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Alessandro Patelli

Plasma vacuum deposition


1. V. Rigato, G. Maggioni, A. Patelli, D. Boscarino, N.M. Renevier, D.G. Teer, “Properties of Sputter-Deposited MoS2/Metal Composite Coatings Deposited by Closed Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputter Ion Plating”, Surface and Coatings Technology 131(1-3), 206-210 (2000)
2. V. Rigato, G. Maggioni, A. Patelli, V. Antoni, G. Serianni, M. Spolaore, L. Tramontin, L. Depero, E. Bontempi, “Effects of plasma non-homogeneity on the physical properties of sputtered thin films”, Surface and Coatings Technology 142-144, 943-949 (2001)
3. P. Nicolosi, A. Patelli, M.G. Pelizzo, V. Rigato, G. Maggioni, L. Depero, E. Bontempi, G. Mattei, L. Poletto, P. Mazzoldi, G. Tondello, “First realization and characterization of multilayer EUV reflective coatings”, in San Diego, California, US, 2001, Proceedings SPIE 4506 ‘Soft X-Ray and EUV Imaging Systems II’, pp. 76-83.
4. U. Alonso, T. Missana, A. Patelli, V. Rigato, P. Rivas, "Study of the contaminant transport into granite micro-fractures using nuclear ion beam techniques", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 61(1-4), 95-105 (2002)
5. V. Rigato and A. Patelli, “Novel methods of synthesis of a-Si(H)/Mo multilayers for Extreme UV applications”, AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 652 X-Ray and Inner-Shell Processes (Rome 24-28 June 2002), 103-111 (2002)
6. M.G. Pelizzo, A. Patelli, V. Rigato, P. Nicolosi, G. Salmaso, E. Bontempi, L. Depero, G. Mattei, P. Mazzoldi, “Development of Multilayer Coatings for Solar Space Experiments”, in Innovative Telescopes and Instrumentation for Solar Astrophysics Hawaii 2002, S.L. Keil and V. Avakyan Eds., SPIE Proceedings Vol. 4853, 381-392
7. V. Rigato, A. Patelli et al. “Effects of ion bombardment and gas incorporation on the properties of Mo/a-Si:H multilayers for EUV applications”, Surface and Coatings Technology 174 – 175, 40-48 (2003)
8. U. Alonso, T. Missana, A. Patelli, V. Rigato, J. Ravagnan, “Size effects on colloids diffusion in granite microfractures” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66 (15A) S1, pp 15 (2002)
9. U. Alonso, T. Missana, A. Patelli, V. Rigato, J. Ravagnan “RBS and µPIXE analysis of uranium diffusion from bentonite to the rock matrix in a deep geological deep repository”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physisc Research B 207, 195-204 (2003)
10. V. Rigato, A. Patelli, G. Maggioni, S. Restello, S. Vezzù, K.E. Cooke, D.G. Teer, D. Boscarino, A. Figueras, L.E. Depero, E. Bontempi, ”Physical properties and microstructure of sputter deposited aluminium and zirconium oxynitride multilayers”, Surface and Coatings Technology 174–175, 266-272 (2003)
11. M. Gelfi, E. Bontempi, V. Rigato, A. Patelli, A. Guizzi, R. Roberti, M. Tosti, and L. E. Depero, “A new x-ray method for residual stress evaluation in coatings”, presented at “Surface Treatment Conference 2003” 11-13 march 2003 Crete – proceedings published: “Surface Treatment IV: Computer Methods and Experimental Measurements for Surface Treatment Effects” Edited by: C.A. Brebbia, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK, J.T.M. de Hosson, University of Groningen, The Netherlands and S.I. NISHIDA, Saga University, Japan ISBN: 1-85312-962-3 Series: Computational and Experimental Methods Vol 7 Published: 2003 Pages: 317pp
12. G. Ambrosone , V. Ballarini , U. Coscia , S. Ferrero , F. Giorgis , P. Maddalena , A. Patelli, P. Rava and V. Rigato, “Properties of a-SiC:H films deposited in high power regime”, Thin Solid Films 427, 279 - 283 (2003)
13. G. Maggioni, S. Carturan, A. Quaranta, A. Patelli and G. Della Mea, “Deposition of Thin Dye Coatings by Glow Discharge Induced Sublimation”, Chemistry of Materials 14(11), 4790-4795 (2002)
14. L. Alberts, D. Boscarino, A. Patelli, V. Rigato, H. Ahna and K. T. Rie, “Ion beam analysis of low-temperature MO-PACVD coatings”, Surface and Coatings Technology 169-170 , 388-392 (2003)
15. G. Maggioni, S. Carturan, A. Quaranta, A. Patelli, G. Della Mea and V. Rigato, ”Deposition of fluorescent organic coatings by glow discharge induced sublimation”, Surface and Coatings Technology 174–175, 1151-1158 (2003)
16. A. Patelli, J. Ravagnan, V. Rigato, G. Salmaso, D. Silvestrini, E. Bontempi and L.E. Depero, “Structure and interface properties of Mo/B4C/Si multilayers deposited by rf-magnetron sputtering”, Applied Surface Science 238(1-4), 262-268 (2004)
17. G. Ambrosone, U. Coscia, S. Lettieri, P. Maddalena, C. Minarini, S. Ferrero, A. Patelli and V. Rigato, “Deposition of microcrystalline silicon-carbon films by PECVD”, Thin Solid Films 451, 274-279 (2004)
18. M.G. Pelizzo, D. Gardiol, P. Nicolosi, A. Patelli and V. Rigato, “Design, deposition, and characterization of multilayer coatings for the Ultraviolet and Visible-Light Coronagraphic Imager”, Applied Optics 43(13), 2661-2669 (2004)
19. L. Poletto, G. Naletto, G. Tondello, A. Patelli, V. Rigato, G. Salmaso, D. Silvestrini, J. I. Larruquert, J. A. Mendez, “Grazing-incidence reflectivity of Si-Au coatings for optics with high thermal load”, in Telescopes and Instrumentation for Solar Astrophysics 2004, S. Fineschi, M.A. Gummin Eds., SPIE Proceedings Vol. 5171, 344-353
20. F. Frassetto, D. Garoli, G. Monaco, P. Nicolosi, M. Pascolini, M. G. Pelizzo, V. Mattarello, A. Patelli, V. Rigato, A. Giglia, S. Nannarone, E. Antonucci, S. Fineschi, M. Romoli, “Space applications of Si/B4C multilayer coatings at extreme ultra-violet region; comparison with standard Mo/Si coatings”, in Solar Physics and Space Weather Instrumentation 2005; Silvano Fineschi, Rodney A. Viereck; Eds., SPIE Proceedings Vol. 5901, 161-172
21. G. Maggioni, A. Quaranta, S. Carturan, A. Patelli, M. Tonezzer, R. Ceccato and G. Della Mea, ”Deposition of copper phthalocyanine films by glow discharge-induced sublimation for gas sensing applications”, Surface and Coatings Technology 200, 476-480 (2005)
22. P. Nicolosi, D. Garoli, M.G. Pelizzo, V. Rigato, A. Patelli and F. Rigato, ”VUV reflectance measurements and optical constants of SiC thin films”, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 144, 987-992 (2005)
23. G. Maggioni, S. Carturan, A. Quaranta, A. Patelli, G. Della Mea and V. Rigato, ”Deposition of fluorescent organic coatings by glow discharge induced sublimation”, Chemistry of Materials 17(7), 1895-1904 (2005)
24. G. della Mea, A. Patelli, S. Restello, V. Rigato, A. Vomiero, “14N(α,p)17O nuclear reaction cross-section at 4.9–6.1 MeV”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 240(4), 803-809 (2005)
25. A. Patelli, U. Alonso, V. Rigato, T. Missana and S. Restello, “Validation of the RBS analysis for colloid migration through a rough granite surface”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 249(1-2), 575-578 (2006)
26. A. Patelli, V. Rigato, G. Salmaso, N.J.M. Carvalho, J.Th.M. De Hosson, E. Bontempi and L.E. Depero, “Ion bombardment effects on nucleation of sputtered Mo nano-crystals in Mo/B4C/Si multilayers”, Surface and Coatings Technology 201(1-2), 143-147 (2006)
27. M. Rovezzi, F. D'Acapito, A. Patelli, V. Rigato, G. Salmaso, E. Bontempi and I. Davoli, “Characterization of thermally treated Mo/Si multilayer mirrors with standing wave-assisted EXAFS”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 246(1), 127-130 (2006)
28. G. Cinque, A. Raco, A. Frani, A. Grilli, A. Marcelli, V. Mattarello, A. Patelli, V. Rigato and G. Cibin, “A Vacuum Soft X-Ray Reflectometer for the Characterization of Multilayer Mirrors by Synchrotron Radiation at DAФNE”, AIP Conference Proceedings 879, 575-578 (2007) (Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation: 9th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation)
29. G. Cinque, A. Grilli, G. Cibin, A. Raco, A. Patelli, V. Mattarello, A. Marcelli, V. Rigato, “Preliminary synchrotron radiation characterization of first multilayer mirrors for the soft X-ray water window”, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 62 (6-7), p.586-592, Jul 2007
30. U. Alonso, T. Missana, A. Patelli and V. Rigato, “Bentonite colloid diffusion through the host rock of a deep geological repository”, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 32(1-7), 469-476 (2007)
31. U. Alonso, T. Missana, A. Patelli, V. Rigato and J. Ravagnan, “Colloid diffusion in crystalline rock: an experimental methodology to measure diffusion coefficients and evaluate colloid-size dependence”, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 259, 372-383 (2007)
32. U. Alonso, T. Missana, M. Garcìa-Gutierrez, A. Patelli, M. Siitari-Kauppi, V. Rigato, "Diffusion coefficient measurements in consolidated clay by RBS micro-scale profiling". Applied Clay Science 43 (2009) 477-484.
33. P. Scopece, A. Viaro, R. Sulcis, I. Kulyc, A. Patelli, M. Guglielmi, “SiOx-based gas barrier coatings for polymer substrates by athmospheric plasma jet deposition”, Plasma Processes and Polymers 6(S1), S705–S710, June 2009
34. A. Patelli, S. Vezzù, L. Zottarel, E. Menin, C. Sada, A. Martucci, S. Costacurta, “SiOx-based multilayer barrier coatings produced by a single PECVD process”, Plasma Processes and Polymers 6(0) (2009) S665-S670
35. U. Alonso, T. Missana, A. Patelli, D. Ceccato, N. Albarran, M. Garcia-Gutierrez, T. Lopez-Torrubia, V. Rigato, “Quantification of Au nanoparticles retention on a heterogeneous rock surface”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 347 (1) (2009), p.230-238
36. S. Costacurta, L. Malfatti, A. Patelli, P. Falcaro, H. Amenitsch, B. Marmiroli, G. Grenci, M. Piccinini, P. Innocenzi, “Deep X-ray Lithography for Direct Patterning of PECVD Films”, Plasma Processes and Polymers in press.
37. F. Marinello, P. Schiavuta, S. Vezzù, A. Patelli, S. Carmignato, E. Savio, “Atomic force acoustic microscopy for quantitative nanomechanical characterization”, Wear, 271 (3-4), p.534-538, Jun 2011
38. U. Alonso, T. Missana, M. Garcia-Gutierrez, A. Patelli, N. Albarran, V. Rigato, “Colloid diffusion coefficients in compacted and consolidated clay barriers: Compaction density and colloid size effects“, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, In Press, Corrected Proof, Oct 2011
39. D. Carta, L. Villanova, S. Costacurta, A. Patelli, I. Poli, S. Vezzù, P. Scopece, F. Lisi, K. Smith-Miles, RJ Hyndman, AJ Hill, P. Falcaro, “Method for optimizing coating properties based on an evolutionary algorithm approach”, Anal Chem. 2011 Aug 15;83(16):6373-80
40. P. Falcaro, S. Costacurta, L. Malfatti, D. Buso, A. Patelli, P. Schiavuta, M. Piccinini, G. Grenci, B. Marmiroli, H. Amenitsch, P. Innocenzi, “Chemical tailoring of hybrid sol-gel thick coatings as hosting matrix for functional patterned microstructures”, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2011 Feb;3(2):245-51
41. P. Falcaro, AJ Hill, KM Nairn, J. Jasieniak, J. I. Mardel, T. J. Bastow, S. C. Mayo, M. Gimona, D. Gomez, H. J. Whitfield, R. Riccò, A. Patelli, B. Marmiroli, H. Amenitsch, T. Colson, L. Villanova and D. Buso, “A new method to position and functionalize metal-organic framework crystals”, Nat Commun. 2011 March 15; 2: 237

A. Patelli, S. Vezzù, “Rivestimenti protettivi multistrato a composizione modulare e metodo di preparazione degli stessi”, Italian Patent n° 1384641 del 30-12-2010.
A. Patelli, S. Vezzù, P. Falcaro, S. Costacurta, “Rivestimenti nanostrutturati con migliorate proprietà funzionali o meccaniche e metodo di preparazione degli stessi.” Italian Patent n° 1390531 del 1/09/2011
Grade: Member

Member since November 18, 2011
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