• K. Navi, A.S. Molahosseini, M. Esmaeildoust, “How to Teach Residue Number System to Computer Scientists and Engineers,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 156-163, Feb. 2011.
• A.S. Molahosseini, K. Navi, C. Dadkhah, O. Kavehei, S. Timarchi, “Efficient Reverse Converter Designs for the New 4-Moduli Sets {2n¬–1, 2n, 2n+1, 22n+1–1} and {2n–1, 2n+1, 22n, 22n+1} Based on New CRTs,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, vol. 57, no. 4, pp.823-835, Apr. 2010.
• A.S. Molahosseini, “Improving the Delay of Residue-to-Binary Converter for a Four-Moduli Set,” Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 37-42, May 2011.
• K. Navi, M. Esmaeildoust, A.S. Molahosseini, “A General Reverse Converter Architecture with Low Complexity and High Performance,” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol. E94-D, no. 2, pp. 264-273, Feb. 2011.
• A.S. Molahosseini, C. Dadkhah, K. Navi, M. Eshghi, “Efficient MRC-Based Residue to Binary Converters for the New Moduli Sets {22n, 2n–1, 2n+1–1} and {22n, 2n–1, 2n–1–1},” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol. E92-D, no. 9, pp. 1628-1638, Sep. 2009.
• A.S. Molahosseini, K. Navi, O. Hashemipour, A. Jalali, “An efficient architecture for designing reverse converters based on a general three-moduli set,” Journal of Systems Architecture, Elsevier, vol. 54, no. 10, pp. 929-934, Oct. 2008.
• A.S. Molahosseini, C. Dadkhah, K. Navi, “A New Five-Moduli Set for Efficient Hardware Implementation of the Reverse Converter,” IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 6, no. 14, pp. 1006-1012, Jul. 2009.
• M. Hosseinzadeh, A.S. Molahosseini, K. Navi, “An improved reverse converter for the moduli set {2n–1, 2n, 2n+1, 2n+1–1},” IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 5, no. 17, pp. 672-677, Sep. 2008.