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Boris Jovanovic

Biomedical Sciences
Iowa State University


Selected relevant publications:

Jovanović, B., Ji, T. & Palić, D. (In press). Gene expression of zebrafish embryos exposed to titanium dioxide nanoparticles and hydroxylated fullerenes. Environmental Toxicology and Safety.

Jovanović, B., Anastasova, L., Rowe, E & Palić, D. (2011). Effects of nanosized titanium dioxide on innate immune system of fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas Rafinesque, 1820). Environmental Toxicology and Safety 74, 675-683.

Jovanović, B., Anastasova, L., Rowe, E & Palić, D. (2011). Hydroxylated fullerenes inhibit neutrophil function in fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas Rafinesque, 1820). Aquatic Toxicology 101, 474-482.

Grade: Member

Member since July 3, 2011
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