The more recents:
- Mixing rules and optical properties of an ensemble of II-VI nanoshells.
R.M. de la Cruz and C. Kanyinda-Malu, submitted to J. of Optics.
- The effects of embedding medium and size on optical properties of II-VI core-shell nanocrystals.
R.M. de la Cruz, C. Kanyinda-Malu, J. Iñarrea, F.J. Clares and S.N. Santalla, Phys. Stat. Solidi (c) 6, 2097 (2009).
- Variational method applied to determine the lattice parameter profiles in semiconductor heterostructures.
S.N. Santalla C.Kanyinda-Malu and la Cruz, Physica E 41, 1604 (2009).
- Axial interface optical phonon modes in a double-nanoshel system.
C. Kanyinda-Malu, F.J. Clares and R.M. de la Cruz, Nanotechnology 19, 285713 (2008).