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Ragab Mahani

Microwave Physics and Dielectrics
National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt


. A.M. Ghoneim and R.M. Mahani. “Electrical and mechanical properties of some composites with polymeric matrix”. Inter. J. Polymeric Matter 2001, 50, 141.

2. Sergey Adamovsky, Qun Chen, Yan Chen, Alaa Mohammed, Ragab M. Soliman, Andreas Wurm, Christoph Schick. An article titled ''Fractions of different mobility in semicrystalline polymers revealed from temperature dependent heat capacity and NMR Measurements'', 2002.

3. Wurm A, Soliman R, Schick C. “Early stages of polymer crystallization – a dielectric study”. Polymer 2003, 44, 7467.

4. Wurm A, Soliman R, Schick C. “Evidence of pre-crystalline-order in super-cooled polymer melts revealed from simultaneous dielectric spectroscopy and SAXS”. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 2005, 351, 2773.

5. Battisha, I.K. and R.M. Mahani. “Dielectric Properties of Ferroelectric Nano-composite Bax Sr1-x Tio3 prepared by sol-Gel. Egypt, J. of Appl. Sci., 22(4A) 2007.

6. Doaa A. Abdel Aziz and Ragab M. Mahani. ''Effect of LiF or B2O3 as Coflux on Properties of Electroceramic Bodies''. American Ceramic Society Bulletin (2008), Vol. 87, No. 4.

7. Inas K. Battisha, Ali B. Abou Hamad and Ragab M. Mahani “Structure and dielectric studies of nano - composite Fe2O3: BaTiO3 prepared by sol-gel method”. Physica B 404 (2009) 2274–2279.

8. Magda G. El - Meligy, Samar H. Mohamed and Ragab M. Mahani, “Study Mechanical, Swelling and Dielectric Properties of Prehydrolysed Banana Fiber - Waste Polyurethane foam Composites”.
Carbohydrate Polymers 80 (2010) 367–373

9. D.A. Abdel Aziz, R.M. Mahani, D.M. Ibrahim and M. H. Aly, “Physico - electrical properties of ceramic bodies based on nepheline tailing and clay”. ,2009, Industrial Ceramics • Vol. 30 • 2/2010 •.

10. Alaa Farag, Adel El Ashiry, Ragab Mahani, “Structural, electrical and magnetic characterizations of Ni/Cu/p-Si Schottky diodes prepared by liquid phase epitaxy’’. Microelectronic Engineering 87 (2010) 2218–2224.

11. Medhat Ibrahim, Ragab Mahani, Osama Osman and Traugott Scheytt, "Effect of Physical and Chemical Treatments on the Electrical and Structural Properties of Water hyacinth". The Open Spectroscopy Journal, 2010, 4, 32-40.

12. R. M. Mahani, I. K. Battisha, M. Aly, A. B. Abou – Hamad, "Structure and dielectric behavior of nano- structure ferroelectric Bax Sr1−x TiO3 prepared by sol - gel method", Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 508, 2 (2010) 354-358
Grade: Member

Member since June 27, 2011
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Address: National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
Phone: 0020233335975
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