Papers at Total number of Research publications (till date) : 590
Published in International Journals & Reports :173
Published in National Journals :46
Papers at International Conferences :120
Papers at National Conferences :251
Papers Communicated :04
Papers on Instrumentation :22
Papers on Innovative Teaching of Physics :23
Book :01
Major M.Tech Instrumentation and M.Tech Nanotechnology Theses Guided:70+
Minor M.Tech Instrumentation and M.Tech Nanotechnology Theses Guided:70+
PhD Theses supervised:17+4 in progress
Papers Communicated :04
Papers on Instrumentation :22
Papers on Innovative Teaching of Physics :23
Book :01
Major M.Tech Instrumentation and M.Tech Nanotechnology Theses Guided:70+
Minor M.Tech Instrumentation and M.Tech Nanotechnology Theses Guided:70+
PhD Theses supervised:17+4 in progress
Book Published:
(For the students of Pre-Engg/Pre-Med./B.Sc.-I of Indian Universities)
Authors: S.K.Chakarvarti, K.C.Thakur and G.S.Johal
Publisher: M/s.Nanda Publishers, Jallandhar
Year: 1970
Papers in Indian Journals: 42
S.K.Chakarvarti,M.M.Dhawan and K.K.Nagpaul
1. Determination of uranium trace in some semiconducting
materials by nuclear track detectors,
Curr. Sci.(India) 47,10(1978).
S.K.Chakarvarti and V.R.Singh
2. Use of non-invasive ultrasonic techniques in process
instrumentation and measurements,
J. Instt. of Electronics & Telecommunication
S.K.Chakarvarti and B.D.Sukheeja
3. Shunting effect of a voltmeter,
Bull.Ind.Phys. Teacher 4(4),123(1987).
4. A class room demonstration -cum-experiment on vibrating
strings using a laser,
Bull. Ind.Phys. Teacher 4(8),224(1987).
5. The law of Malus: A laboratory experiment,
Bull. Ind. Phys. Teacher 4(9)260(1987).
6. Window:(Column on back cover page ) Bull. Ind. Phys.
Teacher 4(5-6),168(1987).
7. Window:Bull.Ind. Phys.Techer 4(8)237(1987).
8. Window: Bull. Ind. Phys. Teacher 4(9)273(1987).
S.K.Chakarvarti,P.Singh,S.K.Mahna and L.V.Sud
9. Ultrasound effects on the electrolytically controlled
etching of nuclear track filters(NTFs),
Ind. J.Phys. 64A(3),229(1990)
Sunita Chouhan,S.K.Chakarvarti and V.R.Singh
10. Non-invasive measurement of temperature in biological media
under ultrasonic irradiation
J.Accous.Soc.India Vol.XVIII(3&4),273-278(1990)
S.K.Chakarvarti,P.singh and N.Singh
11. On the pore size distribution and uniformity improvement
in nuclear track filters,
Ind. J.Phys.64A(5),367(1990).
P.Singh,N.Singh and S.K.Chakarvarti
12. Thermal annealing studies of 58Ni irradiated Lexan
(Polycarbonate)nuclear track filters,
P.Singh,N.Singh and S.K.Chakarvarti
13. Makrofol nuclear track filters: Effect of surfactants on
electrolytically controlled etching,
14. Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors and their
Applications in Science and Technology,
NTSI News Letter 2(2),7-18(May 1997).
R.P.Chauhan,K.Kant,G.Sharma,K.Mahesh and S.K.Chakarvarti
15. Radon monitoring in coal ,fly ash,soil, water and
environment of some thermal power plants in North India.
Rad.Protection and Environment 24(1,2) 371-374,2001
16 .R.P.Chauhan, K.Kant, K. Mahesh and S.K.Chakarvarti.
Radium Concentration and Radon Exhalation Measurements in the Water around Thermal Power Plants of
North India.
Ind. J. of Pure & Applied Physics 39: 491-495: 2001.
17.K.Kant, R.P.Chauhan, G.S.Sharma and S.K.Chakarvarti.
Radon induced radiological impact of coal, fly ash and cement samples.
Ind. J. of Pure & Applied Physics 39, 679-682: 2001.
18 R.P.Chauhan, and S.K.Chakarvarti.
Radon activity and exhalation rates in coal fired thermal power plants,
Ind. J. of Pure & Applied Physics 40, 242-245: 2002.
19. R.P.Chauhan and S.K.Chakarvarti
Radon Exhalation rates from soils and stones as Building Materials
Ind.J.Pure and Appl.Physics 40,670-673, 2002.
20 K.Kant, R.P.Chauhan, G.S.Sharma and S.K.Chakarvarti
Radium concentration measurements in coal, fly ash and cement samples using LR-
115 Plastic Track Detectors, Indian J. Env. Prot., 23(10). 1146-1150 (2003).
21. K.Kant & S.K.Chakarvarti
Environmental impact of coal utilisation in thermal power
plant. J. Forensic Med. & Toxicology,15-18,2003.
22 K.Kant & S.K.Chakarvarti
Radiological impact of airborne radon and its progeny in dwellings.
Ind. J. Pure and Appl. Phys. 42,157-161,2004
23. Sanjeev Kumar,Shyam Kumar and S.K.Chakarvarti
Electrochemical Synthesis of metallic microstructures using etched ion- tracks in Nuclear
Track Filters, Current Sci. 87(5)642-645(2004)
24. Mahabir Nain and S.K.Chakarvarti
Alpha radioactive air pollutants in different types of dwellings using solid state nuclear track
Ind.J.Pure and Appl. Phys, 44,423-425,June 2006
25..Mahabir Nain,R.P.Chauhan and S.K.Chakarvarti
Environmental monitoring of radon, thoron and their progeny in some dwellings of northern
Ind.J.Pure and Appl. Phys,48(4)261-266,Oct 2006
26. R.P.Chauhan,K.Kant,R.S.Saini,Kapil Jindal and S.K.Chakarvarti
Radium concentration and radon exhalation rates from some soil samples using solid state track
J..Environmental Geochemistry,9(1),30-34(2006)April
27. K.Kant, R.P.Chauhan,R.S.saini,Kapil Jindal and S.K.Chakarvarti
How safe is flyash as building construction material in dwellings?
J.Environmental Geochemistry, 9 (1),35-40(2006)April
28. Mahabir nain,K.Kant,R.P.Chauhan and S.K.Chakarvarti
Environmental radioactive studies in slate mines in Aravali range
J.Environmental Geochemistry,9(1),50-55(2006)April
29. K.Kant,R.P.Chauhan,Suraj B.Upadhyay,G.S.Sharma and S.K.Chakarvarti
Environmental radon monitoring in gas turbine power station in Haryana
J.Environmental Geochemistry,9(1),67-70(2006)April
30. R.P.Chauhan,K.Kant, R.S.Saini and S.K.Chakarvarti
Radon diffusion studies through building construction materials using solid state nuclear
track detecxtors
J.Environmental Geochemistry,9(1),97-99(2006)April
31 R .P.Chauhan,K.Kant,Mahabir Nain and S.K.Chakarvarti
Indoor radon remediation :Effect of ventilation
J.Environmental Geochemistry,9(1),100-104(2006)April
32 S.Saini,R.P.Chauhan,K.Kant and S.K.Chakarvarti
Measurement of alpha radioactive Air pollutants in and around refinery at Panipat,Haryana
Environmental Geochemistry,9(1),120-122(2006)April
33. Anup Bhardwaj,Kehwar T.S.and S.K.Chakarvarti
Dosimetric and Quantitative Analysis of Kinwetic Properties of Millennium 80 MLC System
for Dynamic IMRT Treatmentss
J.Cancer Res.and Therapeutics (Accepted)
34. S B Upadhyay, K Kant, Rekha Joshi, R G Sonkawade, S K Chakarvarti & G S Sharma
Radon-thoron and their progeny dosimetry in the environment of LPG bottling plant using
plastic track detectors
Paper accepted in J.Ind.J.Phy
35. Jaskiran kaur, S K. Chakarvarti, D. Kanjilal and Surinder Singh.
Modifications induced in polycarbonate Makrofol KG polymer by Li (50 MeV) ion
Pramana, Vol.72 No.4 April 2009 pp. 759-764]
36. S.K.Chakarvarti
Track-etch membranes as templates enabled nano/micro technology: a review
Ind. J. Phys. 83(6)2009,pp.737-749.
37. A.K.Narula,S.K.Goyal, Savita Saini, R.P.Chauhan and S.K.Chakarvarti
Calculation of radon diffusion coefficient and diffusion length for different building construction
Ind. J. Phys. 83(8)2009,pp.1171-1175.
38. Narula, A.K. , Saini, R.S. , Goyal, S.K. , Chauhan, R.P , Chakarvarti, S.K.
Indoor radiation levels enhanced by underground radon diffusion
Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume 21, Issue 10, 2009, Pages S275-S278
39. S.K.Chakarvarti
Global Trends & Opportunities for Students
Nano Digest,Vol II,May 2010,pp.40-41
40. K.Kant,Rashmi,Sini Kuriakose,R.G.Sonkawde,R.P.Chauhan,S.K.Chakarvarti and G.S.Sharma
Radon activity and exhalation rates in Indian Flyash samples
Ind.J.Pure & Appl.Phys, 7,July 2010,457-462.
41.A.K.Narula,R.P.Chauhan and S.K.Chakarvarti
Testing permeability of building materials for radon diffusion
42. Monika,Rajesh Kumar,R.P.Chauhan,R.Kumar and S.K.Chakarvarti
Synthesis of conducting polymers and their characterization
-ibid-, pp.524-526
1. S.K.Chakarvarti
A demonstration on weightlessness,
Physics Teacher (USA) 16,39(1978).
2. S.K.Chakarvarti,K.L.Bhatia and K.K.Nagpaul
Distribution of uranium trace in crystalline and amorphous
Rad. Effects(USA) 39,247(1978).
3. Determination of uranium content in some Indian
Health Physics(USA) 36,638(1979).
S.K.Chakarvarti and K.K.Nagpaul
4. Trace detemination of uranium in silicon by fission track
Nucl. Tracks(UK) 3,85(1979).
S.K.Chakarvarti and K.K.Nagpaul
5. Determination of uranium content in Indian Portland cement
by nuclear particle etch technique,
World Cement Tech(UK) 10,97(1979).
S.K.Chakarvarti and K.K.Nagpaul
6. A simple method for determination of half-life of uranium-
238 using Solid State Track Detectors,
American J. Physics(USA) 47,920(1979).
7. A Poorman's barometer,
Physics Teacher(USA) 18,230(1980).
S.K.Chakarvarti and K.K.Nagpaul
8. Determination of the uranium content in some Indian coal and flyash samples,
Health Physics(USA) 39,358(1980).
9. Some demonstration with a simple pendulum as slow a.c. generator,
Physics Teacher(USA) 18, 380(1980).
S.K.Chakarvarti,Nand Lal and K.K.Nagpaul
10. Trace estimation of uranium in soaps and detergents by solid state nuclear track detectors,
Int. J.Appl. Rad.& Isos(Austria) 31,451(1980).
S.K.Chakarvarti,N.Lal and K.K.Nagpaul
11. Nuclear statistics with poorman's detector: A laboratory experiment,
Euro. J.Phys.(UK) 1,133(1980).
S.K.Chakarvarti,N.Lal and K.K.Nagpaul
12. Thermal effects on the bulk luminous transmittance and track recording characteristics of dyed
cellulose nitrate detectors,
Nucl. Instrum.Meth.(North Holland) 175,491(1980).
S.K.Chakarvarti,N.Lal and K.K.Nagpaul
13. Content of uranium trace in urine determined from fission track etch technique,
Int. J. Appl. Rad. & Isos.(Austria) 31,793(1980).
S.K.Chakarvarti and K.K.Nagpaul
14. Particle track etch method for analysis of boron in silicon using 10B(n,alpha)7Li reaction,
Rad. Effects Lett.(USA) 57,143(1980).
Y.Paul,N.Lal,S.K.Chakarvarti,K.Mahesh and K.K.Nagpaul
15. Trace Content of Uranium in spices and condiments,
Health Physics(USA) 41,680(1980).
S.K.Chakarvarti,J.Dhiman and K.K.Nagpaul
16. Uranium analysis of a chewable betel leaf preparation and tea leaves,
Health Physics(USA) 40,78(1981).
17. The Doppler Effect : A simple analogy and demonstration,
Physics Teacher (USA) 19,320(1981).
18. Permittivity of free space and dielectric constant measurements with simple apparatus,
Physics Teacher(USA) 19,120(1981).
19. A simple temperature sensor,
Physics Teacher(USA) 20,470(1982).
N.Lal,Y.P.Sharma,P.K.Sharma,I.M.Talwar,K.K.Nagpaul and S.K.Chakarvarti
20. Uranium assay in milk,
Health Physics(USA) 43,425(1982).
S.K.Chakarvarti,N.Lal and K.K.Nagpaul
21. Distribution profile of alpha emitting radio nuclides in cigarettes,
On-going Research in Smoking and Health: Directory,
U.S.Deptt. of Health and Human Services, MD,USA,1982,P.64.
S.K.Chakarvarti,N.Lal and K.K.Nagpaul
22. Content of uranium trace in urine determined from fission track etch technique,
S.K.Kapoor,S.K.Chakarvarti and B.D.Sukheja
23. Thermally stimulated currents in alpha irradiated cellulose nitrate on polystyrene backing,
Acta Polymerica(DDR) 34,183(1983).
S.K.Chakarvarti,K.L.Bhatia and K.K.Nagpaul
24. Study of semiconductors using solid state nuclear track detectors,
Rad. Effects(USA) 69,311(1983).
S.K.Chakarvarti and K.K.Nagpaul
25. Effect of electric field on cellulose nitrate detectors,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res.(North Holland) 214,519,1983.
N.Lal,S.K.Chakarvarti,Y.P.Sharma and K.K.Nagpaul
26. Distribution profile of alpha emitter radio nuclides in cigarette filters,
Health Physics(USA) 44,422(1983).
27. A simple probe for pressure measurement,
Sch. Sci. Rev.(UK)732(June,1984).
S.K.Chakarvarti,S.K.Mahna and L.V.Sud
28. Electrolytically controlled etching of Makrofol Microfilters,
GSI Sci. Report 1984,Darmstadt, Germany, March 1985,p.261.
S.K.Chakarvarti,S.K.Kapoor and B.D.Sukheja
29. Effect of thermal annealing on alpha irradiated cellulose nitrate electrets,
Acta Polymerica(DDR) 36(6),341(1985).
30. Acronyms, Incantations and Mnemonics,
Physics Teacher(USA),March 1985.
31. Simple photometric experiments with cadmium sulphide cell,
Physics Education(UK) 20,84(1985).
S.K.Chakarvarti and S.K.Mahna
32. Effect of complex degradation by alpha-radiation and thermal treatment on some dielectric
properties of cellulose acetate and poly(ethylene terephthalate),
Acta Polymerica(DDR) 37,546(1985).
33.Vibrating string resonance experiment: A simple opto- electronic demonstration.
Physics Teacher(USA) 24,40(1986).
S.K.Chakarvarti,S.K.Mahna and L.V.Sud
34. Electrolytically controlled etching of micropore polymer filters,
Int. J. Appl. Rad. & Isos.(Austria) 37(11),1089(1986).
Sunita Chouhan,V.R.Singh and S.K.Chakarvarti
35. Use of non-invasive ultrasonic techniques in process instrumentation and measurements,
J. Instt. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers(Tech.Rev.)3(3),81(1986).
S.K.Chakarvarti,S.K.Mahna and L.V.Sud
36. Effect of electric field on the etching of Makrofol Nuclear Track Filters,
GSI Sci.Report 1985,Darmstadt, Germany, 1986.
S.K.Chakarvarti,S.K.Mahna and L.V.Sud
37. Dielectric studies of 132Xe irradiated and unirradiated cellulose nitrate film,
GSI.Sci.Report 1986, Darmstadt,Germany,1987.
S.K.Chakarvarti and B.L.Sharma
38. A laboratory method for determination of Planck's constant using photoelectric effect,
Phys. Edu.(UK) 23,249(1988).
P.Singh,N.Singh and S.K.Chakarvarti
39. On the variation of electrical conductivity with temperature and concentration of some
etchants used in electrolytically controlled etching of nuclear track filters,
Nucl. Tracks & Rad. Meas.(UK) 15(1)305(1988).
40. Demonstration of the thermal expansion of solids,
Physics Teacher(USA) 26(6),400(1988).
S.K.Chakarvarti,S.K.Mahna and L.V.Sud
41. On the use of electrolytically controlled etching for heavy ion identification,
GSI Sci. Report 1987, Darmstadt, Germany, March 1988,p.247.
P.Singh,N.Singh and S.K.Chakarvarti
42. Optical transparency of Makrofol Nuclear Track Filters,
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, Volume 107, Issue 2 - 4 March 1989 , pages 79 - 83
P.Singh,N.Singh and S.K.Chakarvarti
43..58-Ni ion track registration in Cellulose nitrate CN-85.
Nucl. Instrum. & Meth in Phys.Res.(Netherland)B36,211(1989).
P.Singh,N.Singh and S.K.Chakarvarti
44. Electrolytical studies of submicroscopic pores in ultraviolet irradiated Makrofol Nuclear Track
Appl. Radiat. & Isotopes(Austria) 40(3)239(1989).
S.K.Chakarvarti,S.K.Mahna and L.V.Sud
45. On the possibility of using breakthrough time measurements in nuclear track filters for
identification of heavy ions,
Nucl. Instrum & Meth.(B) 44,242(1989).
V.R.Singh,S.Chouhan,S.Yadav and S.K.Chakarvarti
46. Ultrasonic velocity as a measure of temperature non- invasively in biological media,
Int. J. Appl. Acoustics(UK) 29,73(1989).
S.K.Chakarvarti, P.Singh,S.K.Mahna and L.V.Sud
47. Ultrasound effects on the electrolytically controlled
etching of Nuclear Track Filters.
GSI Sci.Report 1988,Darmstadt, Germany, March 1989,p.247
S.K.Chakarvarti and P.Singh
48. On the surface charging of nuclear track filters,
GSI Sci.Report 1989,Darmstadt, Germany,March 1990, p.236.
S.K.Chakarvarti and J.Vetter
49. Morphology of etched pores and microstructures fabricated from nuclear track filters,
Nucl. Instrum. & Meth.(North Holland)B 62,109(1991).
J.Vetter,S.K.Chakarvarti,R.Spohr and Ch.Trautmann
50. Methods for imaging the cross-section of etched tracks,
GSI Sci. Report 1990, Darmstadt, Germany, March 1991,p.252.
S.K.Chakarvarti and J.Vetter
51.Using nuclear track filters for growing metal needles and metal-semiconductor heterostructures on
52. On the design of a simple pressure cell using optical fibre sensor,
IETE Tech. Rev. 9(2)184(1992).
S.K.Chakarvarti,S.K.Mahna and L.V.Sud
53. Bulk etching behaviour of Kapton and Thermalimide track detectors,
Nucl. Tracks & Rad. Meas.(UK),20(4)589(1992).
S.K.Chakarvarti and J.K.Quamara
54..Magnetic fluid embedded nuclear track filters- A heterogeneous polymer ferrofluid structures,
GSI Sci. Report 1991, Darmstadt, Germany, March 1992,p.275.
S.K.Chakarvarti,S.K.Mahna and L.V.Sud
55.Polyimides as materials for nuclear track filters,
-ibid- ,p.270.
S.K.Chakarvarti and J.Vetter
56. Microfabrication of metal-semiconductor heterostructures and tubules using nuclear track filters,
J.Micromech and Microengg(UK) 3,57(1993).
S.K.Chakarvarti and S.K.Mahna
57.Polymeric Tubular Nuclear Track Filters
GSI Sci.Report 1993,Darmstadt,Germany,1994.
H.S.Virk,S.Amrita Kaur and S.K.Chakarvarti
58. Applications of Nuclear Track Filters
Material Sci.Forum 248-249,467-470(1997)
59. A review on template synthesis : A membrane based technology for generation of
nano-/micro- materials
Solid State Phenomena 55,80-85(1997).
S.K.Chakarvarti and J.Vetter
60. Template synthesis-A membrane based technology for generation of nano-/micromaterilas :
A review
61. R.P.Chauhan, K.Kant, K. Mahesh and S.K.Chakarvarti.
Radon Concentration and Radon Exhalation rate measurements in Indian Coal, Fly ash and Cement
Samples using CR-39 Plastic Track Detectors.
J. Nuclear Science 38 (4) 289-293(2001).
62. R.P.Chauhan and S.K.Chakarvarti.
Effect of Compaction on Diffusion of Radon through Some Building Construction Materials.
J.Nuclear Science 38(6) 415-420(2001).
63. R.P.Chauhan and S.K.Chakarvarti.
Radon Diffusion through Soil and fly ash: Effect of Compaction.
Rad. Meas. 35(2) 143-146(2002)
64.K.Kant,R.P.Chauhan and S.K.Chakarvarti
Occurrence of Lung Cancer:A Possibility of Radiation Hormesis
J.Forensic Med.,Env.Pollution and Toxology(USA) 2,38-42(2002).
65.Narendra K.Verma, Gurmeet S.Sekhon, Sunil Kumar and Shiv K.Chakarvarti
Post-irradiation effects of UV exposure and etch conditions on
pore-size homogeneity in nuclear track filters,Atti Dellaâ