Science and Technology
BLDE Deemed-to-be University
Development of novel polymeric nano materials for Super-capacitor, Photo-catalytic, Fuel Cell, Battery Storage & Separation Applications, Energy & Environment Management, Water Treatment, Polymeric Drug Delivery System, Food & Microbial Chemistry, Solar Energy, Micro Electronic Device, etcProjects
1. Identification of Anti-cancer activities of Isolated Bioactive Compounds from Terminalia arjuna on MicroRNA (miRNA)Expression Profiles on Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells, 20 Lakhs, 2024-2026. VGST K-FIST 1.
2. Development, Characterization & Nanographene based Polymeric membranes for use of pervaporation separation of Ethanol-Water mixture & their Sugar Industrial applications VGST/P-9/SMYSR/2011-12/1176 VGST, Government of Karnataka 4 Lakhs One year
3 Development of Graphene Based Nanocomposite Membranes for separation application In-house project : PPISR,
Bangalore 8 Lakhs 3.5 years
May, 2011 -March, 2014
4 Effect of Electron Beam Irradiation on Polymeric composite Membranes for Pervaporation Separation Application Department of Atomic Energy, BRNS No. 2013/34/4/Mumbai, GoI. 20,92 Lakhs Four years
5 Development of Novel Nanomaterials for photocatalysts for remediation of contaminated wastewater and hydrogen production. In-House project: Jain Univeristy
Bangalore 18 Lakhs 6 years May 2014
April 2020Publications