[ 1] S.V.Shevkunov,A.A.Martsmovski,P.N.Vorontsov-Velyammov, A new Monte Carlo method for direct calculation of the critical size and the formation work of microdrop, Molecular Simulation 5, 119 (1990)
[ 2] A-A.Martsinovski, S.V.Shevkunov, P.N.Vorontsov-Velyaminov, Study of clustering in nonideal plasma by combined open ensemble Monte Carlo - cluster expansion method , Molecular Simulation , 6 , 143 (1991)
[ 3] A.P.Lyubartsev, A.A.Martsinovski, S.V.Shevkunov, P.N.Vorontsov-Velyaminov, New approach to Monte Carlo calculation of the free energy: Method of expanded ensembles, Journal of Chemical Physics 96, 1776 (1992)
[ 4] S.V.Shevkunov, P.N.Vorontsov-Velyaminov, Calculation of the scattering pseudopotential for helium atom - free thermalized positron using quantum Path-Integral Monte Carlo method. Molecular Simulation 7, 205 (1991)
[ 5] S.V.Shevkunov, P.N.Vorontsov-Velyaminov, Path Integral Monte Carlo simulation of an electron pair in a cavity. Paramagnetic susceptibility and other canonical properties, Molecular Simulation 7, 249 (1991)
[6] S.V.Shevkunov, Nucleation of water vapor on the surface of silver iodide crystal: Numerical experiment, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics , 81, 753 (1995) (translation from Russian)
[ 7] S.V.Shevkunov, The stability of chain centres of homogeneous nucleation under the conditions of percussion compressions in a dense ionic plasma. Numerical simulation. Teplofizika vysokih temperatur (Russian Academy of Sciences), 31, 704 (1993) (in Russian)
[ 8] S.V.Shevkunov, Mechanism for retarding the nucleation rate in a dense nonneutral ion plasma, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics , 77, 413, (1993) (translation from Russian)
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[10] S.V.Shevkunov, A.A.Martsinovski, P.N.Vorontsov-Velyaminov, The calculation of critical size and the properties of the microdrops by using Monte Carlo method in generalized statistical ensemble. Teplofizika vysokih temperatur (Russian Acagemy of Sciences). 26, 246 (1988) (in Russian)
[11] S.V.Shevkunov, The calculation of surface tension in dense phase embryos. 1.The estimator. Himitcheskaya fizika (Russian Academy of Sciences) 13, 139 (1994) (in Russian)
[12] S.V.Shevkunov, A.A.AI'mukhrez, The microstructure of water dense phase embryo in Ag+, I- interionic gap in equilibrium with vapor. Monte Carlo Calculation. Himitcheskaya Fizika (Russian Academy of Sciences) 13, l 17 (1994) (in Russian)
[13] S.V.Shevkunov, Nucleation of water vapor on ions: numerical modeling, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 78, 677 (1994) (translation from Russian)
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[15] S.V.Shevkunov, The numerical modeling of the Ag+ and I- ion hydration in a wide temperature interval. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 32, 867 (1996) (translation from Russian)
[16] S.V.Shevkunov, Thermal destruction of Be+ electron shell in a dense high temperature plasma. Monte Carlo calculation. Teplofizika Vysokih Temperatur (Russian Academy of Sciences) 29, 45 (1991) (in Russian)
[17] S.V.Shevkunov, Thermal stability of the compressed hydrogen atom at the temperatures (1-2) x 10000 K. Monte Carlo calculation. Teplofizika Vysokih Temperatur (Russian Academy of Sciences) 28, l (1990) (in Russian)
[18] S.V.Shevkunov, Paramagnetic susceptibility of electron pair in thermal bath. Monte Carlo calculation. Matematitcheskoe Modelirovanie (Russian Academy of Sciences) 2, 3 (1990) (in Russian)
[19] S.Kh-Akopyan, S.I.Lukyanov, S.V.Shevkunov, Description of the influence of intermolecular interaction on IR spectra's frequencies of simple dense fluids by Monte Carlo simulation, J.Mol.Structure (Amsterdam), 115, 307 (1984)
[20] S.V.Shevkunov, The formation of double layer at the initial stage of the expansion of plasma cluster in the explosive electron emission phenomena. Numerical modeling. Fizika Plasmy ( Russian Academy of Sciences) 21, 117 (1995) (in Russian)
[21] S.V.Shevkunov, The problem of correctness of intermolecular potentials in computational investigations of condensed phase. Doklady. Physical Chemistry, 356 , 341 (1997) (translation from Russian)
[22] S.V.Shevkunov, Stability of water clusters on hydroxonium ions produced on radioactive irradiation of atmosphere. Doklady Physical Chemistry , 363, 392 (1998) (translation from Russian)
[23] S.V.Shevkunov, Computer modeling of the OH- hydration shell at molecular level. Thermodynamic properties, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry , 34, No.8, 771 (1998) (translation from Russian)
[24] S.V.Shevkunov, Computer modeling of the OH- hydration shell at molecular level. Microstructure, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry , 34, No.8, 779 (1998) (translation from Russian)
[25] S.V.Shevkunov, Free energy and entropy of formation of water clusters on hydronium ions under conditions of exposure of the atmosphere to ionizing radiation: Computational study, High energy chemistry, 33, 277 (1999) (translation from Russian)
[26] S.V.Shevkunov, E.G.Bauman, The interaction of electromagnetic waves with ionized air in the presence of H+(H2O)n cluster ions, Matematicheskoe modelirovanie 12, 45, 2000 (in Russian)
[27] S.V.Shevkunov, Microstructure of the H3O+(H2O)n cluster ions: Calculation by Monte Carlo method, Colloid Journal, 61, 251 (1999) (translation from Russian)
[28] S.V.Shevkunov, On the description of the exchange and spin states within the Feynman representation of quantum statistics, Doklady Physics, 44 , No.11 , 730 (1999) (translation from Russian)
[29] S.V.Shevkunov, A.Vegiri, Examination of the structural properties of the H3O+(H2O)n clusters in the (mu PT) grand canonical ensemble, by employing a new many-body potential-energy function, J.Chem.Phys. 111, No.20, 9303 (1999)
[30] S.V.Shevkunov, A.Vegiri, A revised many-body potential energy function for the description of the protonated water clusters, Molecular Physics, 98, No.3, 149 (2000)
[31] A.Vegiri, S.V.Shevkunov, Hydration shell structure of the OH-(H2O)n=1-15 clusters from a model potential energy function, J.Chem.Phys. 113, No.19, 8521 (2000)
[32] S.V.Shevkunov, Exchange symmetry in a system of nonrelativistic spin-1/2 fermions in the Feynman quantum statistics representation, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 91, 31 (2000) (translation from Russian)
[33] S.V.Shevkunov, Intermolecular interactions and thermophysical properties of clusters and the calculation of free energy of H3O+(H2O)n complexes by the Monte Carlo method, Colloid Journal, 62, 509, (2000) (translation from Russian)
[34] S.V.Shevkunov, Scattering of centimeter radiowaves in a gas ionized by radioactive radiation: Cluster plasma formation, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 92, N3, 420 (2001)
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[35] S.V.Shevkunov, A mechanism of melting of microscopic ice particles: numerical experiment, Doklady Physics, 46, No.1, 12 (2001) (translation from Russian)
[36] S.V.Shevkunov, Melting of water molecule clusters in a strong electric field under the
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[37] S.V.Shevkunov, E.G.Bauman, The influence of hydrated ions H+(H2O)n on electrooptical characteristics of ionized air, Himicheskaya fizika, 20, No.2, 17 (2001) (in Russian)
[38] A.Vegiri, S.V.Schevkunov, A molecular dynamics study of structural transitions in small water clusters in the presence of an external electric field, J.Chem.Phys., 115, No.9, 4175 (2001)
[39] S.V.Shevkunov, A.Vegiri, Equilibrium structures of the N=64 water cluster in the presence of external electric fields, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 574, No.1, 27 (2001)
[40] S.V.Shevkunov, Cluster mechanism of the energy accumulation in a ball electric discharge, Doklady Physics, 46, No.7, 467 (2001) (translation from Russian)
[41] S.V.Shevkunov, Computer simulation of charge separation in vapor-gas mixtures, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 38, No.3, 300 (2002) (translation from Russian)
[42] S.V.Shevkunov, Structure and thermal stability of the hydration shells of chlorine ions
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[43] S.V.Shevkunov, A dense hydrogen plasma modeled by the Path Integral - Monte Carlo
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[44] S.V.Shevkunov, Calculation of the Gibbs energy of the reaction OH-(H2O)n-1+H2O=OH-(H2O)n by the Monte Carlo method, Russian Journal of General Chemistry, v.72, No.5, p.685 (2002) (translation from Russian)
[45] S.V.Shevkunov, Exchange symmetry in the Feynman Path-integral formalism
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[46] S.V.Shevkunov, A.Vegiri, Electric field induced transitions in water clusters , J.Molec.Struct.(THEOCHEM), 593, No.1-3, 19 (2002)
[47] S.V.Shevkunov, Destruction of ozone protecting layer : Charge separation mechanism in
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[48] K.M.Arefiev, S.V.Shevkunov, Computation of transport and equilibrium properties of molecular systems with quantum mechanical calculation of interaction potentials, Int. J.of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 7, No.4, 1095 (2002)
[49] S.V.Shevkunov, Computer simulation of water clusterization on chlorine ions: 1.Thermodynamic properties, Colloid Journal, 64, No.2, 236 (2002) (translation from Russian)
[50] S.V.Shevkunov, Computer simulation of water clusterization on chlorine ions: 2.Microstructure, Colloid Journal, 64, No.2, 243 (2002) (translation from Russian)
[51] S.I.Lukyanov, Z.S.Zidi, S.V.Shevkunov, Study of Aqvist's ion-water interaction model in Na+ - water clusters: free energy and structure, J.Mol.Struct.(THEOCHEM), 623, No.1-3, p.221 (2003)
[52] S.V.Shevkunov, Influence of embedded protons on the structure of ice microclusters. Computer simulation, Colloid Journal, 65, No.2, 248 (2003) (translation from Russian)
[53] S.V.Shevkunov, Nucleation of water vapors on chloride ions in the conditions of the polar stratosphere. Computer modelling., Journal of Advances in Chemical Physics, v. 2, No.1, p.109 (2003) (translation from Russian)
[54] S.V.Shevkunov, Destruction of the phase transition to the crystalline state in a strong electric field, Doklady Physics, v.48, No.2 p.65-69 (2003) (translation from Russian)
[55] S.V.Shevkunov, Analysis of spin states of the electron component of a dense plasma in terms of Feynman Path Integrals, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, v.43, № 12, p.1756 (2003) (translation from Russian)
[56] S.V.Shevkunov, A pseudopotential model of nonpair interactions in H3O+(H2O)nCl- clusters against the background of thermal fluctuations, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, v.78, №3, p.383 (2004) (translation from Russian)
[57] S.V.Shevkunov, Can water clusters ionize HCl under the conditions of arctic stratosphere? 1. Intermolecular interactions, Colloid Journal, v.66, №2, p.216-229 (2004) (translation from Russian)
[58] S.V.Shevkunov, Can water clusters ionize HCl under the conditions of arctic stratosphere? 2. Mechanism of cluster dissociation, Colloid Journal, v.66, №2, p.230-238 (2004) (translation from Russian)
[59] S.V.Shevkunov, Mean force potential between H3O+ and Cl- ions in molecular water clusters:
1.Atmospheric surface layer conditions, Colloid Journal, v.66, №4, p.495-505 (2004) (translation from Russian)
[60] S.V.Shevkunov, Mean force potential between H3O+ and Cl- ions in molecular water clusters:
2. Stratospheric conditions, Colloid Journal, v.66, №4, p.506-516 (2004) (translation from Russian)
[61] S.V.Shevkunov, Computer simulation of molecular complexes H3O+(H2O)n under conditions of thermal fluctuations: 1. Interactions in the system. Russian Journal of General Chemistry, v.74, No.9, p.1305 (2004) (translation from Russian)
[62] S.V.Shevkunov, Computer simulation of molecular complexes H3O+(H2O)n under conditions of thermal fluctuations: 2. Work of formation and structure. Russian Journal of General Chemistry, v.74, No.10, p.1471 (2004) (translation from Russian)
[63] S.V.Shevkunov, Monte Carlo calculations of the characteristics of the hydration sheaths of the Cl- and H3O+ ions in water vapor, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, v.78, №10, p.1590 (2004) (translation from Russian)
[64] S.V. Shevkunov, S.I. Lukyanov, J.-M. Leyssal, Cl.Millot, Computer simulation of Cl- hydration in anion-water clusters, Chemical Physics, v.310, No.1-3, p.97-107 (2005)
[65] S.V.Shevkunov, Calculation of the equation of state of a dense hydrogen plasma by the Feynman Path Integral Method, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, v.100, no.3, p.617-634 (2005) (translation from Russian)
[66] S.V.Shevkunov, Formation of the transition layer at the vapor-crystal interface, Doklady Physics, v.50, no.5, p.234-238 (2005) (translation from Russian)
[67] S.I.Lukyanov, Z.S.Zidi, S.V.Shevkunov, Bicanonical Monte Carlo simulation of the structural properties of Cl-(H2O)n clusters using entropy data based model, J.Mol.Struct. (THEOCHEM), v.725, No.1-3, p.191-206 (2005)
[68] S.I.Lukyanov, Z.S.Zidi, S.V.Shevkunov, Monte Carlo bicanonical ensemble simulation for sodium cation hydration free energy in liquid water, Fluid Phase Equilibria, v.233, No.1, p.34-46 (2005)
[69] S.V.Shevkunov, The energy barrier to recombination in hydrated plasma, High Energy Chemistry, v. 39, No. 6, p. 351–355 (2005) (translation from Russian)
[70] S.V.Shevkunov, A Computer simulation of the interaction of unsaturated vapors with a defective surface of a β-AgI crystal, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, v.79, No.10, p.1653-1657 (2005) (translation from Russian)
[71] S.V.Shevkunov, Computer simulation of the initial stage of the nucleation of water vapors on the silver iodide crystal surface: 1.Microstructure, Colloid Journal, v.67, No.4, p.497-508 (2005) (translation from Russian)
[72] S.V.Shevkunov, Computer simulation of the initial stage of the nucleation of water vapors on the silver iodide crystal surface: 2.Thermodynamics, Colloid Journal, v.67, No.4, p.509-519 (2005) (translation from Russian)
[73] S.V.Shevkunov, Adsorption of water vapor on the AgI surface: A computer experiment, Russian Journal of General Chemistry, v.75. No.10. P.1632-1642 (2005) (translation from Russian)
[74] S.V.Shevkunov, A stochastic method for the calculation of the mean force potential in condensed media under blockade of the heat motion by a potential barrier, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics v.45, No.12, p.2196-2204 (2005) (translation from Russian)
[75] S.V.Shevkunov, Interaction of water molecules with the electric field of an ionic-crystal surface, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, v.42, No.1, p.8-15 (2006) (translation from Russian)
[76] S.V.Shevkunov, Layer-by-layer adsorption of water molecules on the surface of a silver iodide crystal, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, v.80, No.5, p.769-775 (2006) (translation from Russian)
[77] S.V.Shevkunov, Water vapor nucleation on an infinite substrate with complementary structure: 1. The mechanism of nucleation, Colloid Journal, v.68, No.3, p.357-369 (2006) (translation from Russian)
[78] S.V.Shevkunov, Water vapor nucleation on an infinite substrate with complementary structure: 2. The influence of crystal defects, Colloid Journal, v.68, No.3, p.370-380 (2006) (translation from Russian)
[79] S.V.Shevkunov, Spatial correlations in the electron gas: Path integral Monte Carlo simulation, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, v.103, No.1(7), p.92-109 (2006) (translation from Russian)
[80] S.V.Shevkunov, Statistical-mechanical theory of electron gas on the basis of Feynman path integrals, Doklady Physics, v.51, No7, p.344-349 (2006) (translation from Russian)
[81] S.V.Shevkunov, Clusterization of water molecules on crystalline β-AgI surface. Computer experiment, Colloid Journal, v.68, No.5, p.632-643 (2006) (translation from Russian)
[82] S.I.Lukyanov, Z.S.Zidi, S.V.Shevkunov, Ion-water cluster free energy computer simulation using some of most popular ion-water and water-water pair interaction models, Chem.Phys. v.332, No.2-3, p.188-202 (2007)
[83] S.V.Shevkunov, Thermal-ionization theory based on the Feynman Path
Integrals for hydrogen plasmas, Doklady Physics, v.52, No.6, p.303-307 (2007)
[84] S.V.Shevkunov, Thermal ionization in hydrogen plasma simulated using Feynman path integrals path integrals, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, v.105, No.2(8), p.404-425 (2007) (translation from Russian)
[85] S.V.Shevkunov, Nucleation of water vapor in microcracks on the surface of β-AgI aerosol particles: 1. The structure of nuclei, Colloid Journal, v.69, No.3, p.360-377 (2007) (translation from Russian)
[86] S.V.Shevkunov, Nucleation of water vapor in microcracks on the surface of β-AgI aerosol particles: 2. Thermodynamics of nucleation, Colloid Journal, v.69, No.3, p.378-390 (2007) (translation from Russian)
[87] S.V.Shevkunov, Supramolecular mechanisms responsible for the high activity of aerosol stimulants of atmospheric moisture nucleation. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry v. 81, No.12, p.2047-2052 (2007) (translation from Russian)
[88] S.V.Shevkunov, Electron wave packets: Quantum statistics in Path Integral representation, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, v.106, No.1, p.17-33 (2008) (translation from Russian)
[89] S.V.Shevkunov, Ionization-recombination equilibrium in cold cluster plasma under conditions of retardation by high energy barrier, High Energy Chemistry, v.42, No.3, p.205-210 (2008) (translation from Russian)
[90] S.V.Shevkunov, Stability of molecular form of HCl in water vapor: A stability of molecular form of HCl in water vapor: A computer simulation, Russian Journal of General Chemistry, v.78, No. 3, p. 355-367 (2008) (translation from Russian)
[91] S.V.Shevkunov, Charge separation in water molecule clusters under thermal fluctuations: 1. Intermolecular interactions, Colloid Journal, v. 70, No.5, p.630-645 (2008) (translation from Russian)
[92] S.V.Shevkunov, Charge separation in water molecule clusters under thermal fluctuations: 2. Ionization-recombination equilibrium, Colloid Journal, v. 70, No.5, p.646-660 (2008) (translation from Russian)
[93] S.V.Shevkunov, Structural transition in the OH-(H2O)n cluster in water vapors, Colloid Journal, v. 70, No.6, p.784-795 (2008) (translation from Russian)
[94] S.V.Shevkunov, The structure of the hydration shell of the ionized HCl molecule in water vapor, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, v.82, No.11, p.1878-1884 (2008) (translation from Russian)
[95] S.V.Shevkunov, Stimulation of vapor nucleation on perfect and imperfect hexagonal lattice surfaces, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, v.107, No.6, p.965-983 (2008)
[96] S.V.Shevkunov, Nonpair interactions in Na+(H2O)n clusters under thermal fluctuation conditions, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, v. 83, No. 6, p. 972–978 (2009) (translation from Russian)
[97] S.V.Shevkunov, Numerical simulation of water vapor nucleation on electrically neutral nanoparticles, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, v.108, No.3, p.447-468 (2009) (translation from Russian)
[98] S.V.Shevkunov, Polarization effects in Cl-(H2O)n clusters. Computer simulation, Colloid Journal, v.71, No.3, p.406-421 (2009) (translation from Russian)
[99] S.V.Shevkunov, A high energy barrier to charge recombination in ionized water vapor, High Energy Chemistry, v.43, No.5, p.341-349 (2009) (translation from Russian)
[110] S.V.Shevkunov, Computer simulation of water vapor nucleation on charged nanoparticles, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, v.109, No.2, p.237-253 (2009) (translation from Russian).
[111] S.V.Shevkunov, Thermal ionization of Helium in the quantum mechanical representation of Feynman Path Integrals, Plasma Physics Reports, v. 36, No. 10, p. 902–913 ( 2010) (translation from Russian).
[112] S.V.Shevkunov, Charge separation in Na+Cl-(H2O)n clusters in water vapors. 1.Intermolecular interactions, Colloid Journal, v.72, No.1, p.93-106 (2010) (translation from Russian)
[113] S.V.Shevkunov, Charge separation in Na+Cl-(H2O)n clusters in water vapors. 2. Free energy, Colloid Journal, v.72, No.1, p.107-124 (2010) (translation from Russian)
[114] S.V.Shevkunov, Computer simulation of microcondensation on crystal nanoparticles, Doklady Physics, v.55, No.8, p.399-404 (2010) (translation from Russian) (эта статья не упоминалась в каф. отчете 2010 г.)
[115] S.V.Shevkunov, Nucleation of water vapor on Na+Cl- ion pairs: Computer simulation, Colloid Journal, v.73, No.1, p.135-145 (2011) (translation from Russian)
[116] S.V.Shevkunov, Crisis of stability of hydration shell of Na+ ion in condensing water vapor, Colloid Journal, v.73, No.2, p.275-286 (2011) (translation from Russian)
[117] S.V.Shevkunov, Simulation of thermal ionization in a dense helium plasma by the Feynman Path Integral method, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, v.112, No.4, p.668-693 (2011) (translation from Russian).
[118] S.V.Shevkunov, Effect of chlorine ions on the stability of nucleation cores in condenseding water vapors, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A,v.85, No.9, p.1580-1587.