Abdul Salam Mahmood, Krishnan Venkatakrishnan1, Bo Tan, and M. Alubiady, “Enhancement in optical absorption of silicon fibrous nanostructure produced using femtosecond laser ablation” Applied Physics Letters / Volume 95 / Issue 3 (2010)
Abdul Salam Mahmood, Krishnan Venkatakrishnan1, Bo Tan, and M. Alubiady, “Effect of laser parameters and assist gas on spectral response of silicon fibrous nanostructure” J. Appl. Phys. 108, 094327 (2010). This article Selected by Virtual Journal Science to be published in Virt. J. Ultrafast Sic. Volume 9, Issue 12/ Condensed Matter Physic. As edge fast technology.
Abdul Salam Mahmood, Krishnan Venkatakrishnan1, Bo Tan, and M. Alubiady, “Synthesis of visible light-active nanostructured TiO2 via femtosecond laser irradiation in air” International Journal of Green Nanotechnology: Materials Science & Engineering, 2(02), pp. 9 – 14, (2010).
Abdul Salam Mahmood, Krishnan Venkatakrishnan1, Bo Tan, and M. Alubiady, “Enhancement in optical properties of gold–silicon nanoparticles aggregate produced by femtosecond laser radiation under ambient conditions” Nanotechnology, Science and Applications, Vol.3, Issue(15453)1-7 , 2010
M. Alubiady, Krishnan Venkatakrishnan1, Bo Tan, and Abdul Salam Mahmood, “Nanofiber Plasmon Enhancement of Two-Photon Polymerization Induced by Femtosecond Laser” J. Nanotechnol. Eng. Med (ASMI) Vol. 1, Issue 4, (2010)
M. Alubiady, Krishnan Venkatakrishnan1, Bo Tan, and Abdul Salam Mahmood, “Mechanical Property Enhancement of Nanocomposite Microstructures Generated by Two Photon Polymerization” J. Nanotechnol. Eng. Med (ASMI) Vol. 1, Issue 4 (2010).
M. Alubiady, Krishnan Venkatakrishnan1, Bo Tan, and Abdul Salam Mahmood, “Femtosecond laser material processing of electrically femtosecond laser processing of conductive reinforced polymer” Journal of Nanostructured Polymers and composites, Vol.6, Issue 4, (2010).
Refereed Conferences:
M. Alubiady, Krishnan Venkatakrishnan1, Bo Tan, and Abdul Salam Mahmood (2010), “Synthesis of Titanium nanofibers, nanospheres and nanodiscs using femtosecond laser material processing, X International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, Oral Abstract acceptance ID T06-8, Septmber13-17, 2010 Rome, Italy.
Abdul Salam Mahmood, Krishnan Venkatakrishnan1, Bo Tan, and M. Alubiady (2011) “Enhancement of spectral response of visible light absorption of TiO2 synthesis by femtosecond laser ablation” SPIE Eco-Photonic 28-30 March (2011) Strasbourg, France.
Abdul Salam Mahmood, Krishnan Venkatakrishnan1, Bo Tan, and M. Alubiady (2011) “The effect of laser fluence in gold-silicon nanoparticles aggregate produced by femtosecond laser radiation under ambient conditions” SPIE Micro technologies 18-20 April (2011) Prague, Czech Republic.