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Vitaliy Pustovit

Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, CNRS & University of Bordeaux


1. V.N. Pustovit and T. V. Shahbazyan, Resonance energy transfer near metal nanostructures mediated by surface plasmons, Phys. Rev B, 83, 085427 (2011).
2. V.N. Pustovit and T. V. Shahbazyan, Plasmonic Dicke effect, Applied Physics A: Material Science and Processing, 102, p.1-4, (2011)
3. V.N. Pustovit and T. V. Shahbazyan, Plasmon-mediated superradiance near metal nanostructures, Phys.Rev. B 82, 075429 (2010)
4. V.N. Pustovit, Enhanced fluorescence of a molecular dipole near metal nanoparticle, Physica B, 405, 754-757 (2010)
5. V.N. Pustovit, Peculiarity of cooperative emission of the group of dipoles located near metallic nanoparticle, Nanosystems, nanomaterials, nanotechnologies, V. 7, N3, p. 785-791 (2009) (in russian).
6. V.N. Pustovit, T. V. Shahbazyan and L.G. Grechko, Size-dependent effects in solutions of small metal nanoparticles, Eur. Phys. J. B 69, 369–374 (2009).

7. V.N. Pustovit and T. V. Shahbazyan, Plasmonic Dicke effect: Cooperative emission of light by an ensemble of dipoles near a metal nanoparticle, Physical Review Letters 102, 077401 (2009)

8. V.N. Pustovit and T. V. Shahbazyan, Microscopic theory of surface-enhanced Raman scattering in nobel-metal nanoparticles, Phys.Rev. B. 73, 085408 (2006)

9. N. Pustovit and T. V. Shahbazyan, Surface-enhanced Raman scattering on the nanoscale: a microscopic approach, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 8 (2006) S208–S212.

10. V. N. Pustovit and T. V. Shahbazyan, SERS from Molecules Adsorbed on Small Ag Nanoparticles: A Microscopic Model, Chemical Physics Letters, v 420, 469-473, (2006)
11. V. N. Pustovit and T. V. Shahbazyan, Quantum-size effects in SERS from noble-metal nanoparticles, Microelectronics journal, v 36, issues 3-6, pp. 559-563, (2005)
12. V. N. Pustovit and T. V. Shahbazyan, Finite-size effects in surface-enhanced Raman scattering in noble-metal nanoparticles: a semiclassical approach, JOSA A, -2006, v 23, issue 6, pp 1369-1374.

13. V. N. Pustovit and T. V. Shahbazyan, Surface-enhanced Raman scattering in small noble-metal nanoparticles, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging, 6, 1-7 (2005).

14 V. N. Pustovit and T. V. Shahbazyan, Quantum-mechanical approach to surface-enhanced Raman scattering, in Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical Properties, Ed. M. I. Stockman (Proceedings of SPIE, v. 5927, 2005) p. 592709.
15 V.N. Pustovit, K.M. Walker and T.V. Shahbazyan, Finite-Size Effects and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering from Molecules Adsorbed on Noble-Metal Nanoparticles,
Nanotech 2004 Vol. 3, p. 395 – 398

16. Andersen, A. C., Sotelo, J. A, Niklasson, G. A., Pustovit, V. N. , Extinction Properties of Some Complex Dust Grains, Astrophysics of Dust, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 309, p.709, 2004

17. Vadim Markel, Vitaliy Pustovit, Sergei V. Karpov, Alexander V. Obuschenko, Valeriy S. Gerasimov and Ivan L. Isaev , “Electromagnetic density of states and absorption of radiation by aggregates with multipole interactions”, Phys. Rev. B, -2004, v70, 054202

18. V.N.Pustovit and V.A. Markel, Propagation of Diffuse Light in a Turbid Medium with Multiple Spherical Inhomogeneities, Applied Optics, v43, pp 104-112, 2004.

19. V.N.Pustovit and G.B. Smith, Coupled multipolar interactions in clusters of nanoparticles with metal shells, Optics Communications, v.211, N 1-6, pp.197-204. 2002

20. V.N. Pustovit, J.A. Sotelo, and G.A. Niklasson, Optical Constants of Gold Blacks: Fractal Network Models and Experimental Data, Phys. Rev. B, - 2002, v.65, N24, -245113/1-7.
21. A.C. Andersen, V.N.Pustovit, J.S. Sotelo, and G.A. Niklasson, Multisphere light scattering calculations of graphite clusters, Astronomy & Astrophysics, -2002, vol. 386, pp. 296-307.

22. V.N. Pustovit, J.A. Sotelo and G.A. Niklasson, Coupled Multipolar Interactions in Small-Particle Metallic Clusters, JOSA A, -2002, v.19, N3, p. 513-518.

23. V.N. Pustovit and G.A. Niklasson, Observability of Resonance Optical Structure in Fractal Metallic Clusters, Journal of Applied Physics, - 2001, V.90, N3, p.1275-1279.

24. L.G.Grechko, V.N.Pustovit, K.W.Whites, Dielectric function of aggregates of small metallic particles embedded in host insulating matrix, Applied Physics Letters, - 2000, V.76, N14, p.1854-1856.
25. V.N.Pustovit, L.G.Grechko, K.W.Whites, V.S.Lysenko, Macroscopic dielectric response of the metallic particles embedded in host dielectric medium, Microelectronics Reliability, Elsevier, -2000, -v.40/4-5, -p.893-895.
26. L.G.Grechko, V.N.Pustovit, N.G. Shkoda, S.V.Shostak, Influence of particle size distribution on the optical properties of the matrix disperse systems, Chemistry, Physics and Technology of surfaces, -1999, Kiev, -v3, -p.79-85.
27 V.N.Pustovit, L.G.Grechko, V.V.Motrich, S.V. Shostak, Effective medium approximation for the matrix disperse medium, Physics of condensed and high molecular matter, -1998, Rovno,v.6, p.52.

28 V.N.Pustovit, L.G.Grechko, Yu.S.Goncharuk, Influence of particle distribution in the matrix disperse system on the character of absorption spectrum, Physics of condensed and molecular matter, -1998, Rovno, -v.6, p.29.

29 V.N.Pustovit, L.V.Garanina, L.F.Mironuk, S.V.Shostak, Effective Dielectric Permittivity of Matrix Dispersed Systems in Differential Medium Approximation, Radio Physics & Radio Astronomy, -1998, V.3, -№4, С. 441-445.

30. L.G.Grechko, V.N.Pustovit, V.V.Boiko, Electromagnetic Response of Interacting Systems of Metallic Particles, Radio Physics & Radio Astronomy, -1998, V.3, № 2, p.245-248.
Grade: Member

Member since June 20, 2011
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