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omar solorza



1. K. Suárez-Alcántara, O. Solorza-Feria, Evaluation of RuxWySez Catalyst as a Cathode Electrode in a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell. Fuel Cells, 10(1), 84-92 (2010).
2. J.J. Salvador-Pascual, V. Collins-Martínez, A. López-Ortiz, O. Solorza-Feria, Low Pt content on the Pd45Pt5Sn50 cathode catalyst for PEM fuel cells. J. Power Sources, 195, 3374-3379 (2010).
3. D.C. Martínez-Casillas, G. Vázquez-Huerta, J.F. Pérez-Robles, O. Solorza-Feria, Electrocatalytic reduction of dioxygen on PdCu for PEM fuel cells. J. Power Sources, 196, 4468-4474 (2011).
Grade: Member

Member since June 22, 2011
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