“Therapeutic ultrasound enhancement of drug delivery into soft tissues”, George Lewis Jr., Peng Wang, George Lewis Sr., William L. Olbricht, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1113 (2009) 403.
“Retro-convection enhanced drug delivery: a computational study”, Peng Wang, William L. Olbricht, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 38 (2010) 2512.
“Fluid mechanics in the perivascular space”, Peng Wang, William L. Olbricht, Jounal of Theoretical Biology, 274 (2011) 52.
“PEDOT/Nafion composite thin films supported on Pt electrodes: facile fabrication and electrochemical activities”, Peng Wang, William L. Olbricht, Chemical Engineering Journal, 160 (2010) 383.
“Fluid and solid mechanics in a poroelastic network induced by ultrasound”, Peng Wang, William L. Olbricht, Journal of Biomechanics, 44 (2011) 28.
“Micromachined dissolved oxygen sensor based on solid polymer electrolyte”, Peng Wang, Yi Liu, Hector D. Abruna, Jason A. Spector, William L. Olbricht, Sensors and Actuators B, 153 (2011) 145.
“Study on the electrodeposition of Pt”, Peng Wang, William L. Olbricht, Surface Engineering, in press, DOI: 10.1179/1743294410Y.0000000007.
“Mechanistic study of copper electropolishing”, Peng Wang, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 50 (2011) 1605.
“New insights into interlayer dielectric breakdown in integrated circuits”, Peng Wang, Materials Chemistry and Physics, accepted.
“CO2 separation using bipolar membrane electrodialysis”, Matthew D. Eisaman, Luis Alvarado, Daniel Larner, Peng Wang, Bhaskar Garg, Karl A. Littau, Energy and Environmental Science, in press, DOI: 10.1039/C0EE00303D.