Olaru A., Olaru S. Assisted research of the dynamic behavior of the servo valve with two amplification stage, rev.Hidraulica nr.2-3, decembrie 2006, ISSN 1453-7303.
Assisted research of the hydraulic servosistem with LabVIEW instrumentation-rev.Hidraulica si Pneumatica 4, 2007, ISSN 1453-7303.
Olaru A., Olaru S., Oprean A. Assisted research of the Fourier spectrum of the robots with magnetorheological damper, UPB 2010,Volume 72, Issue 3, 2010, ISSN 1454-2358.
Olaru, A., Olaru, S., Assisted research of the elements and the systems by using the elementar transfer functions and virtual instrumentation, rev.Hidraulica, nr.2/june 2010 ISSN 1453- 7303
HERVEX 2010- Olaru, A., Olaru, S., Paune, D. Optimisation of the Target Control with Neural Network
Olaru, A; Olaru, S, Research of the global dynamic compliance and the viscose global dynamic damper coefficient of the industrial robot, 17th International Symposium of the Danube-Adria-Association-for-Automation-and-Manufacturing, Date: NOV 08-11, 2006 Vienna AUSTRIA, Annals of DAAAM for 2006 & Proceedings of the 17th International DAAAM Symposium, 273-274, 2006
Olaru Serban , Oprean Aurel, Olaru Adrian, Assisted research of the rheological dampers with LabVIEW instrumentation, The 1st European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference, 24-27th October 2007, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia, 2007.
Serban Olaru, Adrian Olaru, Assisted optimization of the dynamic behavior of the industrial robots with rheological dampers, WSEAS, ROCOM’08, Hangshou, China, 6-8aprilie, 2008.
Olaru A., Olaru S. Assisted optimization of the dynamic behavior with magnetorheological damper, MEMS-NANO ICMENS 2009 International conference, Dubai, Emiratele Arabe Unite.
Olaru, A., Olaru, S. Assisted Research of the Neural Network with LabVIEW Instrumentation, Proceedings ICMENS 2010, Changsha, China, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8686-1
Olaru, A., Oprean, A., Olaru, S., Paune, D. Optimisation of the Neural Network by using LabVIEW Instrumentation, IEEE Proceedings ICMERA 2010, Bucuresti, Romania, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8867-4
Olaru, A., Olaru, S., Paune, D. Assisted Research of the Dynamic Neural Network with Time Delay and Recurrent Links, IEEE Proceedings ICMERA 2010, Bucuresti, Romania, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8867-4 Olaru, A., Olaru, S., Paune, D., Ghionea A. Assisted research of the Neural Network, Proceedings OPTIROB 2010, RPS Singapore, Calimanesti, Romania, ISBN: 978-981-08-5840-7
Olaru, A., Olaru, S., Ciupitu, L. Research of the Neural Network by Back Propagation Algorithm, Proceedings OPTIROB 2010, RPS Singapore, Calimanesti, Romania, ISBN: 978-981-08-5840-7
Ciupitu, L., Simionescu, I., Olaru, A. Static Balancing of Mechanical Systems used in Medical Engineering Field- Continuous Balancing, Proceedings OPTIROB 2010, RPS Singapore, Calimanesti, Romania, ISBN: 978-981-08-5840-7
Adrian Olaru, Serban Olaru- Research of the global dynamic compliance and the viscose global dynamic damper coefficient of the industrial robot, Annals of DAAAM 2006
Adrian Olaru, Serban Olaru, Assisted optimization of the electro-hydraulic servo driving with LabVIEW instrumentation, The 6th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference- Feb. 2007-K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Teheran, Iran, 2007.
Olaru A., Olaru S. Assisted dynamic behavior optimization with LabVIEW instrumentation, ICSTE N2009 Chennai, India, World Scientific Press, 2009. (ISI)
Olaru A., Olaru S. Assisted research of the new mathematical model for the magnetorheological damper, INCOM –IFAC 2009, Moscova, Rusia
Olaru A., Olaru S. Assisted optimization of the dynamic behavior with magnetorheological damper, MEMS-NANO ICMENS 2009 International conference, Dubai, Emiratele Arabe Unite.(ISI)
Olaru, A., Olaru, S. Assisted Research of the Neural Network with LabVIEW Instrumentation, IEEE Proceedings ICMENS 2010, Changsha, China, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8686-1
Olaru, A., Oprean, A., Olaru, S., Paune, D. Optimisation of the Neural Network by using LabVIEW Instrumentation, IEEE Proceedings ICMERA 2010, Bucuresti, Romania, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8867-4
ASSISTED RESEARCH OF THE INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS KINEMATICS WITH LABVIEW INSTRUMENTATION -TMT2006-Antalia Turcia Olaru Adrian , Olaru Serban- Research of the industrial robot Fourier spectrum with LabView instrumentation - First Regional Conference of Mechanical Engineering Islamic Azad University, Majlessi New Town Branch December 13th, 2006
Adrian Olaru -Assisted research of the industrial robots global dynamic compliance with labview instrumentation- Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Manufacturing Systems – ICMaS Published by Editura Academiei Romane, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Machine and Manufacturing Systems Department Bucharest, Romania, 26 - 27 October, 2006
Adrian Olaru- Assisted research of the robots Fourier spectrum with LabVIEW instrumentation, Proceedings OPTIROB2006
Adrian Olaru- Assisted research of the arm type robot trajectory errors- Proceedings OPTIROB2006
ASSISTED RESEARCH OF THE INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS KINEMATICS WITH LABVIEW INSTRUMENTATION -TMT2006-Antalia Turcia Serban Olaru, Adrian Olaru, Contribution of the modeling and simulation of the rheological dampers, DECOM2007, Turcia, 2007.
Olaru, A., Olaru, S. Research Of The Industrial Robot Dynamic Behavior With Labview Instrumentation, OPTIROB Proceedings, Romania, 2007.
Oprean Aurel, Olaru Serban, Olaru Adrian. Some Contributions Of The Modeling And Simulation Of The Magnetorheological Dampers, OPTIROB Proceedings, Romania, 2007.
Adrian Olaru, Paune Danut, Adrian Ghionea, Serban Olaru, Peli Alexandru Research with LabVIEW instrumentation of the robot trajectory errors, OPTIROB Proceedings, Romania, 2007.
Olaru Adrian, Olaru Serban, Assisted dynamic behavior optimization of the robots elements and systems with the virtual instrumentation, 15th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference May 2007, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2007.
Oprean Aurel, Olaru Serban, Olaru Adrian, Some contributions on the magnetorheological damper assisted research, OPROTEH2007, Bacau, Romania, 2007.
Olaru Serban, Oprean Aurel, Olaru Adrian, Assisted research of the magnetorheological Bouc-Wen damper, Conferinta Nationala Hervex, Rm.Valcea, Romania, noiembrie 2007.
Serban Olaru, Adrian Olaru, Assisted research of the Bouc-Wen damper new mathematical model with LabVIEW instrumentation, AERO2008, Teheran, Iran, 2008.
Paune Danut, Peli Alexandru, Olaru Adrian, Ghionea Adrian, Serban Olaru, Numerical simulation of the 3D robot and perirobot trajectory, OPTIROB2008, Predeal, Romania, 2008.
Olaru Serban, Oprean Aurel, Adrian Olaru, Assisted research of the new Bouc-Wen rheological damper, OPTIROB2008, Predeal, Romania, 2008.
Serban Olaru, Adrian Olaru, A novel mathematical model for rheological damper, EUCOMES’08, Cassino, Italia, 2008.
A. Oprean, S. Olaru, A.Olaru, Fourier Spectrum Research of the Robots with Magnetorheological Damper, Proceedings OPTIROB2009, ISSN 2066-3854, pg.103-115
A. Olaru, S.Olaru, Modeling and Simulation of the DC Servo Systems with LabVIEW Instrumentation, Proceedings OPTIROB2009, ISSN 2066-3854, pg.137-145.