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Alexander Shalin

Laboratory of nano-optics and nano-electronics
Kotel'nikov Institution of Radio-engineering and Electronics RAS (Ul'yanovsk branch)


1. A. S. Shalin, “Optical Accelerator of Nanoparticles”, Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, V. 56, No. 8 (2011), p. 976–984.
2. A. S. Shalin, “Optical blooming of a medium by nanocrystal layers”, Quantum Electronics, V. 41, No. 2 (2011), p. 163.
3. A. S. Shalin, “Optical Antireflection of a Medium by Nanostructural Layers”, Progress in Electromagnetic Research B, V. 31 (2011), p. 45.
4. A. S. Shalin, “Metallodielectric Nanocomposites with Enhanced Transparency”, The Physics of Metals and Metallography, V. 112, No. 1 (2011), p. 1.
5. A. S. Shalin, “Optically Induced Forces in a Nanoparticle-on-Substrate System”, The Physics of Metals and Metallography, V. 112, No. 1 (2011), p. 36.
6. A. S. Shalin, “Optical Properties of Nanocrystal Layers Embedded in a Carrier Medium”, Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, V. 56, No. 1 (2011), p. 14.
7. A. S. Shalin, “Broadband Blooming of a Medium Modified by an Incorporated Layer of Nanocavities”, JETP Letters, V. 91, No. 12 (2010), p. 637.
8. A. S. Shalin, V. S. Gorelik, “Anomalies of Light Transmission In Structurally Ordered Nanocomposites”, Journal of Russian Laser Research, V. 31, No. 4 (2010), p. 390.
9. A. S. Shalin, “Microscopic theory of optical properties of composite media with chaotically distributed nanoparticles”, Quantum Electronics, V. 40, No. 11 (2010), p. 1004.
10. A. S. Shalin, “Negative Effective Refractive Index of Metallic Nanoparticles in Disordered Nanocomposites”, The Physics of Metals and Metallography, V. 110, No. 2 (2010), p. 119.
11. A. S. Shalin and S. G. Moiseev, “Controlling Interface Reflectance by a Monolayer of Nanoparticles”, Quantum Electronics, V. 39, No. 12 (2009), p. 1175.
12. A. S. Shalin “Effect of the Absolute Transparency of an Ordered Nanocomposite”, JETP Letters, 90, No. 4 (2009), p. 257.
13. A. S. Shalin “Effective Optical Parameters of Ordered Nanocomposites”, Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, V. 54, No. 6 (2009). p. 729.
14. A. S. Shalin and S. G. Moiseev, “Optical Properties of Nanostructured Layers on the Surtace of an Underlying Medium”, Optics and Spectroscopy, V. 106, No. 6 (2009), p. 916.
15. A. S. Shalin, “Radiative transitions in metallic nanoclusters”, The Physics of Metals and Metallography, V. 105, No. 2 (2008), p. 126.
16. O. N. Gadomskii and A. S. Shalin, “Effect of optical blooming of a nanocrystal monolayer and the interface between two media”, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, V. 105, No 4 (2007), p. 761.
17. O. N. Gadomskii and A. S. Shalin, “Electron States in Metal Clusters”, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, V. 104, No. 1 (2007), p. 1.
18. O. N. Gadomskii and A. S. Shalin, “Dimensional Magnetic Resonances in Nanostructure Systems”, Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, V. 52, No.2 (2007), p. 206.
19. A. S. Shalin, “Light scattering by nanosized systems with different spatial organizations”, Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, V. 73, No. 5 (2006), p. 719.
20. A. S. Shalin, “Electrodynamic response of a colloid ensemble with allowance for the influence of distant nanoparticles”, Russian Physics Journal, V. 49, No. 8 (2006), p. 791.
21. O. N. Gadomskii and A. S. Shalin, “Optical Near-Field Resonances in the System of Interacting Nanoparticles”, The Physics of Metals and Metallography, V. 101, No.5 (2006), p. 425.
Grade: Member

Member since June 21, 2011
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