Wavy Beam under Tensile Loading.” Appl. Mech. 2023, 4, 248-253. [conceptualization 100%, execution 20%, writing 90%, supervision 100%, cited=0] 3. A Breki and M Nosonovsky* 2023 “Friction and adhesion of Johansson gauge blocks” Surface Innovations (in press) [conceptualization 50%, execution 10%, writing 90%, supervision 50%, cited=0] 4. VY Shevchenko, AI Makogon, MM Sychov, M. Nosonovsky,* and E. V. Skorb, 2022, “Reaction−Diffusion Pathways for a Programmable Nanoscale Texture of the Diamond−SiC Composite,” Langmuir, 2022, 38, 49, 15220–15225 [conceptualization 25%, execution 5%, writing 90%, supervision 10%, IF=3.331 cited=0] 5. M. Frenkel, AA Fedorets, LA Dombrovsky, E Bormashenko, M Nosonovsky*, “Branched droplet clusters and the Kramers theorem,” Phys. Rev. E (2022) 105(5) 055104 [conceptualization 25%, execution 10%, writing 30%, supervision 30%, IF=2.529, cited=0] 6. MS Hasanº, F Zemajtis, M Nosonovsky*, K Sobolev “Synthesis of ZnO/TiO2-Based Hydrophobic Antimicrobial Coatings for Steel and Their Roughness, Wetting, and Tribological Characterization,” J. Tribology 144 (8), 081402 (2022) [conceptualization 50%, execution 20%, writing 30%, supervision 50%, IF=2.045, cited=3] 7. MS Hasanº, T Wongº, PK Rohatgi, M Nosonovsky* “Analysis of the friction and wear of graphene reinforced aluminum metal matrix composites using machine learning models” Tribology International 170, 107527 (2022) [conceptualization 50%, execution 20%, writing 30%, supervision 60%, IF=4.872, cited=12] 8. S Shityakov, EV Skorb, M Nosonovsky* “Topological bio-scaling analysis as a universal measure of protein folding” Royal Society Open Science 9 (7), (2022) 220160 [conceptualization 80%, execution 25%, writing 80%, supervision 50%, IF=2.963, cited=0] 9. OV Tolochko, IA Kobykhno, SI Khashirova, AA Zhansitov, AD Breki, M. Nosonovsky*, “Friction and Wear of Polyetheretherketone Samples With Different Melt Flow Indices” J. Tribol. 144 (6) (2022) 061705 [conceptualization 10%, writing 50%, supervision 30%, IF=2.045, cited=0] 10. MS Hasanº, M Nosonovsky* “Triboinformatics: machine learning algorithms and data topology methods for tribology” Surface Innovations 40 (2022), 229-242. [conceptualization 50%, execution 20%, writing 30%, supervision 50%, IF=3.016, cited=4] 11. AA Fedorets, LA Dombrovsky, DV Shcherbakov, M Frenkel, E. Bormashenko, M. Nosonovsky*, “Thermal conditions for the formation of self-assembled cluster of droplets over the water surface and diversity of levitating droplet clusters,” Heat and Mass Transfer (2022 in press) [conceptualization 10%, writing 30%, supervision 10%, IF=1.867, cited=3] 12. I Korolev, T Aliev, T Orlova, S Ulasevich, M Nosonovsky*, E Skorb “When Bubbles Are Not Spherical: Artificial Intelligence Analysis of Ultrasonic Cavitation Bubbles in Solutions of Varying Concentrations,” J. Phys. Chem. B 26(16) (2022) 3161-3169 [conceptualization 50%, execution 20%, writing 50%, supervision 50%, IF=2.991, cited=2] 13. MS Hasanº, A Kordijazi, PK Rohatgi, M Nosonovsky* “Machine learning models of the transition from solid to liquid lubricated friction and wear in aluminum-graphite composites,” Tribology International 165, 107326 (2022). [conceptualization 50%, execution 20%, writing 30%, supervision 60%, IF=4.872, cited=18] 14. MS Hasanº, A Kordijazi, PK Rohatgi, M Nosonovsky*, “Triboinformatic approach for friction and wear prediction of Al-graphite composites using machine learning methods,” J Tribology 144 (1), (2022) [conceptualization 70%, execution 20%, writing 30%, supervision 70%, IF=2.045, cited=36] 15. AA Fedorets, LA Dombrovsky, E Bormashenko, M Nosonovsky*, “A hierarchical levitating cluster containing transforming small aggregates of water droplets,” Microfluidics & Nanofluidics 26(7) (2022) 52 [conceptualization 40%, execution 10%, writing 70%, supervision 30%, IF=2.529, cited=2] 16. M Zhukov, MS Hasanº, P Nesterov, M Sabbouh, O Burdulenko, EV Skorb, M. Nosonovsky*, “Topological Data Analysis of Nanoscale Roughness in Brass Samples,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (1), 2351-2359, (2021) [conceptualization 90%, execution 20%, writing 80%, supervision 70%, IF=9.229, cited=7] 17. M Sabbouh, A Nikitina, E Rogacheva, L Kraeva, SA Ulasevich*, EV Skorb, M. Nosonovsky*, “Separation of motions and vibrational separation of fractions for biocide brass,” Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 80, 105817, (2021) [conceptualization 70%, execution 20%, writing 80%, supervision 50%, IF=7.491, cited=5] 18. AA Fedorets, DN Gabyshev, D Shcherbakov, E Bormashenko, M. Nosonovsky*, “Vertical oscillations of droplets in small droplet clusters” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 628, 127271 (2021). [conceptualization 50%, execution 10%, writing 70%, supervision 30%, IF=4.539, cited=3] 19. MS Hasanº, M Nosonovsky*, Topological data analysis for friction modeling, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 135 (5), 56001 (2021) [conceptualization 90%, execution 10%, writing 80%, supervision 100%, IF=1.947, cited=7] 20. AA Fedorets, LA Dombrovsky, DV Shcherbakov, M Frenkel, E. Bormashenko, M. Nosonovsky*, “Thermal conditions for the formation of self-assembled cluster of droplets over the water surface,” J. Phys: Conference Ser. 2116 (1), 012038 (2021) [conceptualization 10%, writing 30%, supervision 10%, IF=0.547, cited=1] 21. MS Hasanº, A Kordijazi, PK Rohatgi, M Nosonovsky* “Triboinformatic modeling of dry friction and wear of aluminum base alloys using machine learning algorithms,” Tribol. International 161, 107065 (2021) [conceptualization 50%, execution 20%, writing 30%, supervision 60%, IF=4.872, cited=31] 22. A Kordijazi, S Behera, D Patel, P Rohatgi, M Nosonovsky*, Predictive Analysis of Wettability of Al–Si Based Multiphase Alloys and Aluminum Matrix Composites by Machine Learning and Physical Modeling, Langmuir 37 (12), 3766–3777 (2021) [conceptualization 50%, execution 20%, writing 30%, supervision 50%, IF=3.882, cited=11] 23. E Bormashenko, AA Fedorets, LA Dombrovsky, M Nosonovsky* “Survival of virus particles in water droplets: Hydrophobic forces and Landauer’s principle,” Entropy 23 (2), 181 (2021) [conceptualization 75%, execution 50%, writing 80%, supervision 80%, IF=2.419, cited=10] 24. M Frenkel, AA Fedorets, LA Dombrovsky, M Nosonovsky, I Legchenkova, M. Nosonovsky, “Continuous Symmetry Measure vs Voronoi Entropy of Droplet Clusters,” J. Phys. Chem. C 125 (4), 2431–2436 (2021) [conceptualization 50%, execution 20%, writing 50%, supervision 50%, IF=4.126, cited=15] 25. L. Dombrovsky, A. Fedorets, E. Bormashenko, M Nosonovsky* “Modeling evaporation of water droplets carrying virus particles,” Atmosphere 11 (2020) 965. [conceptualization 50%, execution 20%, writing 40%, supervision 50%, IF=2.397, cited=19] 26. M. S. Hasanº, Konstantin Sobolev, and Michael Nosonovsky*, “Evaporation of droplets capable of bearing viruses airborne and on hydrophobic surfaces” J. Appl. Phys. 129(2) (2021) 024703 [conceptualization 75%, execution 10%, writing 30%, supervision 80%, IF=2.328, cited=10] 27. A. Kordijazi, H.M. Roshan, A. Dhingra, M. Povolo, P.K. Rohatgi, M. Nosonovsky*, “Machine-learning Methods to Predict Wetting Properties of Iron-Based Composites” Surface Innovations, 9 (2-3), 111-119 (2021) [conceptualization 50%, execution 10%, writing 60%, supervision 50%, IF=2.845, cited=20] 28. A. Fedorets, D. Shcherbakov, L. Dombrovsky, E. Bormashenko, M. Nosonovsky*, “Impact of surfactants on the formation and properties of droplet clusters” Langmuir (2020) 36(37) 11154-11160 [conceptualization 20%, execution 10%, writing 70%, supervision 30%, IF=3.683, cited=10] 29. L. Dombrovsky, A. Fedorets, V. Levashov, A. Kryukov, E Bormashenko, M Nosonovsky, “Stable cluster of identical water droplets formed under the infrared irradiation: Experimental study and theoretical modeling,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 161 (2020) 120255 [conceptualization 10%, execution 5%, writing 10%, supervision 10%, IF=4.35, cited=21] 30. M. S. Hasanº and M. Nosonovsky* “The Method of Separation of Vibrational Motions for Applications Involving Wetting, Capillarity, and Superhydrophobicity” Phys. Rev. Fluids, 5(5) 054201 (2020) [conceptualization 100%, execution 20%, writing 80%, supervision 100%, IF=2.512, cited=9] 31. A. Fedorets, E. Bormashenko, L.A. Dombrovsky, M. Nosonovsky* “Symmetry of small clusters of levitating water droplets” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22 (21), 12239-12244 (2020) [conceptualization 90%, execution 20%, writing 90%, IF=3.567, cited=11] 32. A. Fedorets, L. A. Dombrovsky, D.N. Gabyshev, E. Bormashenko, M. Nosonovsky, “Effect of external electric field on dynamics of levitating water droplets” Int. J. Therm. Sci. 153, 106375 (2020) [conceptualization 10%, execution 10%, writing 30%, IF=3.94, cited=27] 33. M. Nosonovsky*, P. Royº, “Scaling in Colloidal and Biological Networks” Entropy 22 (6), 622 (2020) [conceptualization 100%, execution 90%, writing 95%, supervision 100%, IF=2.419, cited=7] 34. S. Blumenthalº and M. Nosonovsky*, “Friction and Dynamics of Verge and Foliot: how the Invention of the Pendulum Made Clocks Much More Accurate” Appl. Mechanics, 1(2), 111-122 (2020) [conceptualization 100%, execution 30%, writing 90%, supervision 100%, IF=n/a, cited=5] 35. M. S. Hasanº and M. Nosonovsky*, “Lotus Effect and Friction: Does non-Sticky Mean Slippery?” (invited) Biomimetics 5(2)28 (2020) [conceptualization 100%, execution 20%, writing 75%, supervision 100%, IF=n/a, cited=21] 36. M. Nosonovsky* and P. Royº, “Allometric scaling law and ergodicity breaking in the vascular system,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 24(7) 1-8 (2020) [conceptualization 100%, execution 80%, writing 100%, supervision 100%, IF=2.47, cited=7] 37. S. K. Beheraº, S. Suri, N. P. Salowitz, M. Nosonovsky*, P. K. Rohatgi, 2020 “The Effect of Surface Roughness and Composition on Wetting and Corrosion of Al−Si Alloys” Israel Journal of Chemistry 60(5-6) 577-585 (2020) invited [conceptualization 20%, execution 5%, writing 10%, supervision 20%, IF=2.32, cited=1] 38. M. Rahmaniº, M. Habibur Rahman, M. Nosonovsky “A New Hybrid Robust Control of MEMS Gyroscope” Microsys. Technol. 26, 853-860 (2020) [conceptualization 30%, execution 5%, writing 10%, supervision 50%, IF=1.513, cited=20] 39. E. Bormashenko, A. Fedorets, M. Frenkel, L.A. Dombrovsky, M Nosonovsky*, “Clustering and self-organization in small-scale natural and artificial systems” Phil. Trans. R. Society A 378 (2020), 20190443 (invited) [conceptualization 40%, writing 30%, IF=3.093, cited=17] 40. S. Beheraº, A.P. Kumar, N. Dogra, M. Nosonovsky*, P.K. Rohatgi “Effect of microstructure on contact angle and corrosion of ductile iron: Iron-Graphite Composite” Langmuir 2019, 35, 49, 16120-16129 [conceptualization 20%, execution 5%, writing 10%, supervision 20%, IF=3.683, cited=4] 41. A. A. Fedorets, M. Frenkel, I. Legchenkova, D. V. Shcherbakov, L. A. Dombrovsky, M. Nosonovsky*, E. Bormashenko “Self-arranged levitating droplet clusters: a reversible transition from hexagonal to chain structure” Langmuir 2019, 35, 15330-15334 [conceptualization 20%, writing 30%, IF=3.683, cited=4] 42. A. A. Fedorets, N. E. Aktaev, D. N. Gabyshev, E. Bormashenko, L. A. Dombrovsky, and M. Nosonovsky*, “Oscillatory motion of a droplet cluster” J Phys Chem C, 123 (2019) 23572-23576 [conceptualization 20%, writing 40, IF=4.189, cited=5] 43. A. Fedorets, L.A. Dombrovsky, E. Bormashenko, M Nosonovsky*, “Droplet clusters: nature-inspired biological reactors and aerosols” Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London A 377 (2019) 20190121 (invited) [conceptualization 50%, writing 50%, IF=3.093, cited=15] 44. A. Fedorets, L.A. Dombrovsky, E. Bormashenko, M. Nosonovsky, “On relative contribution of electrostatic and aerodynamic effects to dynamics of a levitating droplet cluster” Int. J. Heat. Mass Transfer 133 (2019) 712-717 [conceptualization 20%, writing 20%, IF=4.35, cited=14] 45. S. Lankaº, E. Alexandrova, M. Kozhukhova, M.S. Hasanº, M. Nosonovsky*, “Tribological and Wetting Properties of TiO2 Based Hydrophobic Coatings for Ceramics” Journal of Tribology 141 (2019) 10 [conceptualization 70%, writing 50%, supervision 80%, IF=1.829, cited=7] 46. M Nosonovsky*, A.D. Breki “Ternary Logic of Motion to Resolve Kinematic Frictional Paradoxes” Entropy 21 (2019), 620 [conceptualization 80%, writing 80%, IF=2.419, cited=4] 47. A. Breki, E. Vasilyeva, O. Tolochko, A. Didenko and M. Nosonovsky*, “Frictional properties of a nanocomposite material with a linear polyimide matrix and Tungsten Diselinide nanoparticle reinforcement” Journal of Tribology 141 (2019) 082002 [conceptualization 20%, writing 50%, IF=1.829, cited=3] 48. M. Nosonovsky, “Surface for water-related applications – editorial,” Surf. Topogr: Metrology Properties 7 (2019) 010201 [IF=2.93, cited=0] 49. A. Breki, M. Nosonovsky*, “Ultraslow frictional sliding and the stick-slip transition,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 113 (2018), 241602 [conceptualization 90%, writing 80%, IF=3.597, cited=14] 50. N. Aktaev, A. Fedorets, E. Bormashenko, M. Nosonovsky*. 2018 “Langevin Approach to Modeling of Small Levitating Ordered Droplet Clusters” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9 (2018) 3834–3838 [conceptualization 30%, writing 70%, IF=9.35, cited=8] 51. A. Breki, M Nosonovsky*, “Einstein’s viscosity equation and nanolubricated friction” Langmuir 34 (2018), 12968-12973 [conceptualization 80%, writing 100%, IF=3.683, cited=8] 52. E. Bormashenko, M. Frenkel, A. Vilk, I. Legchenkova, A. Fedorets, N. Aktaev, L. Dombrovsky, M. Nosonovsky, “Characterization of Self-Assembled 2D Patterns with Voronoi Entropy” Entropy 20 (2018), 956 [conceptualization 20%, writing 30%, IF=2.419, cited=15] 53. M. Nosonovsky, “Logical and information aspects in surface science: friction, capillarity, and superhydrophobicity” Int J Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Sys 33 (2018) 307-318 [IF=1.31, cited=2] 54. M. Nosonovsky “Abner of Burgos: The Missing Link between Nasir al-Din al-Tusi and Nicolaus Copernicus?” Zutot 15 (2018) 25-30 [IF=0.29, cited=3] 55. M. Nosonovsky, “Cultural implications of biomimetics: changing the perception of living and non-living” Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 2 (2018), 230-236 [IF=n/a, cited=1] 56. A. Fedorets, M. Frenkel, E. Bormashenko, M. Nosonovsky*, “Small levitating ordered droplet clusters: Stability, symmetry, and Voronoi entropy” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8 (2017), 5599-5602 [conceptualization 75%, writing 90%, IF=9.35, cited=32] 57. A. Fedorets, M. Frenkel, E. Shulzinger, L.A. Dombrovsky, E. Bormashenko, M. Nosonovsky*, “Self-assembled levitating clusters of water droplets: pattern-formation and stability,” Scientific Reports 7 (2017), 1-7 [conceptualization 70%, writing 90%, IF=3.998, cited=38] 58. Z. Chenº, M Nosonovsky*, Revisiting lowest possible surface energy of a solid” Surf. Topography: Metrology and Properties 5 (2017), 045001 (IF=2.08) [conceptualization 100%, execution 50%, writing 90%, supervision 100%, IF=2.93, cited=5] 59. R Ramachandranº, M Nosonovsky*, “Vibrations and spatial patterns change effective wetting properties of superhydrophobic and regular membranes” Biomimetics 1 (2016), 4 [conceptualization 100%, writing 90%, supervision 100%, IF=n/a, cited=1] 60. R. Ramachandranº, M Kozhukhova, K. Sobolev, M Nosonovsky*, “Anti-icing superhydrophobic surfaces: controlling entropic molecular interactions to design novel icephobic concrete” Entropy 18 (2016), 132 [conceptualization 90%, writing 90%, supervision 50%, IF=2.419, cited=52] 61. M. Nosonovsky, B. Bhushan, “Why re-entrant surface topography is needed for robust oleophobicity” Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A, 374 (2016) 20160185 [conceptualization 80%, writing 100%, IF=3.093, cited=35] 62. R. Ramachandranº, N. Maaniº, V.L. Rayz, M. Nosonovsky*, “Vibrations and spatial patterns in biomimetic surfaces: using the shark-skin effect to control blood clotting” Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A, 374 (2016) 20160133 [conceptualization 90%, writing 90%, supervision 80%, IF=3.093, cited=13] 63. R. Ramachandranº, M. Nosonovsky*, “Coupling of surface energy with electric potential makes superhydrophobic surfaces corrosion-resistant,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. ‏ 17 (2015) 24988 [conceptualization 100%, writing 80%, supervision 100%, IF=3.567, cited=33] 64. R. Ramachandranº, K. Sobolev, M. Nosonovsky*, “Dynamics of droplet impact on hydrophobic / icephobic concrete with potential for superhydrophobicity” Langmuir 31 (4), 1437–1444 [conceptualization 50%, writing 25%, supervision 90%, IF=4.38, cited=66] 65. M. Nosonovsky*, R. Ramachandranº, “Geometric interpretation of surface tension equilibrium in superhydrophobic systems,” Entropy 17 (2015), 4684-4700 [conceptualization 100%, writing 90%, supervision 100%, IF=2.419, cited=22] 66. N. Maaniº, V.L. Rayz, M. Nosonovsky*, “Biomimetic approaches for green tribology: from the lotus effect to blood flow control,” Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 3 (2015), 034001 [conceptualization 90%, writing 80%, supervision 50%, IF=2.93, cited=8] 67. R. Ramachandranº, M. Nosonovsky*, “Surface micro/nanotopography, wetting properties and the potential for biomimetic icephobicity of Skunk cabbage” Soft Matter (2014) [conceptualization 75%, execution 25%, writing 50%, supervision 100%, IF=4.15, cited=33] 68. V. Hejaziº, A. Dorri, P.K. Rohatgi, & M. Nosonovsky*, “Beyond Wenzel and Cassie-Baxter: second-order effects on wetting of rough surfaces” Langmuir 30 (2014) 9423-9429 [conceptualization 60%, execution 25%, writing 50%, supervision 80% , IF=4.38, cited=41] 69. R. Ramachandranº, M. Nosonovsky*, “Vibro-levitation and inverted pendulum: parametric resonance in vibrating droplets and soft materials” Soft Matter (2014) 10, 4633-463 [conceptualization 75%, execution 25%, writing 50%, supervision 100%, IF=4.15, cited=10] 70. F. Vivian, V. Hejaziº, M. Kozhukhova, M. Nosonovsky*, K. Sobolev, “Self-assembled particle-siloxane coatings for superhydrophobic concrete” ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2013, 5 (24), 13284-13294 [conceptualization 20%, execution 10%, writing 15%, supervision 25%, IF= 5.7, cited=100] 71. V. Hejaziº, K. Sobolev, M. Nosonovsky*, “From Superhydrophobicity to Icephobicity: forces and interaction analysis,” Scientific Reports, 3 (2013) 2194 [conceptualization 100%, execution 50%, writing 80%, supervision 75% IF=5.078, cited=217] 72. V. Mortazaviº, R. Dsouza, and M. Nosonovsky* “Study of contact angle hysteresis using Cellular Potts Model” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15 (8), 2749 – 2756 [conceptualization 80%, execution 0%, writing 15%, supervision 75% , IF=4.198, cited=22] 73. V. Hejaziº and M. Nosonovsky*. “Contact Angle Hysteresis in Multiphase Systems”, Colloid & Polymer Sci. (2013) 291 (2), pp 329-338 [conceptualization 100%, execution 10%, writing 75%, supervision 100%, IF=2.410, cited=41] 74. M. Nosonovsky* and V. Hejaziº “Why superhydrophobic surfaces are not always icephobic” ACS Nano, 2012, 6:8488-8491. [conceptualization 100%, execution 80%, writing 90%, supervision 100% , IF=12.033, cited=217] 75. V. Hejaziº, A. Nyongº, P. Rohatgi, M. Nosonovsky* “Wetting transitions in underwater oleophobic surface of brass” Adv. Mater 24 (2012) 5963–5966 [conceptualization 100%, execution 10%, writing 50%, supervision 95%, IF=15.402, cited=66] 76. V. Hejaziº and M.Nosonovsky*. “Wetting transitions in two-, three-, and four-phase systems”, Langmuir, 2012, 28:2173-2180 [conceptualization 100%, writing 75%, supervision 100%, IF=4.38, cited=91] 77. V. Mortazaviº, C. Wangº and M. Nosonovsky* “Stability of Frictional Sliding with the Coefficient of Friction depended on the Temperature” J. Tribology 134 (2012) 041601 [conceptualization 100%, execution 10%, writing 50%, supervision 100% , IF=1.196, cited=10] 78. M. Mortazaviº and M. Nosonovsky* “A model for diffusion-driven hydrophobic recovery in plasma treated polymers” Applied Surface Science 258 (2012) 6876-6883 [conceptualization 100%, execution 25%, writing 25%, supervision 100% , IF=5.270, cited=67] 79. M. Nosonovsky*, “Slippery when wetted” Nature 477 (2011) 412-413 [IF=42.778, cited=165] 80. M. Nosonovsky*, V. Hejaziº, A.F. Nyongº, and P.K. Rohatgi “Metal Matrix Composites for Sustainable Lotus-Effect Surfaces,” Langmuir, 2011, 27:2173-2180 [conceptualization 90%, execution 30%, writing 50%, supervision 90%, IF=4.38, cited=38] 81. V. Mortazaviº and M. Nosonovsky* “Friction-Induced Pattern-Formation and Turing systems” Langmuir 29 (2011) 4772-4779 [conceptualization 100%, execution 10%, writing 50%, supervision 100%, IF=4.39, cited=24] 82. V. Mortazaviº and M. Nosonovsky* “Wear-induced microtopography evolution and wetting properties of self-cleaning, lubricating and healing surfaces” J. Adhesion Sci. and Technol. 25 (2011) 1337-1359 [conceptualization 100%, execution 10%, writing 50%, supervision 100%, IF=1.153, cited=15] 83. M. Nosonovsky, “Self-organization at the frictional interface for green tribology” Phil. Trans Royal. Soc. A., (2010), Vol. 368:4755-4774 [IF=3.024, cited=38] 84. M. Nosonovsky, “Entropy in Tribology: in the Search for Applications” Entropy, 12:1345-1390 (2010) [IF=1.564, cited=69] 85. M. Nosonovsky and B. Bhushan*, “Green Tribology - Preface” Phil. Trans Royal. Soc. A., (2010), 368:4675-4676 [conceptualization 90%, writing 90%, IF=3.024] 86. M. Nosonovsky and B. Bhushan*, “Green tribology: principles, research areas and challenges” Phil. Trans Royal. Soc. A., (2010), 368:4677-4694 [conceptualization 90%, writing 90%, IF=3.024, cited=107] 87. B. Bhushan* and M. Nosonovsky, “The rose petal effect and the modes of superhydrophobicity” Phil. Trans Royal. Soc. A., (2010), Vol. 368:4713-4728 [conceptualization 100%, execution 50%, writing 50%, IF=3.024, cited=369] 88. M. Nosonovsky and B. Bhushan*, “Surface Self-Organization: from Wear to Self-Healing in Biological and Technical Surfaces,” Appl. Surf. Sci., 256 (2010) 3982-3987 [conceptualization 100%, execution 99%, writing 95%, IF=2.538, cited=46] 89. M. Nosonovsky*, R. Amano, J. M. Lucci, P. R. Rohatgi, “Physical chemistry of self-organization and self-healing in metals,” Phys. Chem.-Chem. Phys., 11 (2009) 9530-9536 [conceptualization 90%, execution 10%, writing 75%, supervision 30%, IF=4.198, cited=49] 90. M. Nosonovsky and B. Bhushan*, “Superhydrophobic Surfaces and Emerging Applications: Non-adhesion, Energy, Green Engineering,” Current Opinion Coll. Interface Sci. 14 (2009) 270-280 [conceptualization 100%, execution 90%, writing 95%, IF=7.837, cited=573] 91. M Nosonovsky, B Bhushan “Multiscale effects and capillary interactions in functional biomimetic surfaces for energy conversion and green engineering” Phil. Trans. Royal Society A 367:1511-1539 (2009) [conceptualization 90%, execution 95%, writing 90%, IF= 3.024, cited=95] 92. M. Nosonovsky, X. Zhang, and S. Esche “Scaling of a Monte Carlo Grain Growth Model” Modeling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 17 (2009) 025004 [execution 25%, writing 25%, IF=2.298, cited=22] 93. Q. Yu, M. Nosonovsky, S. Esche “Monte Carlo Simulation of Grain Growth of Single-phase Systems with Anisotropic Boundary Energies,” Int. J. Mech. Sci. 51 (2009) 434-442 [execution 25%, writing 25%, IF=1.495, cited=16] 94. M. Nosonovsky, B. Bhushan, “Thermodynamics of surface degradation, self-organization and self-healing for biomimetic surfaces” Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A 367:1609-1627 (2009) [conceptualization 90%, execution 99%, writing 95%, IF=3.024, cited=82] 95. S. Yang, H. Zhang, M. Nosonovsky, K.H. Chung “Effects of contact geometry on pull-off force measurements with a colloidal probe” Langmuir 24 (2008), 743-748 [conceptualization 30%, execution 25%, writing 25%. IF=4.26, cited=40] 96. M Nosonovsky, B Bhushan “Phase behavior of capillary bridges: towards nanoscale water phase diagram” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 10 (2008), 2137-2144 [conceptualization 95%, execution 100%, writing 95%, IF=3.57, cited=48] 97. M Nosonovsky, B Bhushan “Superhydrophobicity for energy conversion and conservation applications” J. Adhesion Sci. Technol. 22 (2008), 2105-2115 [conceptualization 95%, execution 100%, writing 95%, IF=0.948, cited=30] 98. M Nosonovsky, B Bhushan “Capillary effects and instabilities in nanocontacts” Ultramicroscopy 108 (2008), 1181-1185 [conceptualization 100%, execution 95%, writing 95%, IF=2.435, cited=28] 99. Q. Yu, M. Nosonovsky, S. Esche “On the Accuracy of Monte Carlo Potts Models for Grain Growth,” J. Comput. Methods in Sci. and Eng. 8 (2008) 227-243 [execution 25%, writing 25%, IF=0.46, cited=7] 100. S.H. Yang, M. Nosonovsky, H. Zhang, K.H. Chung “Nanoscale water capillary bridges under deeply negative pressure” Chem. Phys. Lett. 451 (2008), 88-92 [conceptualization 50%, execution 50%, writing 75%, supervision 50%, IF=2.215, cited=79] 101. M. Nosonovsky, B. Bhushan “Roughness-induced superhydrophobicity: a way to design non-adhesive surfaces” J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 20, 225009, 2008 [conceptualization 90%, execution 90%, writing 95%, IF=2.54, cited=234] 102. M. Nosonovsky, B. Bhushan “Patterned nonadhesive surfaces: superhydrophobicity and wetting regime transitions” Langmuir 24 (2008), 1525-1533 [conceptualization 100%, execution 90%, writing 95%, IF=4.26, cited=198] 103. M. Nosonovsky and B. Bhushan, “Do Hierarchical Mechanisms of Superhydrophobicity Lead to Self-organized Criticality?” Scripta Mater. 59 (2008) 941-944 [conceptualization 100%, execution 95%, writing 95%, IF=2.699, cited=24] 104. M. Nosonovsky, S. K. Esche, “A Paradox of Decreasing Entropy in Multiscale Monte Carlo Grain Growth Simulations” Entropy 10 (2008) 49-54 [conceptualization 100%, execution 75%, writing 75%, IF= 1.183, cited=15] 105. S. H. Yang, M. Nosonovsky, H. Zhang, K.H. Chung, “Response to the Comment on Negative Pressure in Water Capillary Bridges at Nanocontacts,” Chem. Phys. Lett., 463 (2008) 286-287 [execution 75%, writing 100%, IF=2.215, cited=6] 106. M. Nosonovsky, S. Esche “Multiscale Effects in Crystal Grain Growth and Physical properties of metals,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 10 (2008) 5192-5195 [conceptualization 80%, execution 75%, writing 80%, IF=3.57, cited=7] 107. M. Nosonovsky, B. Bhushan “Energy transitions in superhydrophobicity: low adhesion, easy flow and bouncing” J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 20, 395005 (2008) [conceptualization 75%, execution 90%, writing 90%, IF=2.54, cited=107] 108. M Nosonovsky, B Bhushan “Biologically Inspired Surfaces: Broadening the Scope of Roughness” Advanced Functional Materials 18 (6), 843-855, 2008 [conceptualization 100%, execution 95%, writing 95%, IF=10.18, cited=245] 109. M. Nosonovsky, “Model for solid-liquid and solid-solid friction of rough surfaces with adhesion hysteresis” J. Chem. Phys. 126 (2007), 224701 [IF=3.333, cited=126] 110. M. Nosonovsky, B. Bhushan “Hierarchical roughness optimization for biomimetic superhydrophobic surfaces,” Ultramicroscopy 107 (2007), 969-979 [conceptualization 100%, execution 90%, writing 95%, IF=2.435, cited=251] 111. B. Bhushan, M. Nosonovsky, Y.C. Jung “Towards optimization of patterned superhydrophobic surfaces” J. Royal Soc. Interface 4 (2007), 643-648 [conceptualization 50%, execution 40%, writing 50%, IF=4.402, cited=151] 112. M. Nosonovsky “Multiscale roughness and stability of superhydrophobic biomimetic interfaces” Langmuir 23 (2007), 3157-3161 [IF=4.26, cited=488] 113. M. Nosonovsky, B. Bhushan “Biomimetic superhydrophobic surfaces: multiscale approach” Nano Letters 7 (2007), 2633-2637 [conceptualization 100%, execution 100%, writing 95%, IF=13.2, cited=364] 114. M. Nosonovsky, “On the range of applicability of the Wenzel and Cassie equations” Langmuir 23 (2007), 9919-9920 4 [IF=4.26, cited=223] 115. M. Nosonovsky, B. Bhushan “Hierarchical roughness makes superhydrophobic states stable” Microelectronic Engineering 84 (2007), 382-386 [conceptualization 100%, execution 90%, writing 95%, IF=1.495, cited=282] 116. M. Nosonovsky, B. Bhushan “Multiscale friction mechanisms and hierarchical surfaces in nano-and bio-tribology” Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 58 (3-5), 162-193, 2007 [conceptualization 100%, execution 90%, writing 95%, IF= 17.7, cited=259] 117. M. Nosonovsky, “Modeling Size, Load, and Velocity-Dependence on Friction at Micro/nanoscale,” Int. J. Surf. Sci. Eng., 1 (2007) 22-37 [IF=0.731, cited=14] 118. M. Nosonovsky, “Oil as a Lubricant in Ancient Middle East,” JAST Tribology Online, 2 (2007) 44-49 [IF=0.84, cited=45] 119. M. Nosonovsky, B. Bhushan “Wetting of rough three-dimensional superhydrophobic surfaces” Microsystem technologies 12 (2006), 273-281 [conceptualization 100%, execution 95%, writing 90%, IF= 0.931, cited=70] 120. M. Nosonovsky, B. Bhushan “Stochastic model for metastable wetting of roughness-induced superhydrophobic surfaces” Microsystem technologies 12 (2006), 231-237 [conceptualization 90%, execution 95%, writing 90%, IF=0.931, cited=74] 121. M. Nosonovsky, B. Bhushan, “Roughness optimization for biomimetic superhydrophobic surfaces” Microsystem technologies 11 (7), 535-549 (2005) [conceptualization 75%, execution 90%, writing 75%, IF= 0.931, cited=321] 122. M. Nosonovsky, B. Bhushan “Scale effect in dry friction during multiple-asperity contact” J. Tribology 127, 37 (2005) [conceptualization 75%, execution 90%, writing 90%, IF=1.196, cited=47] 123. B. Bhushan, M. Nosonovsky “Scale effects in dry and wet friction, wear, and interface temperature” Nanotechnology 15, 749 (2004) [conceptualization 50%, execution 90%, writing 90%, IF=3.979, cited=73] 124. B. Bhushan, M. Nosonovsky “Comprehensive model for scale effects in friction due to adhesion and two-and three-body deformation (plowing)” Acta materialia 52 (2004), 2461-2474 [conceptualization 50%, execution 90%, writing 90%, IF= 4.226, cited=78] 125. M. Nosonovsky and G.G. Adams, “Vibration and Stability of Frictional Sliding of Two Elastic Bodies With a Wavy Contact Interface,” J. Appl. Mech., 71 (2004) 154-300 [execution 75%, writing 80%, IF=2.615, cited=30] 126. B Bhushan, M Nosonovsky, “Scale effects in friction using strain gradient plasticity and dislocation-assisted sliding (microslip)” Acta materialia 51 (2003), 4331-4345 [conceptualization 50%, execution 90%, writing 80%, IF= 4.226, cited=104] 127. M. Nosonovsky and G.G. Adams. “Interaction of Elastic Dilatational and Shear Waves With a Frictional Sliding Interface,” J. Vibrations and Acoustics, 124 (2002) 33-39 [execution 75%, writing 75%, IF=0.56, cited=8] 128. M. Nosonovsky, G.G. Adams “Dilatational and shear waves induced by the frictional sliding of two elastic half-spaces,” Int. J. Engineering Sci. 39 (2001), 1257-1269 [execution 75%, writing 80%, IF=1.508, cited=29] 129. G. G. Adams, M. Nosonovsky “Contact modeling—forces” Tribology International 33 (5), 431-442, 2000 [execution 50%, writing 50%, IF=1.869, cited=304] 130. M. Nosonovsky, G.G. Adams “Steady-state frictional sliding of two elastic bodies with a wavy contact interface” J. Tribology 122 (2000), 490-495 [execution 75%, writing 80%, IF=1.196, cited=37] Addendum for 2023-2024 peer-reviewed journal publications 1. M Arsentev, E Topalov, S Balabanov, E Sysoev, I Shulga, M. Nosonovsky, EV Skorb. "Crystal-Inspired Cellular Metamaterials and Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces" Biomimetics 9 (5), 285 2024 2. AS Aglikov, MV Zhukov, TA Aliev, DA Kozodaev, M Nosonovsky, EV Skorb "Metrics for Description of Atomic Force Microscopy Data for Nanostructured Surfaces" Appl Surf Sci 2024 (in press) 3. AA Fedorets, EE Kolmakov, LA Dombrovsky, M Nosonovsky "Inversion of Stabilized Large Droplet Clusters" Langmuir 40 (19), 9993–9998 2024 4. ATS Ireddy, FDE Ghorabe, EI Shishatskaya, GA Ryltseva, AE Dudaev, M Nosonovsky, EV Skorb "Benchmarking Unsupervised Clustering Algorithms for Atomic Force Microscopy Data on Polyhydroxyalkanoate Films" ACS omega 9 (19), 21595–21611 2024 5. M Nosonovsky, AS Aglikov "Triboinformatics: Machine learning methods for frictional instabilities" Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering 1 2024 6. T Aliev, I Korolev, O Burdulenko, E Alchinova, A Subbota, M Yasnov, M. Nosonovsky, EV Skorb "Automatic image processing of cavitation bubbles to analyze the properties of petroleum products" Digital Discovery 3, 1101-1107 2024 7. S Shityakov, V Kravtsov, EV Skorb, M Nosonovsky "Ergodicity Breaking and Self-Destruction of Cancer Cells by Induced Genome Chaos" Entropy 26 (1), 37 2023 8. S Shityakov, AS Aglikov, EV Skorb, M Nosonovsky "Voronoi Entropy as a Ligand Molecular Descriptor of Protein–Ligand Interactions" ACS omega 8 (48), 46190–46196 2023 9. AS Aglikov, TA Aliev, MV Zhukov, AA Nikitina, E Smirnov, DA Kozodaev, M. Nosonovsky, E. V. Skorb, "Topological Data Analysis of Nanoscale Roughness of Layer-by-Layer Polyelectrolyte Samples Using Machine Learning" ACS Applied Electronic Materials 5 (12), 6955–6963 1 2023 10. M Sychov, A Eruzin, A Semenova, P Katashev, S Mjakin, MV ZhukovDeposition of Nanostructured Tungsten Oxide Layers by a New Method: Periodic Modulation of the Deposition Angle" Langmuir 39 (35), 12336-12345 3 2023 11. MV Zhukov, AS Aglikov, M Sabboukh, DA Kozodaev, TA Aliev, , M. Nosonovsky, E. V. Skorb, "AFM-Topological Data Analysis of Brass after Ultrasonic Surface Modification" ACS Applied Engineering Materials 1 (8), 2084-2091 2 2023 12. AA Fedorets, EE Kolmakov, DN Medvedev, M Nosonovsky,ON PROSPECTIVE STUDIES OF PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROCESSES IN LEVITATING 2D AEROSOL MICRODROPLETS, ББК 22.25 З15, 205 2023 13. M Bellah, M Nosonovsky, P Rohatgi "Shape Memory Alloy Reinforced Self-Healing Metal Matrix Composites" Applied Sciences 13 (12), 6884 4 2023 14. S Shityakov, EV Skorb, M Nosonovsky "Folding–unfolding asymmetry and a RetroFold computational algorithm" Royal Society Open Science 10 (5), 221594 3 2023 15. R Ramachandran, M Nosonovsky "Kirchhoff’s Analogy between the Kapitza Pendulum Stability and Buckling of a Wavy Beam under Tensile Loading" Applied Mechanics 4 (1), 248-253 2023 16. MS Hasan, A Nunez, M Nosonovsky, MR Silva "Prediction of Escherichia coli concentration from wetting of beach sand using machine learning" Surface Innovations 12 (1-2), 96-105 2023 17. AA Fedorets, LA Dombrovsky, E Bormashenko, M Nosonovsky "Transfer from Observations to Managing the Cluster" Levitating Droplet Clusters 2023 18. AA Fedorets, EE Kolmakov, DN Medvedev, M Nosonovsky, "Fluorescence profiles of water droplets in stable levitating droplet clusters" Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (21), 15000-15007 2 2023 CONFERENCE PROCEEDING AND ABSTRACTS (Only selected publications since joining the UWM are listed): • MS Hasan, A Kordijazi, PK Rohatgi, M Nosonovsky Application of Triboinformatics Approach in Tribological Studies of Aluminum Alloys and Aluminum-Graphite Metal Matrix Composites, Metal-Matrix Composites, 41-51 (2022) • M Bellah, M Nosonovsky, P Rohatgi "Recent Advances in Self-healing Metal Matrix Composites" Metal-Matrix Composites, 297-310 (2022) • A. Fedorets, L.A. Dombrovsky, E. Bormashenko, M. Frenkel, M. Nosonovsky (presenter), “Restriction of heated area of water surface as a condition for the formation of self-assembled clusters of droplets,” Abstracts of the Free Boundary Problems: Theory, Experiment, and Applications – 7th Conference, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, July 1-4, 2020, pp. 84-85, Krasnoyarsk, RAS, 2020 • A. Fedorets, L.A. Dombrovsky, E. Bormashenko, M. Nosonovsky, “Levitating Clusters of Water Droplets: Physics, Mathematics, Chemical Engineering and Biology,” Abstracts, Wetting Dynamics 2020, Bonn, 28 Sept. 2020 - 30 Sept. 2020 • M. Nosonovsky, “From static to Dynamic Nanofriction,” Proc. 5th International Nanotechnology Conference Nano2018, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia, November 19, 2018 • M. Nosonovsky, “Non-wetting, stabilization, and phase transitions induced by vibrations and spatial patterns” Proc. MMT2016 (Israel, 2016) • N Maaniº, D Yee, M Nosonovsky, J Greer, S Hetts, V Rayz “CFD modeling of catheter-based Chemofilter device for filtering chemotherapy drugs from venous flow,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society 2017 • N Maaniº, D Yee, JR Greer, SW Hetts, M Nosonovsky, VL Rayz, “Computational modeling in design of endovascular Chemofilter device for removing toxins from blood,” Abstracts Biomedical Conference (GLBC), 2017 IEEE Great Lakes, 1-1 • N Maaniº, S Beyhaghi, D Yee, M Nosonovsky, J Greer, S Hetts, V Rayz, Multiscale modeling of a Chemofilter device for filtering chemotherapy toxins from blood, APS Meeting Abstracts 2016 • SW Muzenski, I Flores-Vivian, MI Kozhukhova, S Rao, M Nosonovsky, K. Sobolev, “Nano-engineered Superhydrophobic and Overhydrophobic Concrete,” Nanotechnology in Construction, 2016, pp. 443-449 • M. Nosonovsky & K. Sobolev, “Towards Hydrophobic materials for anti-icing and concretes,” Proc. MMT2014, Israel, July 27-August 1, 2014 • R. Ramachandranº & M. Nosonovsky, “Inverted pendulum model for the stability of bouncing droplets on vibrating foundations,” Proc. MMT2014, Israel, July 27-August 1, 2014 • M. Nosonovsky, “Contact Angle Hysteresis and Wetting Transitions in Underwater Oleophobic Metallic Surfaces” EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONTACT ANGLE, WETTABILITY AND ADHESION Université Laval, Québec City, Québec June 13-15, 2012 • M. Nosonovsky, “Are the surface tension and capillary force entropic forces?” Proc. MMT2012, Israel, August 20-23, 2012 • M. Nosonovsky “Non-equilibrium thermodynamic approach to Coulomb Friction” Abstr. 12th Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, January 2-6, 2012 • IJTC2011, Los Angeles, CA, October 2011 (2 student posters; 4 presentations, section chair) • M. Nosonovsky, “From wear to self healing in nanostructured biological and technical surfaces,” Proc. ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference 2009, IJTC2009 , pp. 17-19 (2010) • M. Nosonovsky, V. Mortazavi, and C. Wang “Thermodynamic approach to Coulomb friction, wear, and self-lubrication” in Proc. STLE 65th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Las Vegas, 2010 • M. Nosonovsky, “TOWARDS “GREEN TRIBOLOGY”: SELF-ORGANIZATION AT THE SLIDING INTERFACE FOR BIOMIMETIC SURFACES” in Proc. ASME 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis ESDA2010-25047, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey • M. Nosonovsky, “Negative pressure in nanoscale water capillary bridges,” Proc. 6th International Conf. on Math Modeling and Computer Simulation in material Technologies MMT2010, 2010, Ariel, Israel, part 2, pp. 63-77 • M. Nosonovsky “Friction-induced vibrations: from linear Stability Criteria to Non-Linear Analysis of Limiting Cycles,” Proc. ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference 2010, IJTC2010-41158 • M. Nosonovsky, “Towards the “Green Tribology:” biomimetic Surfaces, biodegradable Lubrication and renewable energy” Abstracts First International Brazilian Conference on Tribology TriboBr-2010 24th to 26th - November 2010 - Rio de Janeiro – Brazil (T) • M. Nosonovsky and V. Mortazavi, “Shannon entropy as a characteristic of a rough surface: why the running-in transient process leads to friction reduction” Abstracts First International Brazilian Conference on Tribology TriboBr-2010 24th to 26th - November 2010 - Rio de Janeiro – Brazil (Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineracao 2010, 1124, 91-96) • M. Nosonovsky, “Multiscale Structure of Entropy During Wear and Self-Healing,” Proc. World Tribology Congress 2009, Kyoto, Japan IV.A.4. PATENTS • B Bhushan, M Nosonovsky “Hydrophobic surface with geometric roughness pattern” US Patent App. 11/094,867-2006 • B Bhushan, YC Jung, M Nosonovsky, “Hierarchical structures for superhydrophobic surfaces and methods of making,” US Patent 8,137,751 (2012) • M. Nosonovsky, “Superhydrophobic anti-icing surfaces” OTT1316 (UWM RF pre-invention), 2012 • M. Nosonovsky, “Using hydrophobicity/philicity to bounce of water solutions to reduce pesticide contamination” OTT1223 (UWM RF pre-invention), 2012 IV.A.5. NON-REFEREED PUBLICATIONS INCLUDING MAIN HOUSE REPORTS, ETC • A. Fedorets, L. Dombrovsky, M. Nosonovsky*, “Comment on Levitation and Self-Organization of Liquid Microdroplets over Dry Heated Substrates,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.02709 (2017) • M. Nosonovsky, “Biomimetic Materials and Surfaces: Water-Related Applications for Water-Centric Cities,” UWM Intersections, Vol. 4 (2016) pp. 41-58 ( • K. Sobolev, M. Nosonovsky, T. Krupenkin, I. Flores-Vivian, S. Rao, M. Kozhukhova, V. Hejaziº, S. Muzenski, B. Bosch, R. Rivero, “Anti-icing and de-icing superhydrophobic concrete to improve the safety on critical elements on roadway pavements”. National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (US), Report, 2013.
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